Chapter 662 Chapter 665
The space on the top of the mountain is very large, and it is also very empty. The stele of Tianji Pavilion is also pentagonal, inserted in the five corners of the top of the mountain. However, Tang Tang and the others can at least use leaves or other things to cover it, and the Tianji Pavilion But the stone tablet can be seen wherever it enters the eye, and there is nowhere to hide it.

"Go!" Tang Tang yelled, "Beat someone or smash the stele!"

The puppets of the Tianji Pavilion are very difficult to deal with, some fly in the sky, and some run on the ground, and like Horcruxes, the disciples of the Tianji Pavilion can't only manipulate one puppet at a time. Now, if you have a disabled hand, you can't blame others.

However, the purpose of Tang Tang and Huoying is very clear. The first is to smash the stele, and the second is to kill people. The former gets a high score and can deduct points from the Tianji Pavilion. If the disciples run away, they will hit the stone tablet. If they don’t run away, of course they are killing people. You must know that if they are outside the checkpoint, the disciples of Tianji Pavilion usually have body-protecting horcruxes, or accelerated horcruxes, which can resist or fly kites. But in this place where everything needs to be collected by themselves, they don't believe that the Tianji Pavilion is really lucky enough to be able to collect what they want.

In fact, the people in Tianji Pavilion did not find a good Horcrux, but they got what they wanted.

A piece of paper!
A piece of golden paper talisman trembled with the breeze, and then turned into a huge golden awn, slowly condensing into a colossus.

The forehead has four horns, which can summon the god thunder. When the king of the gods went out, he used the Aoye bull as a mount. After the truce with the demon world, the Aoye bull stayed in the god-devil well, and it was on the side of the god-world forever!
Tang Tang had also seen the summoning paper talisman of the Aoye Divine Bull, but he had no chance to buy it, but he did not expect to be snatched by the Tianji Pavilion. At the same time, the appearance of the Aoye Divine Bull also made everyone understand the Tianji Pavilion Why are you so sure.

There was a crackling sound of current surges, and immediately after that, electric currents appeared on the four horns of the huge Aoye cow, and there was a buzzing under its feet, but a blue pattern appeared out of thin air, and then...

"I'm going!"

Accompanied by Tang Tang's scolding, one hundred and eight thunderbolts suddenly blasted down from the sky, facing the Heavenly Gang and Disha in the formation pattern, completely blocking their way out, and what was even more unlucky was that Tang Mei and the bloody maid One member of the Corps happened to be standing in the formation, and was split into ashes by the lightning on the spot, turning into white light and leaving.

The bad news is not only that, the Aoye god cow immediately launched a charge after finishing the thunder formation, and the huge horn directly penetrated the chest of the one-step one-killer. Just hang up, but the equipment in the level is nothing if you find it, how can it be as top-quality as the equipment that kills yourself in one step, and it will naturally be turned into white light in seconds.

In fact, the Aoye God Bull is quite powerful, but if it is not in the level, everyone can easily kill it together, but it is also fate, and the Aoye God Bull has a fatal blow to them now.

Fortunately, Huo Ying and Tang Tang immediately ordered to dispatch, and from the orders of the two, it can be seen how big the difference in character between the two is!
Because, what Huoying shouted was: stick to it, while Tang Tang shouted: hide behind the bloody mercenary group!
Shameless is not a crime, but it is a state to be shameless and aboveboard. With a strong enemy in front, Huoying is also lazy to care about it, and quickly commands everyone to move around and go around to the sides. The Aoye God Bull is huge. It is about two and a half meters tall, and its body is only a little over three meters long. Counting the horns, it is nearly four meters long. Its four hooves are like hammers, and its body is like a wall. Naturally, its moving speed is not very good, and its agility is also very low. Because of this, God Aoye Cows are the ones who will kill the thunder formation that day, but the formation is dead, and people are alive. After finding out the arrangement of the falling thunder, they can still avoid it. Anyway, the Aoye divine cow summoned by the paper talisman has a time limit. Once the time has passed, the Aoye Divine Bull will disappear.

On this point, Huo Ying and Tang Tang have a common language, because they both think so, but in reality, things like this are always considered cruel, and the reason is that in reality, people vomit blood and get hurt!

Three minutes later, the Aoye divine cow mooed, and then rolled with the divine thunder, it fled into the air and disappeared without a trace, but it turned out that the summoning time for the paper talisman had come.

The crowd who had been aggrieved for 3 minutes immediately became fierce again, but at this moment, the disciple of Tianji Pavilion took out another golden paper talisman, made a random hand gesture, and opened the paper talisman Into the air, amidst the golden light, the huge Aoye bull once again condensed its figure from the golden light, fell to the ground, and with a bang, it brought up a wave of sand and dust!

"Your sister!"

"What the hell!"

Huo Ying and Tang Tang greeted the immediate family members of the group of Tianji Pavilion disciples in unison, and then burst into tears, because the group of Tianji Pavilion disciples actually had a summoning paper talisman of Aoye God Bull. At this time, they noticed that this The group of Tianji Pavilion disciples didn't have even half a piece of equipment on them. Obviously, they exchanged everything they found for gold coins in the market, and then used them to buy Aoye's summoning paper talisman.

5 summoning paper talismans are 15 minutes, and after 15 minutes, they are farting, the first reward will definitely become the possession of Tianji Pavilion.

"We can't delay!" Tang Tang shouted: "Charge, target the stele!"

When Tang Tang said that, he dodged forward, but suddenly got short in front of Aoye's bull, and crawled under Aoye's body, rolling and crawling towards the stone tablet.

At the end of the Bloody Mercenary Group, Firehawk was directing people to run and dodge, but Bloody Bubus gave up his position and charged forward suddenly. After passing through the thunder formation, he followed Tang Tang's example and rushed towards the stone tablet.

The only difference is that Tang Tang broke through first, but was intercepted by the puppet of Tianji Pavilion, while Scarlet Bubus quickly went towards the sword monument!

Raise the sword and fall!
It's a very simple action, the difference between Scarlet Mercenary Group and Tianji Pavilion is only 4 points, as long as Scarlet Bubus picks the 5-point stele, Scarlet Mercenary Group can overtake Tianji Pavilion in one fell swoop, and get the leader position, and , There is not much time left for everyone.

However, when the bloody Bubus flying sword fell, the stele exploded suddenly, and immediately after that, Tang Tang suddenly appeared.

"I go!"

Scarlet Boots was familiar with Tang Tang's death pulse, so he naturally understood what Tang Tang was doing secretly by hiding.

"Don't swear, we are just an alliance, not an alliance. I didn't say that even the stone tablet will be handed over to you..." Tang Tang said to Scarlet Bubus with a playful smile, and then pointed behind Scarlet Bubus, Frightened: "Be careful behind!"

Scarlet Bubus was taken aback by Tang Tang's exaggerated expression that he saw a ghost, but when he looked back, there was nothing scary, and when he turned his head, Tang Tang had already rushed to the second stone tablet, And take advantage of the trend.

(End of this chapter)

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