Chapter 683 Chapter 686
Tang Tang didn't hate the rumored landlord. After all, he didn't lie. What she hated was why she didn't inquire first. Obviously, this piece of news that was supposed to be a secret is no longer a secret. Ming is a waste of money, and, if you say that the landlord of the legend, it really can't be relied on. He said that he sold the news to eleven people, and he didn't say that eleven people knew about it!

"There's no other way!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "It's better to strike first, and to suffer later. Let's go to Mount Qi for a stay now."

Needless to say, Tang Tang's decision-making is very high-level, why do you say it is high-level?Because everyone thinks so!

When they arrived at Mount Kui, they saw dense crowds again. The one they saw was at least 800 people. As for the people squatting on other hills, waiting to enter Mount Kui, they didn't even know there were people there. How many.

"I'm not alive, I'm not alive..." Tang Tang dragged his feet and cried, "My [-] gold coins, [-] gold coins!"

I'm crying even if I kill you one step at a time, it's none of my business if you lose the gold coins, what are you doing with my clothes, besides, your resident funds are hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and you yell when you spend such a small amount of money, Don't be sorry!
After the quarrel, Tang Tang could only wait honestly. No matter how domineering she was, it was impossible for her to drive these people away.

However, originally she hoped that the rumored host's news was wrong, and that it would be best if the black-hearted grandma and Step One Kill followed her into the Fengshen Mausoleum, but now it seems that Tang Tang hopes that the rumored host's news must be correct. Otherwise, with so many people flocking to the Death Temple, it is really unknown who will get the Sun Shooting Bow. It is only a matter of character and luck.

I found a piece of land, drank, chatted, and the three of them were quite at ease. Don't mention it, although the name of this Mount Qi is not good, and it is not a famous mountain or river, but the scenery is really good. , Strange rocks and flying rocks, high mountains and waterfalls, empty valleys and orchids, although they have lost the magnificence and atmosphere of those famous rivers and mountains, they still have a special elegant charm. Drinking small wine in such mountains, smelling the fragrance of flowers, stretching your feet to enjoy the stream , is still very sentimental.

However, when the time left for them dwindled, the atmosphere became less active, and the three of them began to sit cross-legged, recharging their energy.

There are only two places left in the Holy Demon Atlas, and the time until the opening of the God and Demon Well is getting shorter and shorter. The divine soldiers and the treasures are gradually surfacing, and every holder needs to make a decision!
Tang Tang is no exception!


At the beginning of the day!

One step one kill is the first to open his eyes, the blood-colored sun has already climbed half of the mountain, the pitch-black night has gradually faded, turning into a gray piece, the whole world has a faint red, and then more and more. The brighter it is!

"let's go!"

Tang Tang opened his eyes, urging his sword into light, and the three of them quickly swept across the sky, and soon saw the boundary of Mount Qi.

They were not the first to arrive, someone was already ahead of them, impatiently rushing into the mountain of no return.

"Wait a minute!" Tang Tang stopped the one who was about to step forward and said, "This group of guys will be unlucky. We don't want the imperial weapon to fly into the sky, but go to the ground and walk into Mount Kui."

Although Grandma Heixin and One Step One Kill were somewhat puzzled, they still fell from the sky as promised.

Walking will naturally slow down a lot, but when they entered Wuhui Mountain, they realized how correct walking was.

Surrounded by ferocious ancient beasts, they kept attacking the surrounding crowd, and a series of white lights immediately shot up to the sky, and there were many players in the sky rushing into Mount Ku, but without exception, as long as they entered Mount Bin, they would The land boundary will immediately fall from the sky. After falling into the territory of those strange beasts, it will naturally encounter crazy attacks immediately.

One step one kill surprised: "Can't the imperial weapon fly here?"

"Yes!" Tang Tang said quite proudly: "I entered by mistake once before, and it was only a catastrophe at that time, and I almost lost my life here, but fortunately, I have been here, otherwise we will end up similar to them now .”

Looking at Tang Tang's self-satisfied look, he couldn't help but said, "I've spent [-] gold coins for a while?"

Tang Tang choked for a moment, then squatted under the nearby tree and began to draw circles with tears streaming down his face.

Fortunately, Tang Tang's experience of falling into Mount Zhu still helped a lot

That is how not to encounter the attacks of those ancient beasts.

Very simple, that is to bypass their territory.

Of course, this is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do, because where you go is the territory of alien beasts, and where you fall is a safe area. It is very difficult to distinguish, and it is a test of complete observation. .

However, Tang Tang had spent nearly ten hours with Bloody Lin Bo in Mount Zhu at the beginning, so Tang Tang also observed the surrounding situation. There are two ways to distinguish the territory of alien beasts. The first one is to observe the sky If there are birds or alien beasts in it, they will automatically avoid the territory of other alien beasts. The second is that if there are two similar alien beasts, the space in the middle of them is usually a safe area.

These two methods all need to look at the face of God, not every now and then there will be birds passing over the head, but Tang Tang is not in a hurry, it is better to go slower than to hang, there are hundreds of strange beasts in this mountain, and they will be hard at will. Chuang will only die faster, especially now that the surroundings are in a mess, and the strange beasts are constantly attacking the players, which makes it more difficult to distinguish their territories.

But when they walked a distance of about 300 meters, the three of them felt a lot more relaxed. There were no players around, and the beasts were lying on the ground lazily, which made it easier for them to identify safe areas. Naturally, they speeded up , all the way to the depths.

"and many more"

Halfway through, Tang Tang smiled suddenly. She saw an old acquaintance, it was the winning fish she had seen before, lying on the ground and sleeping soundly. Tang Tang didn't intend to wake it up. He just put down the two altars of green bamboo leaves with a smile, and then continued to move forward.

The moment Tang Tang left, the Ying Yu flipped over, ran to the wine jar, sniffed it non-stop, flapped the seal with its wings, and drank gulps.


About half an hour later, the three of Tang Tang finally reached the top of Mount Zhu, which was also the end point.

What appeared in front of them was a circle of stone steps. There was no stone below the stone steps. The stone steps were just floating there, circling up round and round, making the three of Tang Tang raise their heads involuntarily. At first glance, the stone steps have no end in sight.

Tang Tang swallowed his saliva and said, "I also strayed into the Temple of Death in Qingcheng Mountain. At that time, I saw a sea of ​​clouds all around, and it seems that this place is invulnerable!"

"Ah!" Grandma Heixin looked at the stone steps in disbelief and said, "You don't mean we have to climb it!"

Tang Tang smiled wryly. Although he wouldn't be tired in the Soul Realm, he wouldn't be able to stand the boring climbing of stairs for several hours. But right now, it seems that this is the only way to enter the Temple of Death.

Grandma Heixin wiped off her cold sweat and said, "Anyway, I don't have a magic weapon, so I won't be able to get in if I get on it. I'll go first. I hope you can grab the Sun Shooting Bow!!"

Grandma Heixin ran away like a rabbit, and disappeared after a while.

Tang Tang naturally wanted to stop the black-hearted grandma, the so-called shared hardships, we share the blessings, but unfortunately, as soon as she raised her hand, the black-hearted grandma had disappeared, and Tang Tang could only watch with tears in her eyes.

One step at a time wiped his sweat and said, "I think the Valkyrie Temple has been fighting back very hard recently, so I'd better go back and take care of it..."

"Brother!" Tang Tang threw himself on him and shouted before he finished talking about one step and one kill, "You can't abandon me!"

"Okay, okay!" One step, one kill and two swings failed to shake Tang Tang off, so he had no choice but to say, "I'll accompany you!"

Masters are lonely!
No one said this, but it really resonates, there is no boring leveling, no boring battles, no drinking when thirsty, no falling asleep when tired, no endless endurance and hard work, there is no master.

Therefore, regarding the boring time passing, both Tang Tang and One Step One Kill actually have some experience, but if you can’t experience it, don’t experience it, but if you have to experience it, the two of them are not unable to persist, like Tang Tang knows For self-entertainment, look at the sky, make a few cold jokes, adjust the boring, as for one step and one kill, he is actually a very tolerant person. Someone who can't speak ten words a day, in a way, is the kind of person who can live in the world and completely ignore the boring.

Both of them have their own methods, climbing the stone steps, a few hours later, they are in the sea of ​​clouds, and they can vaguely see a fire point above their heads, and the stone steps have already walked more than half of the distance. Both of them felt that it was nothing more than that, with a little effort, it was still tolerable until...

"Tang Tang, are you still here?"

Tang Taluo's voice suddenly sounded, and Tang Tang looked back, and saw Tang Xin and Tang Taluo's imperial weapon flying into the sky.

"You guys, why are you here..." Tang Tang looked stunned, and opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff a fist into it!
Tang Xin said with a blank face: "Since we can fly out of the territory of those strange beasts, we will be able to fly into the sky with the imperial weapon when we reach the top of Mount Zhu."

"My god!" Tang Tang wailed suddenly, "I'll draw a circle and curse you!"

Tang Taro cautiously rushed forward and asked, "You didn't climb the stone steps, did you?"

"Yeah!" One step and one kill also covered his face and wanted to cry, then Zhuizhu kicked Tang Tang's ass, kicking Tang Tang off the stone steps: "It's all thanks to this stupid girl!"


Tang Tang fell downwards and disappeared in a moment.

Tang Xin watched as Tang Tang turned into a black spot and disappeared, and spread her hands humorously, "I hope she won't climb the stone steps this time."

Of course, Tang Tang would not be so stupid as to really climb the stone steps again, but would directly rise up with the weapon. When faced with one step and one kill, she was also very wronged. Then make a row of stone steps, isn't that a deception!
Of course, Tang Tang's self-comforting ability has never been good, at least Tang Xin and Tang Taluo appeared when they were halfway up the climb, if they appeared again when they climbed only the last stone step...

Then Tang Tang might really have the urge to crash to death.

(End of this chapter)

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