Chapter 684 Chapter 687
After being able to fly, the imperial weapon became light, and the speed was naturally much faster. The four of them probably flew to the top with only one stick of incense.

The four of them gasped at the same time.

The Temple of Death is an incomparably huge city, its whole body is black, showing its grandeur everywhere, surrounded by a faint black mist, which makes people feel unfathomable.

"Let's get down."

After being intoxicated for a moment, Tang Tang took the lead to wake up and fell down.

The gate of the Temple of Death was made of black gold, ten feet high and five feet wide. Tang Tang shook his head at one step and one kill, and motioned him to try it first. He was the only one here who didn't have magic weapons.

Step by step, he stepped forward, touched and looked at it, finally pushed it hard for a while, and then spread his hands at Tang Tang, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

"I'll try it!"

Tang Xin walked to the door, but there was no movement from him, but the backpack lit up first, Tang Xin was startled, and then grabbed the light, but it was the Judgment Sword that was shining, and after falling into Tang Xin's hands, The soul of the Sword of Judgment also emerged.

"Don't be impatient, release the soul slowly!"

The soul of Judgment Sword is an old man with white eyebrows and white beard. After coming out of the sword, he didn't say much, just gently pressed his hand on the door. Tang Xin closed his eyes and meditated, and pressed the door imitatively. There was a circle of ripples at the gate, sucking Tang Xin in.

"I'll do the second one."

When Tang Xin passed through the door completely, Tang Taluo stepped forward, the soul of the demon-suppressing sword was not a human, but a shadow of a sword without a handle, flew out of the demon-suppressing sword, and hit the door directly Cut, and opened a void crack on the door, and sent Tang Taro in.

Tang Tang helplessly directed at Step One Kill and said, "It seems that the rumored landlord is not lying, there is no magic weapon or treasure to get in!"

I want to cry every step of the way, and I want to strangle Tang Tang to death. You said that you spent five or six hours climbing the stone steps just to see what the Death Temple looks like?
Fortunately, Tang Tang slid fast, every step would kill him, so he hurried towards the gate. When he was in front of the gate, Samsara Feng Qiuhuang flew out of his backpack, exuding a bright red glow, and slowly condensed into Xiao Wu's heels. With Ning Rongrong's appearance, the three of them folded their right hands, and immediately pressed on the gate, Tang Tang twisted and tangled, and disappeared completely.

There was darkness in front of Tang Tang, but when the light reappeared, the surrounding scenery of Tang Tang had become a square of huge stone walls, and there were corners and corners of green bricks. Tang Xin and Tang Taluo were not far away. waiting everywhere.

"En!" The Judgment Sword spirit saw Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong, laughed and said, "You two little girls, I haven't seen each other in a hundred years, how are you doing?"

"It turns out that you are old..."

Ning Rongrong didn't seem to have a good impression of the old man Qi Hun, but Xiao Wu covered her mouth in the middle of her speech.

"For us, there are good and bad." Xiao Wu glanced at the old man, then looked at Tang Xin and said, "Your host is too weak!"

The host of the Judgment Sword is naturally Tang Xin, and Tang Xin's expression is naturally quite embarrassing when he is said so.

"Hey, I'm more concerned about character!" Judgment Sword also took a look at Tang Tang, then frowned and said: "The cultivation base is very powerful, but the evil spirit is too strong, and he is a competitive person."

"I'll go." Tang Tang is not as graceful as Tang Xin, and he curled his lips at Judgment Sword in disdain: "I'm just like this, it's none of your business!"

Judgment Sword froze, then laughed and said: "That's right, the host of you two girls should naturally have such a temper. If you are too desireless, it's time for the old man to choose him as the host and leave."

As soon as the Judgment Sword fell, the figure turned into white light and quickly retracted into the sword body. As soon as the Judgment Sword was gone, the sword spirit of the Demon Suppressing Sword that had been floating behind Tang Taluo also suddenly shattered, turning into a piece of The cyan starlight returned to the sword.

Tang Tang stepped forward, patted Tang Xin on the shoulder and said, "Then the old man won't play tricks on you, right? The condition for letting Judgment Sword recognize its master is to have no desires and no desires? Come on, how can you have no desires in your whole body?" It looks hopeless"

Tang Xin smiled and said, "Let me ask you, why do those billionaires continue to work hard to make money?"

Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "It should be that they are looking for soots in their spare time!"


Tang Taro laughed suddenly, and then quickly covered his mouth to cover it up.

"Cough, cough!" Tang Xin coughed twice, and said helplessly, "Let me ask you, who desires more money, a poor man or a rich man!"

Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "It should be poor people, if you don't have it, you will long for it."

"That's right!" Tang Xin spread out his hands and said, "Anyone would want nothing, but compared to people who have nothing, people like me will appear smaller and pursue less."

Tang Tang is not interested in how Tang Xin got the approval of the Judgment Sword. It is true that the process of many things is more important than the result, but there are also many things that only need the result. The important thing is that the Judgment Sword recognized Tang Xin.

The three walked forward in a group.

The Temple of Death is a huge city palace, but the interior is quite empty.

Tang Taluo thinks that this is the grand atmosphere of the temple, deliberately giving players a sense of magnificence to make people admire. Tang Xin thinks that open places are more likely to cause oppression, and Soul Domain hopes to cause psychological pressure on players. The little girl thinks that the death temple is built so big It's purely pretending to be thirteen, deliberately making such a big place, it is very likely that you have to turn around, because the place is too small to open.

In fact, Tang Tang's unprofessional guess was really right.

The three were soon attacked.

"Bold, how dare you trespass into the Temple of Death!"

The six soft drinks sounded almost simultaneously.

There were three gates in front of them, and there were two guards on the left and right sides of each gate, dressed in black. The only difference was that the borders of those black clothes were different, some were blue and some were fiery red. Yes, and cerulean.

Tang Xin is rich and powerful, and he was prepared for this situation. Although he is not good at calculation, he has paper talismans.

Throwing a piece of paper at random, Tang Xin condensed his sword finger, and the paper talisman floated in the air and burned, showing the attributes of the six guards at the same time.

The blue-trimmed dress is Ashen Horn, its attribute is Thunder, the blue-trimmed dress is Moon Feather, its attribute is Wind, the fiery-red dress is Zhaoming, its attribute is naturally Fire, and its levels are very uniform , are all 150 full level, but they are only elites, not bosses!

"I killed the fire!"

Tang Tang leaped forward and killed him first. After Tang Xin and Tang Taluo looked at each other, they also parted tacitly. Tang Taro was of course dealing with the wind-attributed Yue Yu, while Cang Jiao belonged to Tang Xin. deal with.

This is a relatively appropriate method. Although the three of them are familiar with each other, there are not many opportunities to cooperate together. Something like tacit understanding will not be promoted just because the three of them are masters. On the contrary, it is precisely because the three of them have strong abilities. It is more difficult to cooperate.

However, what the three of them didn't expect was that they were not going to play coordination, and wanted to separate and kill the six guards of the sacred tomb, but the other party played coordination.

Cang Jiao and Yue Yu quickly swapped positions, and then simultaneously drew out the formula!

Lei followed suit, always complementing each other!
The moment Yue Yu's spell ended, a strong wind blew up on the flat ground, and there was still a piece of yellow sand rolling in the wind!

This kind of change was beyond the three people's expectations. Facing the wind and sand, they almost instinctively covered their eyes. Immediately afterwards, a thunder horn suddenly grew in front of Ashen Horn's forehead, and a phantom of wings appeared behind him, and his body turned into a bolt of lightning. , and launched a charge towards them!
The three of them were almost hit by the electric current, and they flew into the air suddenly.

Soul domain prompt: You are in a state of paralysis for 12 seconds!
Soul Realm Tip: You are in a knockback state!
Ashen Horn's lightning strike is quite domineering, with a paralyzing effect and a knockback effect at the same time, after using the knockback effect, the Ashen Horn can open the distance, and at the same time limit the movement of everyone in the paralyzed state, and when the paralyzed state disappears At that time, Ashen Horn charged again.

This is obviously a rogue and effective style of play, but the three of Tang Tang also have rogue tricks.

"Judgment Barrier!"

As soon as Tang Xin waved his hand, he opened his Judgment Barrier, and the two ashen horns immediately bumped into the invisible wall. Tang Xin took advantage of the situation and pinched the void, and bound the ashen horns with the compression of the invisible world. However, three People have forgotten that Zhao Ming has never done anything.

"Flame Dance Shining Sun!"

That Zhaoming really deserves to be a level 150 guard, and his attack is a ninth-level spell, and two Zhaomings are showing their power at the same time. The ordinary players of the second robbery may not be able to withstand such a toss. In fact, the three of Tang Tang were also beaten. Caught off guard!
However, after Tang Taro was injured, he immediately pushed the wall of wind around his body. Now, the wall of wind has been labeled among the wise soul masters of Tangmen, that is, it is exclusive to Tang Taro. , Only those who have practiced the wall of the wind to the level of Tang Taro can be called the wall of the wind, even in the eyes of most people, Tang Taro's wall of the wind is a bug!

Therefore, the large tumbling flames were blocked by Tang Taro in an instant, but when Tang Taro wanted to spend more mana to push back the surging flames of Yanwu Yaoyang, he found that he couldn't push them back at all. move!
This is a very helpless thing. There are two reasons. First, Tang Taro worked hard to improve the Wall of Wind, and even raised the Wall of Wind that could only be upgraded to the sixth level to the ninth level with the true solution of Taoism. But the problem also lies in this. After the ordinary spell reaches the ninth level, it is an insurmountable threshold. The wall of the wind is the ninth level, but Yanwu Yaoyang is also the ninth level, and the second is Yueyu standing behind Zhaoming. It also released the mist of wind, and the fire took advantage of the wind to blow the flames more violently.

Fortunately, among the three, there is an existence who is not afraid of fire!
"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

Tang Tang didn't care about the sea of ​​fire at all, and this time she didn't choose Fire Dragon Scale or Baiquehuang, but directly used Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang.

The Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang is a different kind among the divine weapons. The damage of 6700 is not even as good as many ninth-order Horcruxes. However, the attack speed is astonishingly 13000. At the same time, it is a two-handed flying sword, and its attack frequency will naturally be higher than that of one-handed The sword is about 5 times faster. Therefore, without using the imperial weapon technique, simply holding a sword to attack, the speed of the reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang can almost reach 15000. This speed is even eight times that of many ninth-order Horcruxes. Of course, because the reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang itself does not have high damage, the damage is lowered, and the advantage of the attack speed will disappear accordingly.

However, Tang Tang obviously knows how to use the reincarnation phoenix Qiuhuang, because she chose the 24th Bridge Moonlight Night.

24 Bridges of Bright Moonlit Night (no rank, no grade): Overseas scholars create their own soul skills, which can stab 24 swords in an instant, and the damage is determined according to the user's shooting speed and flying sword attack speed. Consumption: none, cooldown time: 300 seconds!
(End of this chapter)

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