The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 669 Chapter 672 Weakening the attributes of Yukong Horcrux

Chapter 669 Chapter 672 Weakening the attributes of Yukong Horcrux

"According to the information I have collected..." The man pointed to Tang Tang and said, "You are not good at dealing with illusions and formations, and lack the means to do this. At the same time, according to my analysis, you are the kind of violent woman who advocates force. You Not stupid, but I prefer to solve problems in a simple and rude way, so I think there is no problem with my layout, how can you see the clues?"

"Ha, you want to know the answer?" Tang Tang held a sword flower with the fire-robbing dragon scales and said, "The rule of your black-clothed shrine is to use money to do things. If you want me to answer questions, of course you also need money. This is according to your rules done."

"Five thousand pieces!" The man in black casually took out a silver note and shook it, "It's a gold coin!"

Tang Tang was stunned, he was just joking, besides, the sentence of taking money to do things was obviously ironic, Tang Tang really didn't expect the other party to really give it, and the shot was so generous, after half a minute of hesitation, Tang Tang suddenly released the flying sword , near the blade, took the silver bill from the man with the flying sword, and threw it directly into the backpack.

"You want to know why I knew there was a problem? The answer is very simple!" Tang Tang snapped his fingers and said, "I don't have a magic weapon on me, so why did the weapon soul of the magic weapon escape from my backpack?"

This time, it was the man's turn to be stunned.

As long as anyone has a magic weapon, it is natural to offer it as a treasure, and carry it close to the body, as if it would be lost, even if they know that it is not safe to carry it with them, but almost everyone will still choose this way. An instinctive reaction of normal thinking, Tang Tang didn't bring Samsara Feng Qiuhuang with him, which was quite unexpected.

"Okay, I lost this time!" The man jumped off the table, patted the folds on his clothes and said, "I'll come back next time."

The man in black lifted his feet and walked towards the door, but at this moment, the fire-robbing dragon scales fell from the sky and stopped in front of him, trembling, emitting bursts of sharp sword sounds.

The man in black looked back at Tang Tang and said, "You won't let me go?"

"I'm still very gentlemanly. It's not impossible to let you go, but you'd better not come. If you keep harassing me, I can't stand it!" Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Besides, you I'm not happy with the tone of coming and going when you want, so, in order to let you retreat in spite of difficulties and don't waste unnecessary time, I think it's better to hang up with you once. "

The man in black said: "You can't stop me!"

Tang Tang smiled and made a gesture of invitation from the door!
The man strode forward, but at the moment when he was about to open the door, the fire-robbing dragon scale suddenly shattered into countless dragon scales, and struck the man backwards. However, the man may not have lied, he seemed to Tang Tang He really did a lot of research. The moment the dragon scales bloomed, he jumped out of the coverage area accurately, and then quickly ran towards the gap in the other side of the room.

Tang Tang quickly came back first, raised his foot and stopped the man in black with a hook, and then pinched his hand, Baiquehuang flew out of the backpack, swept the man in front of him, and gave the man to him Forced to retreat.

Tang Tang said: "I told you, you won't be able to leave!"

The man chuckled and said, "I told you, you can't stop me!"

After saying that, the man took another step back, and Tang Tang immediately went up to him, but at this moment, the man's ankle twisted suddenly, and his whole body spun wildly like a spinning top. Tang Tang's expression tightened immediately, because when she saw that Many dots of silver light erupted from the man's body.

Tang Tang almost instinctively jumped to one side, and the moment Tang Tang landed, nearly a hundred silver lights burst out from the man in black, each of which was a throwing knife only one finger long, densely packed Flying towards the surroundings, it spread all over the room in an instant.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." Tang Tang gritted his teeth and pulled out a throwing knife from his butt, and said with tears streaming down his face, "My poor little fart!"

Tang Tang pulled out the throwing knife stuck in his buttocks, and when he stood up, his back was empty, only sawdust on the ground. When he looked up, he could see a big hole in the roof, and there were still a lot of hanging things. Chipped wood.

"Damn it, I paid for this house myself!"

Tang Tang cursed, and then pinched the sword formula, and the Baiquehuang flew in front of Tang Tang, and with Tang Tang's sword fingers concentrating, it turned into a sword light, flying with Tang Tang into the sky, straight into the sky!
Even though Tang Tang's speed is superb, it is quite difficult to chase people in the air. The reason is that the sky is boundless. As long as you can open a distance of 2 or 3 minutes, it is difficult to distinguish the direction, and naturally it is difficult to catch up. So, when Tang Tang chased out of the house, she still had the intention of giving up, because she had no idea where the man in black was running to.

But in fact, Tang Tang saw someone as soon as he flew out of the roof.

The man didn't have an imperial weapon, nor did he use the soaring technique, but an imperial horcrux!
The auxiliary horcrux was a brocade umbrella with a cover, inserted into the cloud, and the vast white cloud turned into a white carriage. The man in black sat under the umbrella in front of the car and drove forward, so inconspicuous, Tang Tang Naturally, he saw people at a glance.

"You're asking for your own death!"

Tang Tang sneered, and Yu Jian Chengguang immediately rushed forward.

The speed of the cloud car was not slow, but it was still incomparable to the speed of Tang Tang's imperial weapon. In a short time, Tang Tang had already killed behind the cloud car, and urged the sword to go forward.

But the man in black laughed and said, "If I were you, I would never approach you, or I will definitely regret it."

"Ha!" Tang Tang also laughed and said, "If I were you, I would definitely take off that damn mask."

"That's impossible!" The man laughed and said, "Don't lean any further, or you'll be scolding again, little girl!"

While speaking, Tang Tang had already flown to the left side of the cloud car, only half a meter away from the cloud car, how could he give up just because of the man's few words, reached out and grabbed the roof of the cloud car, but... …

"Grass mud horse!"

Sure enough, Tang Tang cursed when he grabbed the roof of the car, but it was also because of helplessness, the umbrella horcrux was more perverted than Tang Tang imagined.

Soul Realm Tip: When you enter the coverage area of ​​the Yuyan Luo Gai Umbrella, all attributes will drop by 20%, and the hit rate will drop by 50%!
This is the hint that Tang Tang gave after encountering the cloud car. Although a 20% drop in all attributes is a big blow, it is barely acceptable. However, a 50% hit rate drop is too bad. Literally speaking, it means one of two swords. Of course, it may be higher or lower in reality. After all, the probability is not fixed, but all in all, this is a rather sad attribute weakening.

(End of this chapter)

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