Chapter 663 Chapter 666
Scarlet Bubus was extremely resentful. He knew that this little girl was cunning, so why did he still follow the truth? However, the result was not too bad. Tang Tang got 3 points and 1 point for cutting off two stone tablets. It is still behind Tianji Pavilion and Scarlet Mercenary Group by 4 points, but the gap has been narrowed to 2 points and 1 point, and Scarlet Mercenary Group is still second. The reason is that after Aoye Divine Bull kills them, it will also be converted into components The calculation is on the head of Tianji Pavilion, but the Scarlet Mercenary Group is only one point away from Tianji Pavilion. This is a score that can be reversed at any time. The result is not bad for the Scarlet Mercenary Group. Of course, for them What was worse was that the stele was smashed by Tang Tang, which increased Tang Tang's score by a large amount, biting their butts, otherwise, they would have completed the reversal by now.

The last 11 minutes!

Battles are always brutal at the last moment.

Tang Tang smashed the opponent's two stone tablets, but she only smashed two stone tablets!
Each stele is protected by spirit beasts. Tang Tang used the invisible sword to sneak in. Instead of attacking the spirit beasts protecting the stele, he smashed the stele and left.

This is also a major weakness of Tianji Pavilion. Puppets are not perfect. They are immune to dizziness, deep sleep, and confusion, which are very annoying states. It is almost whimsical to rely on puppet to break and hide. place?Can slots be slotted based on combat experience?Even puppets can't do it, so escape technique is the nemesis of puppets, followed by phantom formations, and trapping formations that can make people lose themselves!

However, Tang Tang was still stopped. The biggest reliance of Tianji Pavilion is undoubtedly the Aoye God Bull, but they also spent money to buy some other cheap summoning charms and some small props, which are used to break and hide Some people were a little bit dumbfounded, which made Tang Tang helpless, because the thing that was broken and hidden in Tianji Pavilion was a beehive, a smashed beehive.

Swarms of beehives cover the sky and cover the sky, and Tang Tang will appear when he gets stuck, and it doesn't matter if he can't get stuck. The empty position in the bee colony is where Tang Tang is, and then he can command the puppet to encircle and suppress it. Tang and Scarlet Boots were separated again.

Then, everyone fell into a war.

On Tang Tang's side, Grandma Black Heart and Tang Mei are typical examples of both offense and defense. Except for the two of them, including Tang Tang, they all died twice. On the Scarlet Mercenary Group's side, apart from Fire Eagle, who is the commander, as the first Except for one protected target who never died, the others were killed in succession and then came back in succession. Even Fire Eagle had the foresight to prepare a teleportation talisman and recorded the coordinates as soon as it entered the mountain top.

Of course, fortunately, according to the rules, points will only be deducted if the stele is broken, and not death. Everyone can continue to rush to the battlefield with the spirit of sacrificing their lives, but they still cannot break through the puppets. The united front of the beast is also a fact.

However, Tianji Pavilion is of course not having a good time. Their hole cards are getting less and less. When they throw the last Aoye God Bull Summoning Talisman, there are more than 4 minutes left in the time, which means that they will lose more and more cards. In the case of Aoye Shenniu, you need to persist for about 1 minute and 30 seconds. Don't look at the time of more than 1 minute, which is almost gone in the blink of an eye, but it is enough to complete a reversal. As long as a stone tablet is crushed, even if it is 1 point , the bloody mercenary group will get 1 point, and the Tianji Pavilion will deduct 1 point, the bloody mercenary group will overtake with 1 point, and Tang Tang has to gamble a little bit of luck, he needs to smash a block at the last moment for 1 points or For stone monuments with more than 2 points, points will be deducted from Tianji Pavilion and Tang Tang will add points, and they will beat Tianji Pavilion and Scarlet Mercenary Group at the same time.

For the three teams, this is the most tense 1 minute and 30 seconds!
at the same time……

"The last 30 seconds are the key to victory!"

"The last 30 seconds is when we put our bets on!"

Almost at the same time, Tang Tang and Huo Ying shouted in the team at the same time, boosting morale and themselves!

The time when the level ends enters the final moment.

In the reminder of Soul Realm, the display of the time bar has turned into a bright red color, thereby stimulating everyone's attention, and also reminding everyone that there is not much time left for them.

1 minutes and 30 seconds!
Aoye Divine Ox fled back into the clouds wrapped in a billowing sky thunder, and the Tianji Pavilion immediately threw out more than a dozen beehives, summoning a large number of hornets, and at the same time there were six golden armored generals calling symbol!
The Golden Armored Heavenly General is level 135 like the Aoye Divine Bull, but the former is a soldier, while the latter is a boss. There is a huge difference in strength. It can be seen that Tianji Pavilion also emptied out its wealth and made a last-ditch effort to hold on. , they win, if they can't defend, they lose!
On the contrary, Duanmuyu and Qingluan calmed down. They were not in a hurry to make a move, but wasting away the Tianji Pavilion, because they all understood that even if they did something at this time, the result might not be good. While eliminating the Tianji Pavilion, They will be counterattacked by each other!
45 seconds!
Huoying pointed at Bloody Bubus and said: "Notify Riding Zhu Yue to make a move in 30 seconds. As long as they win, we will help them. It has been a long time since they wanted to close the five peaks of Huangshan Mountain without our help. They can't do it!"

At the same time, the black-hearted grandma and Tang Mei, who had never been killed in battle, died almost at the same time. The reason is very simple. The cold energy of both of them can attack and defend, so that neither of them died. However, it does not mean that they will not be injured. Others After a person dies, their health will naturally return to a full state, but the health of the two of them has been being consumed. Up to now, they are already on the verge of death. Tang Mei was hacked to death in an instant, and Tang Mei was even more unlucky, but a wooden eagle puppet caught him unawares and lifted it into the sky, bumping into the mountain, and was killed alive.

30 seconds!
last moment!
The six Golden Armor Tianjia newly summoned by Tianji Pavilion also weakened, and Tang Tang instantly killed two of them. Immediately afterwards, Huoying took out a flying knife and an auxiliary Horcrux flying knife!

Chishui Knife, a very low-level Horcrux, only a mere third-order, with only one function!
100% hit, 10% of the user's damage is taken as HP, and the cooling time is 1 hour!
This is undoubtedly a very tasteless Horcrux. If the player's health exceeds 10, it belongs to the ranks of the little blood cow. If it is 1, it is a pure blood cow. [-]% of the health does not cause much damage, but the cooling time needs [-] Time, it is really not very useful, but it is undeniable that at certain specific times, this auxiliary is very useful.

For example, now, the Chishui knife is Firehawk's trump card!
The Tianji Pavilion's stele was shattered. At the last moment, Tianji Pavilion failed to defend. They lost a 2-point stele, and they were deducted 2 points. The advantage overwhelmed the Tianji Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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