The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 650 Chapter 653 The Cliff Demon God Ancient Banyan

Chapter 650 Chapter 653: The Cliff, The Demon God Ancient Banyan
Tang Tang can't die, the first little girl's imperial weapon technique is now known to everyone, it is the best of the Tang Sect, and it turns out that everyone always said that Tang Tang was fast in swords, hands and running, and the biggest reason was It is because of Tang Tang's imperial weapon technique, this little girl has a high level of comprehension, and she often uses five or six Horcruxes together when she has nothing to do. More than that, the second is that Tang Tang has Treading Snow Wuhen, as long as there is a point of leverage to pedal, Tang Tang can float to the bottom of the cliff with Treading Snow Wuhen even if he doesn't use the imperial weapon technique. Tang Tang will definitely be the last one to jump down, who will give her the best hope of success!

Therefore, one step at a time, one kill and one jump, the jump is very windy and easy, and the water is cold, with the belief that a strong man will never return once he is gone.Tang Tang didn't quarrel with Tang Yuhao, but watched seriously, but even if they watched seriously, they were still dead after one step at a time.

The remaining three people looked at each other in blank dismay, it was not an option to go on like this.

Death in Moon Pool doesn't lose experience, it's just a waste of time, and what they have now is time consumption, but time consumption and time waste are two different concepts, fortunately, because of the relationship between Tang Mei and Yi Yi Yi Kill both died in battle, Tang Tang has already discovered some problems. The speed of falling here seems to be extremely fast, and as long as the weapon soul master becomes light, he will immediately accelerate, and the speed of falling will naturally become more violent. Almost in the blink of an eye, he has already swished down After falling tens of meters, it is natural not to see how he died.

"Otherwise I'll come!"

Grandma Heixin suddenly made a sound, and then she spread her hands, and the cold air immediately condensed into two twisted crampons!
Tang Tang immediately said cleverly, as long as he grasped the crampons towards the inside of the rock wall, the falling speed would definitely slow down suddenly. Kill, she is a Dharma cultivator who uses flying technique!
The same is true of the black-hearted grandma, who died very simply, but finally let Tang Tang see clearly what's going on!

It's the wind!

There is a strong wind at the bottom of the cliff, and if it is blown by the wind, it will stick to the rock wall and die. As for what is on the rock wall, it is hard to judge, but it is not very important whether it can be judged, anyway. Just don't stick it on the wall.

So Tang Yuhao also went down.

His bloodthirsty magic gun is two meters long, and it is better to insert into the rock wall than the black-hearted grandma's crampons. When it slides down, when the strong wind blows, Tang Yuhao's body leans back fiercely, and his feet step on it. On the rock wall, he used this method to avoid getting close to the rock wall, but Tang Yuhao still hung it, but what he hung was the most valuable. When he stepped on the rock wall, Tang Tang saw more than a dozen green The poisonous snake suddenly poked its head out from the gap in the rock wall, and bit Tang Yuhao's body. Immediately afterwards, Tang Yuhao died with honor.

"The first is to be careful of the wind, and the second is not to stick to the rock wall..." Tang Tang scratched his head on the cliff, and then cursed: "Damn it, why do I think this is a dead end!"

The best way to avoid the strong wind and not be blown away is of course to stick it on the rock wall, but after sticking it, poisonous snakes will come out and bite people, and more than a dozen of them are dispatched together, and the poison is very strong. die, unless...

Tang Tang slapped himself and said, "It's rare to be an idiot!"

Afterwards, Tang Tang took out a medicine bottle and threw it forward. After confirming that there was no wind, he immediately jumped out, and then the imperial weapon did not go down, but went forward, more than ten meters away from the cliff. It just started to fall, and when it reached the position of Millennium Vermilion Fruit, the wind blew up. Tang Tang balanced the direction with sword control, and was blown back to the rock wall, successfully avoiding the area with poisonous snakes.

However, Tang Tang did not get the Millennium Vermilion Fruit either.

She used the wind to blow herself back. Naturally, she wanted to take the millennium red fruit, but when she got down there, she found that there were no plants in the place marked by the small map, but a gap two meters high. Tang Tang was blown directly went in.

Sure enough, looking at the small map again, the name of the place changed, and it became a crack in the cliff. A small red arrow pointed forward, indicating that Tang Tang could go forward. There was an irregular circular cave in the deepest part. A pattern of a small red fruit, obviously that is the real place of Zhu Guo.

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he could find something, it would be fine, but when he reached the cave, Tang Tang was shocked!

"Devil God, Gu Rong, ah..."

No more, no less, after Tang Tang yelled five words, a bright red magic blood bullet hit Tang Tang's chest, and was instantly turned into white light on the spot.

"Damn it!" Tang Tang returned to Leizhou from the reincarnation teleportation array in the underworld, and couldn't help but cursed: "The designer of the Moon Pool is definitely a scumbag who gave birth to a son who has a little jj."

"I can't have a son in the first place, and if there is no little jj, it might be a daughter." Tang Mei came up from the side and said, "Have you ever had one?"

Tang Tang smiled wryly and said, "Damn it, I was sent back without even seeing what it looked like, and it was protected by the demon god Gu Rong!"

Everyone took a deep breath, the name Gu Rong has a meaning, that is: I am the only one in the six realms!

One step at a time, he wiped his sweat and said, "It's just a small event, so it wouldn't even involve Gu Rong."

Tang Yuhao said: "Then can I get in?"

"Come on, Gu Rong is amazing, you've got me in a hurry, use all the firepower to kill him!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth, but obviously lacking in confidence, he flipped through his backpack and said, "However, I have to buy some rope first!"

I bought the rope not to deal with Gu Rong, but to deal with the strong wind. Tang Tang was able to go down because of her high skill in imperial weapons. At the same time, after being blown away by the wind, she could still balance her body with Treading Wuhen, but others could not. It's better to get a rope to help.

Returning to the 54th floor, Tang Tang acted as a coolie. Others tied the rope and flew out. When they fell to the crack, they pulled the rope. When the wind blew, the rope swayed and sent people into the crack It doesn't matter if they fall into the area of ​​the poisonous snake, because Tang Tang is pulling the rope around their waists, they can't fall, they can attack the poisonous snake without worry, so, except for Tang Tang who is a little tired, everyone is safe and sound Enter the cliff crack.

Going forward along the crack, Tang Tang hurriedly got down on the ground when he reached the cave, fearing that he would be killed again.

However, Gu Rong didn't make a move this time, the one who raised his head saw Tang Yuhao, and was dumbfounded: "Demon Race?"

Tang Yuhao pointed his gun at a small red fruit behind Gu Rong and said, "I want that!"

"This demon doesn't give alms to others, and doesn't need others' alms." Gu Rong stood with his hands behind his back and said, "If you want it, take it yourself."

Tang Tang got up from the ground and said dissatisfiedly: "Is there any mistake? When you see me, you can do it directly, and when you see someone else, let him take it by himself?"

Gu Rong said disdainfully: "Ants."

Tang Tang was furious, Tang Mei hurriedly hugged him and said, "Forget it, forget it, now who doesn't know that the head of the Tang Sect robbed Gu Rong of a woman, and you still won. You said that he is also a demon god. Status, you can still fight, and you are probably very rich. If you lose to a mortal, you should have resentment in your heart. You belong to the Tang Sect, so it is normal not to be welcomed by others."

(End of this chapter)

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