The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 648 Chapter 651 Blood Battle 8 Desolate Keel Ownership

Chapter 648 Chapter 651 The Dragon Bone of the Bloody Battle
This result was beyond Tang Tang's expectations, but it had already exceeded Tang Tang's expectations. Therefore, when the opponent broke through the five-color aurora, Tang Tang immediately threw the fire-robbing dragon scales out!

"Jielong Yuanshen!"

Tang Tang used all the soul value of the true method because of Xing Hunyun on the Jiehuo dragon scales. With the surrounding black lights flourishing, a soaring dragon roar resounded in the sky. In the black light, Jie The fire dragon scales slowly condensed and turned into the mighty hundred-headed dragon king. Six of the heads suddenly opened their mouths, and six flames of different colors fell towards the supervisor.

The Hundred-Headed Dragon King looked majestic, but Tang Tang knew very well that he would never be able to beat the supervisor, so Tang Tang ran away. After slipping 30 meters, he felt that the position was almost the same, so he hid behind a tree to watch the battle.

Sure enough, when the Hundred-Headed Dragon King appeared, he suddenly had the upper hand. However, after five rounds, the bulky weakness of the Hundred-Headed Dragon King was exposed. After losing 7% of the opponent's health, the phantom was scattered, and it turned back into the Fire Dragon Scale and fell back into Tang Tang's hands.

After the continuous battle, the supervisor uncle seemed to be resentful towards Tang Tang, and he was not in a hurry to escape, but walked towards Tang Tang's side, vowing to kill Tang Tang.

"Don't come here, don't come here!" Tang Tang said anxiously, "I'm telling you, I planted a trap right in front of you."

Uncle Supervisor would not care about Duanmuyu, he snorted coldly and strode over, and then...

Boom, boom, boom...

A total of 25 fire mines were buried in the ground to form a series of traps. After the supervisor uncle stepped on it, there was a series of explosions immediately, and the flames and black smoke swallowed them in an instant. It was hard to get out of it, but the health value was Sliding below 50%, the clothes were torn, the whole body was burnt black, and the hair was blown into a mess, looking in a mess.

Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "I told you that there is a trap, but you still go forward. It's not wrong to be a fool, but you have to have a bottom line!"

"I kill you!"

The master supervisor was completely enraged by Tang Tang, he flew into the fish, raised his hand, and there was a parade of beasts, all kinds of beast souls poured out from his palms, and came towards Tang Tang, but at this moment...

Click, click...

There was a crisp sound, and it was extremely weird. The beast soul that should have no entity was frozen into ice sculptures in an instant, and then fell to the ground and became shattered.

The supervisor uncle immediately backed away in shock, but found that his speed had suddenly slowed down a lot. Looking back, he found that Tang Mei had killed him behind him at some point. That is, the dual states of frostbite and deceleration overlap at the same time!
"Blood battle against the wilderness!"

With a loud roar, he jumped down from the tree suddenly, his whole body was filled with blood, and turned into a blood sword with a strong smell of blood, which struck the supervisor uncle's chest with one blow, and sent him flying, but still Before he landed, Tang Yuhao appeared behind the supervisor's uncle in a mysterious manner, shot him with a single shot, and immediately sent him flying.

"Death pulse!"

Tang Tang's unceremonious figure turned into a void. Death Pulse is a rogue move, and it is even more rogue in a siege or a group battle, because it is more difficult to break Tang Tang's seclusion. The moment it was picked up in the air, it was blasted back to the ground by Tang Tang's blow.

This master and uncle was still very strong, and Tang Tang used more than 27 chain fire thunders to overshadow him, and then suffered heavy injuries in succession, but he still survived. He still survived with difficulty with 20% of his life remaining. However, he was still struggling. The peculiarity of the cooperation is that it is possible that a team of five people is worthless than one person, or it is possible that a team of five people can explode into a force of ten or even [-] people. It is obvious that Tang Tang's five people are still in harmony. After struggling to support half a stick of incense, the supervisor uncle finally fell to the ground.

It's a pity that there is no equipment, but there is a keel!
Blood Dragon Bone (rare and rare): 75% chance to upgrade any weapon to one level!
Soul Realm Reminder: Congratulations on successfully obtaining the Blood Dragon Bone, whether to activate the pattern!
As soon as the blood keel attribute is revealed, fools know that it is an absolute good thing. Eighth-level equipment can be directly transformed into ninth-level equipment with blood keel bones. The price difference alone is a lot of money, especially for them. If you can’t produce high-level items, it depends on your character. After all, there are really few items at the ninth level. Whether it is ninth-level weapons or ninth-level equipment on the market, more than 70% are made by master craftsmen, or Some guys with good character smashed it with dragon spirit stones. It can be seen how low the explosion rate of the ninth level is, but it is not difficult for them to obtain an eighth level thing. first order.

And ownership is not a problem. Tang Tang must get the architectural drawings. The blood keel is too embarrassing. Tang Mei is not a member of the Southern Wilderness. Tang Yuhao's position is not very accurate. He often helps Tang Tang, but no one can restrain him. Without his freedom, he barely counted as half of his own, so the two of them took the things, and after half a minute of discussion, Tang Yuhao gave up on the principle of women first.

After finishing the task, Tang Tang opened the pattern directly.

After passing through the pattern pattern, it is the No.20 eighth floor.

Soul Realm Reminder: Please kill 600 succubi within 70 seconds!
This kind of time-limited monster level is definitely their favorite. How can a five-person team have four three-tribulation players, how can it be difficult to spawn monsters quickly?However, the succubi still caused them a little trouble. This monster will sleep in a very disgusting special state, which greatly reduces the efficiency of spawning monsters. It barely managed 589 monsters in 70 seconds, making everyone sweat profusely. They can only record the previous level. That is to say, if they fail, they have to go back to the 27th floor. What's more troublesome is that even the 27th floor has to be played again. Therefore, if you don't want to entangle with that troublesome beast spirit gate, then At least the 28th floor must be cleared, so the pattern will be on the 28th floor. If you fail at most, you can fight the succubus again, which will save a lot of trouble.

Going down to the 29th floor, this time it turned into a jigsaw puzzle game. At first, it was a 16-piece puzzle, and the time was 120 seconds. If it failed, a boss would be refreshed, and it would become a 32-piece puzzle, and the time would be 180 seconds. Only Boss, the puzzle is increased to 64 pieces again, and the time is 300 seconds. If you still fail, sorry, try again.

This level put a lot of pressure on the five people, and at the same time admired the shamelessness of the designer of the level. You must know that it is very easy to complete a 2-piece puzzle in 16 minutes, and it is not difficult to complete a 3-piece puzzle in 32 minutes. As for killing the boss, this is for them. It's easier to say, it's enough to assign one person to deal with it, but the jigsaw puzzle is 15 meters long and 29 meters wide, and the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are bigger than their people. It's too difficult to distinguish the patterns, five people After failing six times in a row, he barely passed the 30th floor and entered the [-]th floor!
(End of this chapter)

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