Chapter 661 Chapter 664
Half an hour before the end, the Tianji Loft had 75 points, the Scarlet Mercenary Group had 71 points, Tang Tang's five had 69 points, and the Valkyrie Palace had 60 points and was half out.


Seeing the news sent by Huoying through the text channel, Tang Tang couldn't help scolding the thief fox. Naturally, at the last moment, he wanted to grab points, and while grabbing points, he was able to pull down Tianji Pavilion, who ranked first. Naturally, it is more important, but, the Scarlet Mercenary Group is competing for points with Tianji Pavilion, will Tang Tang take advantage of the opportunity and steal his own stele?Obviously, Huo Ying was quite worried about Tang Tang's character.

Tang Tang wrote back: "Cooperation!"

In fact, there is nothing to talk about. If you don’t cooperate, Tang Tang will definitely lose. At this time, if you fight with the Scarlet Mercenary Group, it will be a wedding dress for Tianji Pavilion. If they attack a family at will, or even stick to it, they may win the first place. , Therefore, the best way is to jointly attack Tianji Pavilion, and then in the confrontation with Tianji Pavilion, who can score more points will be doomed to be the first. I can count on God to open my eyes.

Huoying replied: "The stone monuments of Tianji Pavilion are all on the top of the mountain, you go north 2000 meters first."

"Dream!" Tang Tang even saved the text channel, and directly sent a voice transmission to Huoying: "If you believe it, you will believe it, if you don't believe it, you will pull it down. Let us withdraw the stone tablet first. I am afraid that you will play tricks with me!"

Huo Ying said: "I think this is a kind of sincerity."

"Very good!" Tang Tang said with a smirk: "Then please show your sincerity, now advance 2000 meters to the top of the mountain, and move towards the side opposite to our stele, I can feel your sincerity, naturally Take people out immediately."

Huoying was silent for a moment and said, "Let's go to the top of the mountain together in five minutes."

"It's good that you said that earlier!" Tang Tang finished wrangling with the monsters, then frowned and said, "The bloody mercenary group will definitely not dare to attack us head-on, Firehawk should be familiar with my temper, if he dares to attack us Just kidding, I'd rather make Tianji Pavilion cheaper than make it easy for them. Now I'm afraid that Fire Eagle will drag us to the top of the mountain to grab points, and then make an alliance with the Valkyrie Temple, let the Valkyrie Temple smash our stele and deduct points from us, After going back and forth like this, our score will definitely not surpass the Scarlet Mercenary Group."

Tang Tang's conjecture is very likely. Firstly, it is too difficult for the Temple of Valkyrie to turn the tables. Secondly, Temple of Valkyrie and the Scarlet Mercenary Group have just jointly attacked the Sea God Pavilion. There must be collusion between each other. Even if there is no collusion, there must be a relationship. Therefore, it is very likely that the Valkyrie Temple will cooperate with the Scarlet Mercenary Group to keep the Scarlet Mercenary Group number one when there is no hope.

One step at a time, he said: "Then let's fight back and attack the stone tablet of the Scarlet Mercenary Group."

Tang Tang sighed: "It's not appropriate. With the hatred between me and the Scarlet Mercenary Group, it's okay to have the first hope now, but if the Scarlet Mercenary Group's hope of winning the first place is cut off, they would definitely rather cheap Tianji Pavilion than It will be cheaper for me, and secondly, I really don’t feel very reconciled to giving up the first place to Tianji Pavilion like this!"

The others were silent, this seemed to be a dead end, even for the Scarlet Mercenary Group, only Tianji Pavilion took the initiative.

Tang Tang felt a little regretful. She originally thought that it was a mistake for Tianji Pavilion to stand out, but now it seems that they should be the ones who made the real mistake. People in Tianji Pavilion should have realized that the three of them could not really unite. The reason is very simple. While jointly grabbing points, they still have to think about stepping on each other to ensure that they get the first place. Although Tianji Pavilion has become the target of public criticism, it is undeniable that what they have to do is very simple, that is to defend !
"Actually, it's not impossible." Tang Yuhao suddenly took out a piece of paper talisman and said, "This is a prop I got from exterminating a group of bandits. Do you want to try and gamble?"

Tang Tang stepped on the dry leaves, making a clicking sound, but at this moment, a wooden snake jumped out from the grass, and then, a fishing net fell from the top of Tang Tang's head, Tang Tang could only be caught Forced to jump away sideways helplessly, but before landing, a wooden pillar tied with a rope and cut into a sharp cone fell suddenly, piercing Tang Tang's side. It is to fly the wooden cone.

Tang Tang heaved a sigh of relief. Now she finally understood why Tianji Pavilion dared to take the risk of raising her score to the first place. The biggest reason was of course that they were not united, and the second reason was naturally that they had the confidence to keep the stele. Down, and the biggest reliance is these traps, all the way to the top of the mountain, there are traps everywhere, although not enough to kill, but it is very troublesome, delaying a lot of time, enough to spend all of it on the way to the top of the mountain.

And when Tang Tang and the others finally climbed to the top of the mountain, they saw a row of three bed crossbows!

"Damn it!" Tang Tang couldn't help but yelled, "Can this kind of thing be made?"

As soon as Tang Tang finished speaking, the crossbow on the bed was fired suddenly, and the arrow, which was as thick as a baby's arm, came towards them. It hit the ground and penetrated six inches into the soil, cracking the ground every inch of it, and then...


The arrow was actually mixed with gunpowder, and it exploded suddenly in the ground, sending waves of mud and dust rolling in.

Tang Tang tried to charge twice, but was forced to come back. The five disciples of Tianji Pavilion were also very bad. They used three-stage shooting, and there was no gap in each layer. Unless they fought hard, it would be difficult to charge. go up.

"Fire Eagle!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and shouted to the surroundings: "If you don't bring anyone out, I'll leave."

"I'll go, does this let you know we're nearby?"

Bloody Bubus jumped from the tree first, while Firehawk led the others out of the bushes.

Tang Tang snorted coldly. He really didn't see the group of Scarlet Mercenaries, but he knew that Huo Ying must be nearby. Huo Ying was afraid that Tang Tang would cheat, so he would definitely rush to the top of the mountain first. , and he definitely won't be cannon fodder, maybe he has the intention of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, so he will definitely hide. Of course, the most important thing is that Scarlet Bubus brought a disciple of Tianji Pavilion in Tangtang Having acted before, Tang Tang knew that one of the five members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group was a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, and the disciples of Tianji Pavilion could set up traps, and of course they could also dismantle traps. There is absolutely no reason to come faster than Tang Tang and the other five.

"Turn on assist, go up!"

Huo Ying gave Tang Tang a thumbs up, made a cruel expression, and then ordered people to walk towards the bed crossbow.

The man was assisted by a big golden transparent bell. After protecting his body, he headed up against the crossbow sword and killed him to the side of the bed crossbow. Go forward and chop the bed crossbow. After the use of a bed crossbow is abolished, it is naturally impossible to perform three-stage shooting, and there is a gap in the continuous crossbow sword shooting.

Tang Tang glanced at Qing Luan, who had no choice but to draw his sword and let people rush to kill him. Then Tang Tang was not to be outdone, and the five of them rushed to the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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