Chapter 654 Chapter 657
These two groups of people are small gangs, both of which are based in Leizhou. At the same time, one is an affiliated sect of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, and the other is affiliated with the Holy See of Light. For a while, the Scarlet Mercenary Group had a fierce battle with the Sea God Pavilion, and the Guangming Vatican, which was related to it, was also gearing up. These two groups have fought for more than ten rounds, but they are equal in strength, and neither can swallow the other.

While talking, another group of people killed at the corner of the street. It was true that one of the reinforcements had arrived. ?How can there be any after that, of course it will be nothing!

Tang Tang couldn't help thinking of the legend that the landlord once said after the Scarlet Mercenary Group was besieged and survived that the next era would be the era of gang disputes, but Tang Tang never took it seriously, because after that, all parties were very stable , There is no major fight, the conflict has only become more intense recently, but right now it seems that I am too naive, the big gangs have not made any moves on the surface, but I am afraid that they have been fighting secretly.

Tang Tang couldn't help but sighed: "The more the fighting, the more chaotic, I don't know when it will become more chaotic."

Tang Tang didn't know that he was a crow's mouth.

That night, suddenly there was a post on the forum that quickly became popular. The person who posted it was Lei Ting's guild leader Dongfang Xu. In the post, Dongfang Xu accused the black shrine of all kinds of inhumane assassinations with blood and tears!

Of course, the assassination of the Black Clothes Shrine is well-known in the game, and it’s nothing worth mentioning. This kind of post crying for sympathy is just that. Everyone’s okay at first glance, but after a long time, it’s the same. Sympathy belongs to sympathy. Can you help people take revenge?Besides, Dongfang Xu still has some skills, and he is quite a master in the south of the Yangtze River, but Lei Ting is a small gang, not even first-rate, it can only be regarded as quasi-first-rate, and the number of the whole gang is only over [-]. The leader of such a small gang really has no bright spots. If it was replaced by Bloody Limbaugh or Bloody Mka crying, everyone would find it interesting. Of course, it must be mostly a joke.

However, Dongfang Xu didn't know what he was thinking, and it was possible that all thoughts were lost, and he even exposed the matter of the divine soldiers and the top ten treasures, saying that the reason for the continuous assassination at the Black Clothes Shrine was for the divine soldiers and the supreme treasures, and that once the holder died, the divine Soldiers or treasures must be dropped. Of course, this is a simplified version. The unsimplified version also accused the Black Shrine of using this to provoke gang wars!

Tang Tang was puzzled at the time, what this girl said was careless, why didn't she know that if this matter was put on the face of it, those gangs would definitely fight even worse?

Tang Tang is right, but anyone with a brain can guess it. Is it a magic weapon or a treasure? Everyone is just envious. It’s not like there are people who have used their brains. However, those masters who hold magic weapons or treasures are not good at first. Kill, and secondly, after killing, the equipment cannot be dropped, whether it is weapons or clothes, or jewelry and support, this is completely up to the player to decide, if you really want to explode a specific piece of equipment from someone, you can only continue to Hunting, if you are lucky, you will succeed once, but if you are unlucky, you may not be able to succeed even if you kill someone at more than ten levels.

However, if the magic weapon and the treasure must be lost, many people will have to use their brains. Even those small sects are not afraid to give it a try. If hundreds of people really besiege one, then do something strange It's not that the auxiliary Horcruxes and damage tricks are incapable of killing a master of the third calamity, not to mention, many of those holding divine weapons and treasures are also masters of the second calamity.

In this way, those masters who have been confirmed to hold magical weapons and treasures have become hot cakes, and many of these people are gang leaders, and some are even gang leaders, so the fierce gang wars began again up.

It's easy for Tang Tang. First, Tianmo Valley is Tianmo Valley, but not a gang. Second, Tang Tang is definitely high-ranking. It is difficult to encircle and suppress her. Those who can catch up with her will not be able to beat her, but those who can beat her will be chased. If you don't go to her, there are not many people who know that she has magic weapons in the third time, and the reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang is not by Tang Tang's side at all. After becoming the master, she will be unscrupulous. The footsteps of that little girl Ning Rongrong are everywhere in Yandang Mountain. The tigers, wolves, ghosts and monsters all over the mountain have been bullied by her. The Yandang Mountain is now very peaceful. She is not in Leizhou now. Well, once the moon pool enters, who can do anything to her?
Moreover, the good news is that someone finally beat the level to the 55th floor. Of course, the other party was also stuck on the 55th floor. This level has to step on the corpse to move forward!

When Tang Tang received the letter, he immediately ran back to the Moon Pool, because it was a rest, not a failure, so he didn't need to go through Gu Rong's damn 54th floor again. Of course, Tang Mei and Tang Mei couldn't get in for the time being. .

Talking to the governor of Leizhou, the three of Tang Tang entered the 55th floor again, and then looked at each other, there were only two people, obviously they suffered heavy losses on the 54th floor, take a closer look, okay, acquaintances!

"Hello everyone!" Tang Tang waved his hands and laughed loudly, "How is Tang Yukuang?"

"Your sister!" Yimeng Rusheng looked at Tang Tang, cursed immediately, and then said with a black face, "Why is it you again!"

Tang Tang spread his hands helplessly and said: "I am also helpless about this kind of thing. If I can leave this ghost place, who will stay here..."

poof, poof!
Tang Tang was chattering, when he saw Yimengrusheng and the two of them suddenly turned into white light, and then revealed the figures of Tang Yuhao and Grandma Heixin, the two of them happily said "yeah", and clapped their hands in the air.

Tang Tang burst into tears and said, "Can't you let me finish my sentence?"

Tang Yuhao was dissatisfied and said: "If you kill it, you will kill it. What are you talking so much about?"

Tang Tang said: "Of course it is to stimulate them, despise them, humiliate them, and then let that idiot continue to come to the 55th floor to die. We have to kill two of each to go to the 56th floor!"

Grandma Heixin said with a strange expression, "They went back to the 54th floor where they had to go through the heavy building again."

Tang Tang was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and laughed, and said with a cheeky smile: "You all pretend that I haven't spoken!"

In fact, even if there is no barrier of Gu Rong, Yimengrusheng would not foolishly send it up to Tang Tang for abuse. There is no punishment for death in Moon Pool, and it is a trivial matter to die a few more times, but it is embarrassing on the one hand, and dead on the other. , fulfilling Tang Tang, that would be too stupid, wouldn't it?

Helpless, Tang Tang and the others could only continue to wait. At night, they went to find their mothers and went offline to sleep at the inn.

However, what Tang Tang didn't expect was that when he got up the next day, he went online and saw that a bunch of people had passed the 54th floor!
Originally, these checkpoints were not purely relying on force, otherwise, who could defeat Gu Rong?Only a few people like Tang Tang have been humiliated, so wisdom is very important.

(End of this chapter)

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