Chapter 649 Chapter 652

In fact, by the time they got here, the five of them had almost understood the secret of Moon Pool.

The number of floors in the Moon Pool is ninety-nine and 81, of which the 27th, 54th, and 81st floors are big checkpoints, which are very troublesome. They test both brain power and force, and it is very likely that people will be trapped until the end of the event. There are three big levels, and the other levels are all about spawning monsters, playing bosses or small games, of course there are still some difficulties, like that jigsaw puzzle game is really disgusting, but as long as you persevere, it is not difficult to pass the level, the difference is nothing but there People can pass it once, but some people need to repeat it more than a dozen times, or even dozens of times.

Therefore, Tang Tang's five people have the advantage of clearing the 27th floor first, while others are still researching the 27th floor. They will waste more time than others. However, there is also a problem here. The event time is 7 days, and the moon pool will disappear after 7 days. The safest way is not to be a few floors ahead of other players, but to be the first to get through the 81st floor, then the No.1 reward is equivalent to getting it, so they have to follow Compete with other players, and at the same time have to race against the soul domain time.

"Then don't go to the inn to rest, and continue to struggle!"

Tang Tang’s work and rest time is very regular. This is a habit she developed from practicing martial arts since she was a child. A good work and rest can keep her body healthy and keep her muscles in top condition. After 20 years, this habit has almost become natural. Yes, as long as it's past 10 o'clock, Tang Tang will fall asleep, and after 12 o'clock, her eyelids will fight. Being able to make such a decision is just a thought for others, but for Tang Tang, that's really Made a lot of determination.

However, fighting all night has its benefits. At the beginning of the next day, the five of them had reached the 53rd floor, and the next level was the 54th floor. For this reason, the five of them decided to go offline for six hours and then go online to continue.

Tang Tang was naturally the first to agree. Apart from distinguishing between men and women, her eyes are blurred and she is too sleepy.

Teleport the inn, eat, wash, sleep!

Tang Tang almost fell asleep with his head on the pillow and fell asleep, but the forum was in a mess.

Many players never imagined that after waking up after just sleeping, the Moon Pool has already been hit to the 53rd floor. Don't underestimate the gap of more than 53 floors. Although it is not a big level, as long as It can be done with stamina and perseverance, but it took nearly ten hours to clear the [-]rd floor with the strength of Tang Tang and the others. It is conceivable how easy these small levels are. The gap is likely to be the key to determining the ranking. Otherwise, with Tang Tang's self-disciplined personality, he would not decide to stay up all night to ensure that his team will make great progress.

Of course, this is not the worst. After all, the gap of ten hours can still catch up. The most indispensable thing these days is the lunatic, the kind of person who does not go to the inn to rest offline for 72 hours, and does not eat or drink. , There are even some people who played for several days and nights in a row, and directly exhausted themselves to death. Therefore, ten hours is really nothing. Besides, Tang Tang is still sleeping now, so the worst thing is Everyone is still stuck on the 27th floor, and they can't catch up even if they want to.

Therefore, people who have cleared the level continue to be called on to release the strategy of the 27th floor. At first, they almost begged in a low profile, and then turned into insults. The highest price was raised to [-] gold coins.

Naturally, Tang Tang didn't know about this. She was falling asleep with her head covered, and when she woke up, she didn't linger on the forum, but went directly to fill her stomach. Besides, almost everyone else came earlier than Tang Tang. Only Tang Mei hadn't appeared yet. After Tang Tang traveled thousands of miles, this guy finally teleported here with sleepy eyes.

After entering the 53rd floor of the Moon Pool and re-completed a time-limited monster spawning session, the five people were teleported to the 54th floor.

Soul Realm Tip: Please obtain the Millennium Blood Vermillion Fruit within an hour. After successfully clearing the level, the player can take away the Millennium Blood Vermilion Fruit!
The five looked around. Their current location was a cliff, which could no longer be described as a cliff, because it was too high, with clouds and mist under their feet, and it was bottomless. A conservative estimate must be more than 500 meters. As a guide, Zhu Guo is somewhere on the cliff 70 meters below their feet, that is to say, they have to jump off the cliff first, but this time there is no restriction on the flight of the imperial weapon.

"If you don't restrict the flight of the imperial weapon, there must be a ghost." Step by step touched his chin and said: "Even if the cliff is 5000 meters, it still can't trouble the player. It doesn't make any sense at all, so there must be something tricky."

"Nonsense!" Tang Tang rolled his eyes and said, "This is not a test of courage, there must be something tricky."

Tang Mei sighed: "The question is, even if you know, can you not go down?"

What Tang Mei said hit the point, that is, even if she knew it was dangerous, she had to go down. If she went down, she had a chance to get Zhu Guo, and if she didn't go down, she could only stare blankly.

Tang Yuhao said: "Go down one by one, even if you fail, you can figure out the way, at most it will take some time to start over."

"Oh!" Tang Tang teased, "Haozi, I just found out that your IQ is over 100... Hiss..."

Tang Yuhao also clearly understood Tang Tang's bluntness, and before Tang Tang could say anything, he flicked on her little head, causing Tang Tang to burst into tears.

"I'll go down first."

While the two of them were messing around, Tang Mei had already stood on the edge of the cliff, because after a member of the team died, the other members could still clear the level, and after clearing the level, the dead teammate could also perform formation patterns. Therefore, although Tang Mei's Disdainful Nine Heavens Soul Art is disgusting, the strength of the second robbery is still the weakest among the crowd, so naturally the first one is the cannon fodder.

Jump down, and then, a white light surged!
"I'm going! What's going on? Is she dead?" Tang Tang looked at the white light and said in astonishment, "Did you see how she died?"

The others froze for half a second, then shook their heads together, and then looked at each other.

This way of jumping down one by one is for the sake of letting other people see clearly how they died in battle, so that they can figure out how to deal with it, but right now, no one can see how Tang Mei died. thing?Isn't it a depressed person!Of course, Tang Mei was even more depressed, she died in vain!

Tang Tang said: "How about I go down and have a look?"

Shaking his head one step at a time, he stood up and said, "Let me go first!"

(End of this chapter)

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