Chapter 666 Chapter 669
Tang Tang smiled and clapped his palms at Tang Taro twice, but did not comment on it. Tang Taro's personality is strong. He just explained the facts, not getting sympathy for it. Therefore, Tang Tang didn't intend to do anything because of this. Without any consolation, that would only underestimate Tang Taro.

Tang Xin patted his forehead and said, "I'm not that noble, but much simpler. Before the era, I had some money. My father was the boss of an overseas trading company. I hold the title of manager, but I have a lot of time. Playing games is a good pastime. I like to play gangs, guilds, and legions. I will form my own forces in every game and invest some money. It doesn’t matter to me whether I make money without regrets. What matters is that feeling, like when you hit a goal in the 89th minute of a football game, hit a home run with one run in baseball, like stepping on the baseline in basketball Hitting a three-pointer from a zero angle, the feeling of pride is unforgettable. I don’t even care if anyone is watching these games. This is why I am willing to let Tang Yukuang become the leader, because only I know that I am the most important The one, the unique, the only indispensable one.”

"Desire to control!" Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "There is also a sense of accomplishment!"

Tang Xin smiled and said: "Yes, this is an achievement. You can imagine that among the innumerable players in the entire soul domain, only 28 can reach the top in the end, and when you become the first, that kind of hard Few people can refuse the sense of accomplishment in words, so, first of all, I want to pay tribute to you, not as a joke, but sincerely."

While talking, Tang Xin stood up and bowed to Tang Taro. Although it was a bit abrupt, Tang Xin still looked very serious.

Moreover, anyone who understands how much Tang Taro has worked so hard for the Tang Sect will feel that Tang Taro can bear it. You must know that even if Tang Tang never thought of making a profit as a Demon Lord, she was indeed Yi, but what about Don Taro?After she became the elder of the Tang Sect, her dream was fulfilled, but before that?The name of the number one senior of the Tang Sect has no rights or benefits, and not everyone has given Tang Taro face. She has been embarrassed before, but she never gave up, but he got What?
It is not without reason that Tang Taro is loved by the majority of Tang Sect disciples.

At the same time, after the two finished talking, they set their sights on Tang Tang!

Tang Tang supported the table with one hand, and supported his chin with his fist, his eyes were deep!

She is a little confused!
Everyone always has goals and trajectories when doing certain things, and even in life, there will also be a track like a railroad track, allowing a train to pass smoothly.

Therefore, Tang Tang felt a little emotional.

Her life is not a train, but a boat that floats around. When she was a child, she may have a goal, which is to have fun, but what about when she grows up?There are no parents to support, no children to support, and she is living a very free and easy life. The master picked her up and taught her to practice boxing. He is the closest relative. Tang Tang should serve around, but the master is more free and easy than her, Ji Yuan Before he passed away, he drove the crane west.

In this way, Tang Tang really didn't have any burdens, let alone pursuit and goals.

However, at this moment, a laughing figure suddenly appeared in Tang Tang's mind.

"Let me tell you a story." Tang Tang said suddenly: "There was a man who was very good at chess, and he won many games, until he became bored, lost motivation and purpose, and felt that his victory was a matter of course. When it should be, a person suddenly appeared, defeated him mercilessly, and then told him that he had been living in the amateur world all along. He was nothing in front of real chess players, and the feeling of loss spread all over his body. But it also made that person touch a new door. He stepped into the door hard, pursuing a new goal, but when he succeeded, he found that the back he was looking for had long since disappeared. He was very disappointed. Like a child who has won an award and is eager to show off to his parents, but when he stood in front of his parents, he did not receive the slightest compliment, so he wondered why he worked so hard? Is his goal correct? It is worth it Do you pursue it yourself?"

After Tang Tang finished speaking, Tang Xin laughed and said, "You're not talking about yourself, are you?"

"It's not important." Tang Tang waved his hand and said, "If you ask me if I care about the battle at the God and Demon Well, I will say that I don't care. No matter if it's Tang Yukuang or the Scarlet Mercenary Group, they can't give me what I want. That kind of feeling, the Black Clothes Shrine is not bad, of course, the premise is that if they dare to stand up, but if you ask me if I will go, I will say yes, just like the kid who won the award and will not be praised, he He may lose motivation, lose goals, and lose pursuit because of this, but I believe he will still get the award, because it is an honor that people can't give up even if there is no praise, maybe..."

Tang Tang suddenly fell silent, bowed his head and murmured: "He is still looking forward to being praised when he gets a certificate one day."

After Tang Tang finished speaking, the atmosphere became less harmonious. Obviously, if Tang Tang and Tang Xin were unwilling to retreat, they would definitely become hostile.

"I hope to fight fairly." After a long time, Tang Xin said: "If there is such a day."

Tang Tang spread his hands and then laughed.

Tang Xin also laughed, but it was a wry smile: "I myself can't understand why I said such a thing. With my temper, I should choose a more favorable way to decide the outcome. I can do whatever I can. I have There are more ways to suppress you, to win you, than this way, but sometimes it always takes some giving, and by definition, you are a good friend, not just lost, well, I comfort myself , I still have a next time, the first time I will let you this little girl."

When Tang Xin said this, she seemed to be complaining, comforting, and venting, but after she finished speaking, Tang Xin's expression improved a lot, as if everything had been released.

Tang Taro also smiled at the side. No matter what, they are both disciples of the Tang Sect. It would be a good thing if they don't have to fight each other. However, after laughing, Tang Taro's expression became serious again, and he whispered: "Now that we have reached a consensus, we have to discuss the matter of the Tang Sect."

Tang Tang wondered, "What's wrong with Tang Sect? Could it be that Soul Domain has moved the main battlefield to Tang Sect?"

Tang Xin smiled and shook his head, "You forgot one most important thing."

Tang Taro interjected: "The location of the well of gods and demons!"

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows suddenly, revealing a dazed look!
The well of gods and demons was pressed at the bottom of the Tangmen mountain gate!


(End of this chapter)

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