Chapter 667 Chapter 670
In the evening, Tang Taluo and Tang Xin came out of Dalongqiu's residence, and Tang Tang sent them out of the gate out of boredom.

As the elders of the Tang Sect and the gang leaders of the Kuangzhan Pavilion, they do have endless things to do. How can they be as idle as Tang Tang? After getting the answers they want and discussing everything, they will naturally leave.

"You should be more careful with the Martial God Palace recently." When going out, Tang Xin did not forget to remind Tang Tang: "Fist of the World is a typical civilian gang, not to say that the Fist of the World has no money, and their development is actually pretty good. It's just that the group of Qizhuzhuyue are all professional players who aim to make money from the gang, they don't care so much, if the Scarlet Mercenary Group gives them enough benefits, they will turn against each other, and according to me As we all know, the Scarlet Mercenary Corps is also a rich master, and a group of their backbones do not receive dividends, but are paid directly in the soul domain, and the salary is very high, not lower than the average white-collar class before the era."

"It's purely a waste of money!"

Tang Tang curled his lips in disdain.

At this time, a group of Xiexiu from Tianmogu, who had returned to the station, walked past them, and everyone greeted Tang Tang with a smile. It can be seen that Tang Tang is still very popular in the Dalongqiu station!
But also at that moment...

A man suddenly appeared from the crowd, and his body turned into six afterimages in an instant. Six illusory sword blades suddenly appeared around Tang Xin, and all of them went straight to Tang Xin's neck.


Tang Tang's expression turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to grab it, and took advantage of the situation to hold the two phantom blades.

Unexpectedly, Tang Tang originally thought that the afterimages of the six paths were false and real, but holding the sword now, Tang Tang realized that the afterimages of the other party were all real, and the attack was ridiculously high. Tang Tang held the blade, which was equivalent to being hit twice , and then the body was cold, but it was the cold armor because Tang Tang's health suddenly dropped below 50%, and the body protection cold was activated.

However, the remaining four phantom blades could not be stopped and headed towards Tang Xin, but because of Tang Tang's sudden resistance, Tang Taro bought time, quickly opened the wall of the wind, and sent Tang Xin to Tang Xin. Wrapped it in, the four phantom blades were twisted by the hurricane, and they were smashed to pieces. At the same time, the six phantom blades were all shattered, and the opponent's assassination also failed. "Foot" quickly kicked and fell to the ground, and the surrounding Tianmogu Xiexiu immediately rushed up and pushed him to the ground.

Tang Taro breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Never mind any danger..."

Before Bitang Taro could finish his words, a gap suddenly opened up on the ground under Tang Xin's feet, and a figure rushed out, holding a short dagger, and stabbed at Tang Xin's temple with a sword. When they were an inch away, some small, almost transparent prism-shaped fragments suddenly appeared in front of Tang Xin, blocking the dagger and falling down.

"You guys underestimate me too." Tang Xin narrowed his eyes, playing with a small black ball in his hand, and said ferociously, "Since you underestimate me, you have to be prepared to pay the price!"

Tang Xin raised his palm and blasted out, hitting the man's chest, turning him into white light.

Tang Tang looked at the player who was still being held down on the ground, frowned and said, "The Shrine in Black?"

The man didn't speak, but was very straightforward. Tang Tang frowned for a while. Fortunately, a player who knew everything about that man immediately came up and whispered something to Tang Tang, which made Tang Tang even more puzzled. I thought it was a new resident player or a monster player, but I didn't expect it to be someone from Tianmo Valley. Of course, it doesn't mean that the players from Tianma Valley cannot be from the Black Clothes Shrine, but the probability should be the least.

"Little girl, don't pay too much attention." Tang Xin patted Tang Tang on the shoulder and said, "He may not be from the Black Clothes Shrine, after all, after that idiot exposed the fairy soldier, many people kept trying Assassins are masters of magic weapons, desire is always the root of madness, and the temptation of magic weapons and treasures is not so easy to refuse."

Tang Tang nodded, knowing that what Tang Xin said was true, he was a little suspicious, but it wasn't just Tang Tang, anyone who had anything to do with the assassination would immediately think of the Black Clothes Shrine, those guys were vicious and careful, The success rate is very high, which is quite frightening, and the assassination of these two guys is very abrupt, and the method is not bad, but the strength is a bit weak. It's right for a parallel importer to come out to assassinate, and it must be at the level of the landlord!

After ending this unpleasant episode, Tang Tang sent Tang Xin and Tang Taro away. Tang Taro also said worriedly: "Tang Tang, you should be careful yourself. It's better if you're not from the black-clothed shrine. But people in the Black Clothes Shrine must be careful. There is no such thing as an impenetrable wall. Some members of the Black Clothes Shrine have also been dug out. The killer strength of Yi Shrine, this is what really scares people. No one knows whether the friends around them will be the killer of Hei Yi Shrine. The masters who are on the assassination list of the Black Clothes Shrine don’t even dare to form a team.”

Tang Tang knew that Tang Taro had good intentions, and accepted it with a smile. However, he still did not change his true colors and said, "I actually hope that the Black Clothes Shrine can find me, but every time I bump into them by accident, what a pity." .”

It is Tang Tang's temperament not to be afraid of any challenge. However, Tang Tang did not expect that he was really quite crowed this time, and what he just said could be fulfilled so quickly.

When she returned to the station, returned to her room, the moment she entered the room!

Tang Tang suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit dignified!

Of course, my room is still that room. There is nothing wrong with the table, chairs, walls, and even some small decorations. They are exactly the same, but it just feels wrong, which makes Tang Tang feel a little suspicious, and walks carefully in the room. After a few laps, Tang Tang still didn't find anything wrong, but he still felt that there was something wrong, and finally he was going to leave the house!
However, when Tang Tang opened the door...

Tang Tang gasped!
Behind that door is still his own room, with exactly the same table and chairs, and exactly the same furnishings!


A door should naturally have an inside and an outside, but the two sides of the door are actually Tang Tang's room, and the tables, chairs and furnishings are exactly the same, so there are only two conclusions left, either a ghost hit or Bewitched by the illusion or directly stepped into the illusion!

The former is of course nonsense, and the current benefits are not so good that even ghosts can run around in the Soul Realm, so it is naturally the latter!
Illusions and illusions have always been Tang Tang's shortcoming!
(End of this chapter)

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