Chapter 655 Chapter 658
Facts have proved that the potential of the player is infinite. The trick to know the 27th floor is actually very simple. It is enough to be bold and careful. Soul medicine, it's all pediatrics, the best guy directly brought in a bucket of black dog blood and a bucket of rice.Tian.Together, in order to threaten Gu Rong, and Gu Rong, based on the wish that adults should not care about children, Directly shatter the void - run away!
Tang Tang wiped off his sweat after reading it. He was really too pure. There was no limit to his shameless morals with these guys. He was an obedient little sheep!
However, it is a good thing that there are many people, at least they can pass the level smoothly. You must know that after the 54th floor, almost all interactive levels, like the 55th floor, are directly ruthless fighting, and on the 56th floor, it becomes two groups of people playing small games. Games, even on the 59th floor, let people compete to guess the riddles. Anyway, it's how to toss people, and a group of people don't play with them. You have to have an opponent, and you can only enter the next floor if you win!
The good news is that the highest level is currently only 71st floor, and no one has passed the 72nd floor. There is still a lot of hope for Tang Tang and the five to overtake it!
The five of Tang Tang were actually stumbling, and they really didn't look like a master. Turtle catching, survival games, spelling, solitaire, these goddamn things that make people cry.

However, Soul Domain is not putting the cart before the horse. Although those levels are full of fun, they mainly focus on cultivation and wisdom.
On the sixth day, the five of Tang Tang reached the 80th floor. Although there was still a little time left for the event to end, everyone understood that victory or defeat was decided in one fell swoop. For the last level, the second and third are estimated to have to be compared. However, even looking at other people's eyes, if you can get the first place, then you are really the first, because the last level is left, and you will be the first to get through it. come second.

Soul Realm Reminder: Strategic checkpoint - Wuliu Mountain, please check the task information panel for detailed rules.

After entering the checkpoint, Soul Domain released a reminder, but it was meaningless, so everyone started to look through the mission log.

The winner is the easiest to judge. Five players are required to enter the 81st floor. If there are less than five players, they can only replay the 80th floor. Every player who enters can get a stone tablet, and each stone tablet has a score of 1. Points, 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, 5 points, each team can determine the score value of the stele of the team members by itself, and then, kill the enemy's stele to get the corresponding score of the stele. If the stele is destroyed, the corresponding points will be deducted. On the 1st floor, five groups of players, that is, 81 players, will be officially started. The team whose score reaches 25 points first wins. If no one reaches 100 points, after two hours, the score value The highest team wins.

Secondly, there are some small details. Team members can place the steles by themselves, but within the team, the distance between each stele should not be less than 500 meters. 0.1 points, after the stele is crushed, there will be no stele state for 5 minutes, and then the soul domain will regenerate a new stele.

After reading the rules, Tang Tang was thoughtful. In this kind of soul domain, players with high strength still have some advantages. Of course, it refers to their own cultivation base and strength, not equipment. After all, equipment will be emptied, and everyone's starting point It is commoner and novice weapons.

However, this kind of gameplay is not enough simply relying on force. To give the simplest example, you run to smash other people's steles, but you are smashed by others. It is useless to come and go. Therefore, strategy and wisdom It is also very important. At the same time, some luck is needed. Those who are lucky and can find the equipment and props first will naturally have an advantage. At the same time, the distribution of points for the steles is also very particular, because only you know how many points each stele has. The opponent knows nothing, and only after smashing can he know how many points he got.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Tang took the lead and said, "Of course, the more concealed the placement of the stele, the better. I suggest that the distribution of points be like this. Tang Mei and I took the stele with low scores, and there are still more players who know us. It is easy for the other party to think that the high-scoring stele is in our hands..."

"Wait!" Tang Yuhao raised his hand and said, "Then what if someone thinks you are powerful and deliberately jumps away from your stone tablet?"

Tang Tang choked, it seemed to be the same reason, but what if someone wanted to beat the stone tablet of a master to get a high score?Well, this is positive and negative thinking, it is always relative, there is no correct answer, but it is really troublesome.

Tang Yuhao continued: "Also, your theory is based on the premise of us guarding the stele, but we can't always stay in front of the stele. After we get out, who knows who the stele belongs to? Secondly, we can switch defenses, such as You defend my stele, and I guard his stele, so it is meaningless to judge the score of the stele based on the strength of the opponent."

One step at a time, he said: "It's not troublesome. Two people from our side are enough to look after five steles. It's only 500 meters away. Although it's not too close, it's not too far away."

Grandma Heixin said: "I think we should collect equipment first. Well, it's okay to say that armor is necessary. Second, the support is also emptied. If the other party gets some support from the control system, even if we survive the three tribulations, it will be very difficult." It is possible to be wiped out by a one-time player."

Tang Mei said: "The elixir is also a problem. If the opponent's members continue to attack desperately, even if everyone on our side is stronger, they will be killed without the elixir."

Tang Tang had a headache. Brainstorming is a good word, and democracy is also supported by people, but sometimes it is not as good as hegemony. There are only five of them, and each of them has a mouth. It's really not easy to come up with a charter, but at this time...

Soul Realm Tip: Riding a pig and successfully defeating tigers month by month, you will get a tiger bone wristband, a bottle of tiger bone powder, and 1 point!
"I'll go!" Tang Tang patted his forehead and said, "It's those people from the Martial God Palace!"

Tang Tang patted his forehead, he hadn't finished the discussion on his side, and the stone stele hadn't been placed yet, but the other side had already started a mess. If this went on like this, he would have to lose, you know, after two hours, no matter how many points he got, it would be over.

"It doesn't matter!" They are all famous people, so it's okay to be stumped by this matter. Tang Tang simply waved his hand and said, "We should act independently, and our ideas will not conflict. As for the scores of the steles, everyone will draw lots!"

The others nodded, and Tang Mei raised her hand and said, "I suggest that the steles be arranged in a pentagon, so that the five steles can keep a distance of 500 meters from each other, and I can stay nearby!"

Tang Tang nodded. Naturally, no one would object to this proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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