Chapter 670 Chapter 673
And the man's skill is not slow, Tang Tang just boarded the cloud car, he suddenly took out a mechanism crossbow made by Tianji Pavilion from his arms, and pulled the trigger towards Tang Tang, a row of ten wooden arrows exploded. Coming towards Tang Tang, Tang Tang hurriedly let go, left the cloud car and dodged backwards, but just as the wooden arrow passed by Tang Tang, the arrow suddenly sprayed black poisonous water, heading towards Tang Tang When the splash came, Tang Tang quickly stretched out his hand to block it, and then traces of scorched black smoke rose from the place where the poisonous water was splashed!

"Fortunately, I have Ice Silkworm Beads for body protection, specially designed to counteract poisonous water and poisonous gas!"

Tang Tang also had lingering fears, but she had Ice Silkworm Beads. As long as she didn't eat the poison in her stomach, her poison resistance would be extremely high. Last time when she was fighting the Scarlet Mercenary Group's garrison, she didn't even fall into the poison pond. Hang up, let alone this drop of poison.

However, when the man saw that the poison was ineffective, he immediately changed his method. He stretched out his hand to untie a skin bag, which turned out to be a soul beast bag, and when he untied the tether, two red lights flew out suddenly.

These two red lights were extremely fast, even a guy like Tang Tang who is known for his speed couldn't see the two red lights, he just felt his arms go cold, and when he looked down, there was already an extra bloodstain, and the same Just when she lowered her head, her waist felt cold again, and the second red light left a scar on her body again.

"Damn it, what kind of weird soul beast is this!"

Naturally, only domesticated soul beasts could be contained in the soul beast bag, but Tang Tang had never seen such a fast beast before.

But after the two red lights passed Tang Tang's side, it was a swallow's movement of scooping water, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and then turned around and came towards Tang Tang. Tang Tang quickly blocked it with his sword. , the sword blade immediately made a crisp sound, Tang Tang's hand went numb, and he knew that the red light had hit the blade, but at the same time his shoulder was cold again, and there was a bright red wound.

Tang Tang also had a headache for these two weird soul beasts wrapped in red light, but he was not helpless. When the two red lights crossed and came towards him again, Tang Tang threw a small black tower!

Nine-level pagoda!
The black shadow instantly spread in the air, like a huge black curtain covering the sky.

Tang Tang's current level is 102, which is quite a terrifying high level. It is said that the craziest leveling lunatic is only around 110. Of course, the soul beast still depends on the level before it is tamed. However, continuous After the attack, Tang Tang only lost about 8% of his health. Apart from the fact that his hair was standing on end at such a high speed, the damage of the two red lights was not very high, and his level was limited.

Sure enough, as soon as the ninth-level pagoda came out, the speed of the two red lights suddenly slowed down, and Tang Tang finally saw the main body clearly. They were actually two bright red blood swallows. The scissor wings shone coldly and were as sharp as blades. .

However, after losing their speed, the two blood swallows were no longer so terrifying. Tang Tang stopped the two blood swallows with his nimble sword tip, and then continued to chase towards the cloud car.

The man in black didn't seem to care about the defeat of his soul beast, he laughed and said, "As expected of the little witch Tang Tang of the Tang Sect, since the soul beast can't trouble you, why don't you take another look at this move."

The man spread his hands, revealing a pure gold golden toad. The man lightly sent it forward, and the golden toad flew into the air. The golden light appeared, and the body suddenly swelled and became bigger. Finally, it became half a human. After reaching high, the golden toad suddenly came to life, croaking indiscriminately, and with a curl of its bright red tongue, it spewed out a cloud of dark green flames towards Tang Tang.

The golden toad is obviously an auxiliary Horcrux, and Tang Tang was still a little wary of it. However, after seeing that the golden toad was spraying flames, Tang Tang didn't care much. Horcruxes are not worth mentioning in front of Tang Tang. Let’s not talk about the horror of Tang Tang’s high fire attribute. Let’s say that Tang Tang is holding a hundred sparrow phoenix and has the attribute of rebirth from the ashes. Who would dare to treat Tang Tang? If you use fire, it is definitely the old birthday star who hanged himself, because he thinks his life is too long.

However, when the green flame rolled onto Tang Tang, Tang Tang's expression suddenly changed!

"Poison flame?"

Tang Tang quickly pinched his hands, swords buzzed all around, and the Star Soul Formation echoed, releasing five star Horcruxes to surround Tang Tang's surroundings, spinning quickly, sweeping away those green flames.

Tang Tang looked at his body, his fair complexion had turned dark green at this moment, his face was livid like a zombie!
Soul domain prompt: You have fallen into a zombie state, which lasts for 25 seconds!
Tang Tang's health drops at a rate of 160 points per second. However, the zombie state is even more annoying, because corpse poison is recognized as one of the most disgusting poisons. The only effect of the zombie state is that it cannot take medicine. If you take medicine when you are in a state of emergency, then you will double the deduction of your health if you take the medicine that restores 1000 health. For example, if you take a medicine that restores 2000 health, you will not be able to restore health, but you will have to suffer 30 damage. If it is 60% recovery 50% of the health value will be deducted as damage, if it is a medicine that restores [-]% of the health value...

Congratulations, you can go to the underworld to register and queue up!

Tang Tang had seen the power of corpse poisons and zombies in the tomb of King Guge in Kunlun Shrine. Moreover, with a poison king like Li Yanxiao as a friend, Tang Tang also had a good understanding of many poisons from other schools.

In this way, Tang Tang dared not touch the poisonous flame again, and immediately moved sideways, trying to avoid the poisonous flame, taking advantage of the moment when the poisonous flame fell, he raised his hand and slapped it with a palm of heat!
"The sky is blazing!"

The blazing white flame swept forward like a wave, and the impact of the poisonous flame was immediately restrained. Although the poison was strong, it was not a powerful flame after all, and it could not withstand the attack of the sky fire.

However, the green poisonous flame kept jumping in the air, and the croaking golden toad no longer spewed earth flames, but curled its long tongue, opened its mouth and suddenly spewed out a clear stream, towards the direction of the blazing sky fire Sweep here.

"I'm going!"

Tang Tang is good at fire, and the fire attribute is also against the sky in the character attributes, but he also paid the price for it, that is, Tang Tang is afraid of water. If those rivers and lakes were not forced, Tang Tang would never go. Most of the activities are on the sea surface, and it is not easy to enter the bottom of the sea. At the moment when the clear spring falls, it does not try to extinguish the blazing flames of the sky, but only exerts force on one part of the flames, and just opens a gap in the blazing flames of the sky. The spring flowed towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang wanted to cry immediately, but within a few seconds after the zombie state expired, Tang Tang couldn't even throw the auxiliary potion into his mouth. Right now, he still had more than 60% of his health, although it wasn't too low, but he was killed by that Once the clear spring drenches, it must be a serious injury.

With the idea of ​​being a good man who would not suffer from immediate losses, Tang Tang naturally ran away. How could he have imagined that Tang Tang had just urged Jian Guang...

 Thank you little Amy for the two peach blossom fans, a safety talisman, an evaluation ticket, and a pink ticket... Recently, I have been busy with the dragon boat race today. Fortunately, it is finally coming to an end. Today I will continue to struggle for a day...Come on!
(End of this chapter)

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