Chapter 685 Chapter 688
A soul technique whose damage is completely determined by the speed of the hand and the speed of the attack, fully exerts the advantages of the divine weapon Samsara Fengqiuhuang!
Damage - 29898, damage - 30452! "Two bright red numbers emerged from the heads of the two Zhaomings. The full-level elites were instantly killed by Tang Tang with a sword.


Tang Taro gave a soft drink. After Zhao Ming's death, the sea of ​​flames naturally disappeared suddenly. Tang Taro naturally took advantage of the momentum to pursue, trying to push the wall of wind and crush Cang Lan released by Yue Yu. They are evenly matched, but Tang Taro is not the reckless and reckless type. During the process of pushing and pushing, he quietly hid two haze blades in it, riding two Yue Yu unprepared, suddenly Then he released the Lan blade, hitting the chests of the two Yue Yu!

Tang Tang is like an assassin, wandering around, the two Yue Yu are defensive, Tang Tang has no good chances around them all the time, but when Tang Taro cuts open with the haze blade After those flirtatious events, Tang Tang's chance came, almost rubbing the two haze blades, Tang Tang followed and cut the necks of the two Yue Yu with the reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang.

After finishing Zhaoming and Yueyu, the remaining two Ashen Horns are not much of a threat. These two guys are of the charge type, using the knockback state and the paralyzed state to constantly bring troubles to the players, but without Yueyu Yu's coquettish support, without Zhaoming's continuous damage from the flames, it would be easy to deal with Ashen Horn, three hits two, Tang Tang's three pulled away, making two of them fall into a state of knockback and paralysis, and the remaining one dealt with it Ashen Horn is very easy and effective.

However, the three still attach great importance to the difficulty of the Death Temple. At least they have all been to the Reincarnation Pavilion. If you want to pass the Pangu Heart, you only need five players who are second-kalpa. The Temple of Death seems to be more difficult to deal with. If you want to mix here, you must at least have the level of the peak of the second calamity. Secondly, you must be targeted. Mixing the attacks of the three attributes of wind, fire, and thunder is still very troublesome. .

Of course, Cang Jiao is even more annoying, Yue Yu and Zhao Ming are level 150 elites, they don't even drop anything!
"No, there are still drops." Tang Taro opened three red, blue, and blue beads from the corner and said, "Wind beads, fire beads, and thunder beads feel like props. I don't know how to use them."

"Could it be here?" Tang Xin touched the door on the side and said, "Look, there is a small groove here, and the semicircle is sunken inward. Do you want to put the beads in?"

Tang Taro took the beads and compared them. They were about the same size and could indeed be put in. Moreover, if you look carefully, you will find that the colors of the concave faces correspond to each other. There are faint red, blue, and cyan colors, but , there is an extra concave on the door, which is yellowish brown.

"Maybe there is a fourth kind of monster." Tang Tang looked at the three doors and said, "Secondly, there are problems with the doors. You see, the patterns painted on the doors are different. I know the first one, it's Qiongqi."

Tang Tang would be completely sure of Qiongqi's appearance, naturally because she missed Qiongqi's appearance in the reward of the Holy Devil Daohui, but she did see Qiongqi's appearance, so she knew exactly what Qiongqi looked like.

The second door is a very beautiful woman with long fiery red hair, but the body can only vaguely see an extremely concave and convex outline, because the naked body of the woman is completely wrapped in a red flame, Secondly, there is a pair of red wings on the back, which are a bit strange, burning with flames, with curly roots and five branches, like a pair of big hands, and the three of them don't know each other at the same time.

The third door is two giant men, the one on the left is wearing purple armor, the one on the right is wearing green armor, the weapon in his hand looks like a staff, and there is a ring on the top, but it is not a staff, because the two sides of the ring are obviously blades, Secondly, there is a small protrusion on the top of the ring, which is like a cone knife, which can be stabbed.

Tang Xin and Tang Taluo didn't know each other, but Tang Taluo said straight away: "This is the guilt karma!"

Tang Tang said, "You know him?"

Tang Taluo nodded and said: "I just know a little bit. I have done a mission before, which is related to the Yaksha clan in the demon world, and the guilt karma is a well-known demon general of the Yaksha clan."

Tang Tang spread his hands and said: "It seems that the door is also a multiple-choice question. If we want to pass, we will probably face the boss on the door. Only after defeating can we continue to move forward. Therefore, we have to decide which door to choose first."

This one is actually quite easy to pick, the woman in the middle is full of flames, and the three of them all vetoed it, which is also normal. For unknown things, it is naturally the most difficult to grasp, and it is also difficult to estimate strength. Of course, the more important thing is One problem is that apart from Tang Tang being able to swim in the sea of ​​fire, Tang Xin and Tang Taluo are not good at flames. Tang Tang can't drag Tang Xin and Tang Taro into the water just to pass the level smoothly, right?
Therefore, Qiongqi should choose one of the two, and after a little discussion, all three of them decided to choose Zhisu’s guilt karma. The guilt karma has an advantage in quantity. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the guilt karma is divided into two people. However, the two are in the same town, does it mean that if the guilt karma is separated , would it not be as good as Qiongqi and the woman covered in flames?At that time, if some measures are taken to separate the guilt karma, it is very likely that it will be easier to pass than the other two.

"Then it's decided!"

Tang Taro made the final decision, and then took the beads in his hand and stuffed them into the groove!

The three spirit beads were inserted into the hollow, but there was no change, and there was no movement at the stone gate!

"It seems that there is a fourth bead!" Tang Tang looked at the remaining groove and said: "Brown, earth attribute, but we didn't see other guards along the way, nor in front of the door, maybe there are other guards. People have come in."

Tang Xin said: "Wait for refresh?"

Tang Tang said: "Take a look around."

Both Tang Xin and Tang Taro nodded in agreement. It's not a problem to just wait, it's also good to go around.

Turning around along the passageway they came from, the three got a good news and a bad news. The good news is that they still didn't see the guard in the passageway, and it took a stick of incense to return to the door At that time, they saw six guards respawned in front of the door, which meant that the respawning time was not long, and it wasn't that someone had snatched ahead of them. The bad news was that those six guards were still Ashen Horn, Yue Yu and Zhao Ming!

This time, the three of them got impatient and waited in front of the door. After about 10 minutes, new guards would appear in front of the door, but they were still the same three guards until the three of them got a little impatient. , the guards were refreshed again in front of the door, but this time there were seven rays of light refreshed, and one was at the front, which was yellow-brown, and a strange beast with a turtle body and a snake tail stepped out of it.

"Xuanwu phantom!" Tang Xin burned a paper talisman as before and said, "Little boss at level 120!"

"Ha!" Tang Tang teased, "Level 120 is still a small boss?"

Tang Xin and Tang Taluo laughed together, obviously figured out the key to getting in, and the three of them were in a good mood.

However, they were in a good mood, but it didn't mean that the guards of the temple were the same, Cang Jiao, Yue Yu and Zhao Ming shouted again, and charged towards them again.

The strength of these six guards is still very good. They all use spells above the seventh level, and their cooperation is also tacit. However, after killing them several times, everyone has figured out their cooperation, and they are not afraid .

Tang Xin acted as a poor meat hunter, preparing to resist the thunder and lightning charge of the two ashen horns alone. Tang Taluo opened the wall of wind to help Tang Tang take cover, but Tang Tang sacrificed his soul power at the first time , Entering the reclusive state of death pulse and touching Zhaoming's back!
The coordination of the six guards complements each other, as long as two of them are killed first, it will naturally become much easier to deal with. They have always used this kind of coordination before. Tang Tang killed Zhao Ming by force, Tang Taro restrained Yue Yu, and the two After the people teamed up to kill Zhao Ming and Yue Yu, they turned around to save the poor little Rou Dun Tang Xin, and the effect was also very good.

However, this time there are more Xuanwu phantoms!

Roaring like a bull's roar, there was a sudden rumble around the Xuanwu Phantom, and the ground thorns sprang out from the ground without warning, blocking Tang Tang's way out, and there was only such a delay , a flame scattered in the air.

"Flame Dance Shining Sun!"

The two fire-attributed Zhaoming still used the same two moves, which scattered a large sea of ​​flames from the sky. Tang Tang was not afraid of fire-attributed damage, but the flames completely covered the range of the entire passage. Tang Tang's death pulse Immediately was broken, showing the figure.

However, although the hermit is broken, the death pulse will not end because of this. The characteristic of the death pulse is that it lasts for a certain period of time, and it will disappear only after the time exceeds or hits the target. But after being unable to hide, Tang Tang simply resisted the flames Go towards the two Zhaoming.

"Help me clear the way!"

Tang Tang yelled, and Tang Taro immediately threw out the gale sickle, breaking a gap in the flames. Tang Tang passed by, urging the sword into light, pointing directly at the opponent, but at this moment, a stone wall suddenly burst into flames. Just rise from the ground.

Tang Tang slammed his head into the stone wall immediately, and the attack of Death Pulse was immediately disintegrated.

at the same time……

The two Zhaoming clasped their hands together in mid-air, and when they separated their palms, they each pulled out a flaming spear, raised their hands and threw them forward, but the target of the attack was neither Tang Taro nor Tang Tang. , but passed over the heads of the two of them, and went straight behind Tang Xin.

"Be careful."

Tang Taro's shout was timely, but was it useful?Useless!
Tang Xin felt like crying now, and fell into a paralyzed state. He was useless even if he had the ability to reach the sky. Therefore, he was undoubtedly hit by two fire spears in the back, and what was even more unfortunate was that he also triggered In the burn state, the life value began to drop continuously.

"Hurry up!" Tang Xin said with a sad face, "The life value has dropped below 50%."

Tang Taro agreed, and threw two hurricanes to stop Zhaoming.

Tang Tang said distressedly: "It's impossible to fight like this. The basalt phantom is obviously in charge. Earth bosses are the most annoying."

While talking, Tang Tang made another move on the 24th Bridge Bright Moon Night, but was still stopped by Xuanwu Phantom.

(End of this chapter)

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