Chapter 671 Chapter 674

Damage -2100!
As soon as thunder appeared in the sky, a purple thunder landed on top of Tang Tang's head, staggering Tang Tang, and almost fell off the flying Horcrux. Looking back, he ran out of the coverage of the clear spring together with himself. , the golden toad stopped spraying water, but continued to croak, and every time it croaked, a purple thunder would fall from the sky, striking Tang Tang, and the thunder broke the sky instantly!

Tang Tang dodged dexterously, but from time to time he would still be hit by the golden toad with Thunderbolt Skydome a few times. There was no other way, this was the case with instantaneous spells, and it would land on the target's head almost as soon as the formula was finished. It's extremely difficult to dodge, and the golden toad doesn't even need a formula, it just needs to croak, and Tang Tang avoids Zilei through the interval between the calls, but it's impossible to survive every time. can escape.

As soon as Tang Tang gritted his teeth, the instantaneous spell also had the characteristic that the damage was not high, but no matter how low the damage was, it would not be able to withstand continuous tossing. Tang Tang immediately turned his gaze back to the cloud car in front of him!

Catch the thief first catch the king!
This is a strategy that has been applied throughout the ages. Since the golden toad is quite annoying and Tang Tang can't handle it in a short time, it is better to smash the cloud car first, and cut the man in black under the sword. When the time comes, The golden toad either fell, or could only go back to the owner's backpack!
It has always been Tang Tang's style to do whatever he wants. After making up his mind, Tang Tang immediately urged his sword into light, and once again charged towards the cloud car.

However, the man in black sitting under the umbrella on the front of the car was not in a hurry, his tiger eyes narrowed slightly, as if smiling, he took out a copper coin from his backpack, and turned towards Tang Tang Just throw it away!
Tang Tang was in no mood to cry now.

Although everyone said that the Black Clothes Shrine produced masters, Tang Tang never took it seriously. The so-called masters also vary from person to person. To ordinary people, they may be considered masters, but to him, they are nothing. However, looking at this Man, Tang Tang really believed that sentence, or rather, Tang Tang felt that he should change that sentence to say that a black-clothed shrine produces evil spirits!

I have never seen a guy who throws a Horcrux as a Chinese cabbage, and if it is an ordinary Horcrux, it doesn't matter, every auxiliary Horcrux that the man throws out seems to be quite extraordinary!

And after the wry smile, Tang Tang also had to cheer up to deal with the copper coin. Holding the sword formula, he commanded five star horcruxes to attack forward in a line, but they were all blocked by the copper coin. It can be seen that it is normal, and every time the copper coin rolls in the air, it will explode a circle. After rolling several times in a row, the copper coin will rise from two meters to more than eight meters!

However, the copper coin suddenly became larger, and the square hole in the center where the money is strung also became much larger. Tang Tang had an idea, and immediately drilled through the square hole. Unexpectedly, this square hole was also a trap. The square hole was drilled, and the four sides of the square hole suddenly opened a series of hidden compartments, and countless copper coins bounced out of it, falling towards Tang Tang's overwhelming cover!
"Your uncle!"

Tang Tang didn't know that this was the first time he couldn't help swearing. The copper coins were as sharp as knives. After he was rolled up by those copper coins, his health immediately dropped, and the three cold airs of the cold silk armor were consumed in an instant. Clean, his health dropped to about 30% in an instant, and he was about to enter a near-death state.

"calm down……"

Tang Tang took out the blessing potion and threw it into his mouth. After recovering his health, he quickly moved forward, circling around the cloud car.

Xueyan is fast, but the damage is too low. The copper coin support is a bit scary, but the speed is not fast. If you are careful, you can still dodge it. Tang Tang knows very well that what he needs is just a chance, a one-hit kill Chance.

For this opportunity, Tang Tang has already put her left hand down, and she has already held a purple-black ghost claw that is looming in her hand.

However, before Tang Tang approached, the man in black stretched his hand into the backpack again.

Tang Tang immediately wiped off her sweat. Now that she saw the man fumbling into the backpack, she felt a little guilty. God knows what this damn guy would come up with. Regardless of the chasing of the copper coins, Tang Tang raised his sword and pressed towards the man in black. , At the same time, the ghost claws of the ghost gradually congealed. As long as Tang Tang succeeded with the sword, he was ready to be ruthless immediately.

It's a pity that Tang Tang was still a bit late. Before she arrived, the man had already taken out a bronze iron scroll!
The iron scroll was only the size of two palms, and it was engraved with armor the size of a thumb. The man slapped the iron scroll on the back, and the iron scroll was full of green light, and the soldiers on it instantly came alive, flying out of the iron scroll Juan, even though he grew up with Qingmang, he became no different from a normal person, but his whole body was like a golden weapon, and the sword was unharmed. Tang Tang's sword was given by the soldier with his own chest. Tang Tang immediately took advantage of the situation and slapped the Nether Ghost Hand out, but still hit a soldier with one blow and was blocked.

After a while, the iron scroll became a bare piece, and about seventy or eighty soldiers flew out of it, surrounding Tang Tang.

These armors are not very powerful, the weapons they use are all swords, and they can only chop left and right, but they are made of copper skin and iron bones, except for the one that was hit by Tang Tang with the ghost claws 80% of the health was used as damage, and the rest, even if Tang Tang stabbed him a few times, would only drop a very small amount of health, just like stabbing gold and iron, and made Tang Tang deeply surrounded.

"Little girl, play slowly!" The man in black waved his hand at Tang Tang and said, "I'm leaving first!"

The man smiled and watched Tang Tang deal with it in a panic, and then he drove the cloud car and headed towards the bottom of the cloud.

Tang Tang was extremely depressed, this time he was ashamed and thrown at his grandma's house, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and fiercely changed the sword art, the five star Horcruxes around him suddenly buzzed and emitted five-color aurora!
"Star Soul..." Tang Tang condensed his sword and pointed forward, and said in a low voice, "Break!"

The five-color aurora spread around like a ribbon, and all the armor, including the copper coins and blood swallows, were swallowed by the five-color brilliance, and large areas of bright red damage surged like a swarm of locusts!
After a while, those armors turned into blue smoke, and the copper coin also turned into a golden light, flying back to the hand of the man in black.

That is to say, when flying back with the golden light of the copper coin, Tang Tang closely followed the golden light, passed through the clouds, and fell towards the bottom of the clouds. Go to the man in black, if not, there is a hundred miles of Mangchuan under the cloud, the mountains are deep, and if you hide in it, Tang Tang will have no way to find him out.

"Hey, it should be around here, it's impossible to lose it!"

(End of this chapter)

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