The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 688 Chapter 691 The Phantom of Twins

Chapter 688 Chapter 691 The Phantom of Twins
Tang Tang climbed up from the deep pit again, but before she could finish speaking, the executive pressed down on Tang Taluo with his weapon, and at the same time suddenly opened his mouth towards Tang Tang.

Zhi Su suddenly roared, and a blue tornado spewed out of his mouth, passed over Tang Taro's head, hit Tang Tang's chest directly, rolled her into the air, and then hit the wall behind him heavily. After losing Tang Tang's body protection, he kept his health at 50%.

"I'm asshole to you!" Tang Tang was also angry, and yelled at Zhi Su's guilt: "I killed your wife and children, or your whole family, why do you keep staring at me and beating me!"

Responding to Tang Tang was a swipe from Zhi Su. This guy actually gave up on Tang Taro, and directly raised his round-bladed spear and waved it at Tang Tang. Fortunately, this time Tang Tang learned his wisdom, and immediately kicked his legs. Slip down from which wall to avoid the attack of persistent guilt karma.

"Pull away, all away!" Tang Tang shouted as he ran, "Let's see who the two of them are chasing after!"

After a few short rounds, the three of them figured it out. The hatred of the guilt karma was obviously a bit weird, and it seemed that they would not be separated at all. If this is the case, then only two of them can attack at the same time.

The three of them ran away in a triangular position. Sure enough, Tang Tang's character was the worst. She was the only one who hadn't attacked the guilt karma, but those two guys just liked to chase her, one left and one The one on the right rushed towards him, and at the same time formed a tendency of closing the door to the left and right.

"I love it!" Tang Tang simply waved his hand and said, "You guys fight!"

As the words fell, Tang Tang's hands quickly changed, pinching out different Dao seals, and buzzing swords suddenly sounded around him, and then, the star soul array on his chest became bright, and five star soul tools came from Tang Tang's side It rises in the air, and when it is opened left and right, it will block the weapons of the old guilt karma.

At the same time, Tang Tang also abandoned Baiquehuang and Jiehuolonglin, held the sword in one hand, held the burial coffin, and swung the huge sarcophagus in front of him, but there was no subtle sword move, just swept left and right, abruptly. He blocked the two round-edged guns from his body.

At this time, Tang Xin and Tang Taluo also rushed from the rear.

Both of them have the means of long-range attack. Tang Xin's sword light picks up, and the Five Sacred Mountains strike directly at the back of Zhisu. Su, but he threw two huge wind sickle blades, slashed at the back of Guiye, and knocked him back.

Zhisu Guiye is still very stubborn, and continues to attack Tang Tang, and Tang Tang is the first time for Tang Xin and Tang Taluo to see her other side of the ability.


Those who are familiar with Tang Tang know very well that the first impression of this guy is his speed. He has never seen anyone who can control five or six horcruxes in a calm manner, and can even chat and laugh. The second impression he had was attacking, and the name Tang Tang, the little witch, was synonymous with attacking instead of defending.

However, Tang Tang's attack was not bad at all. The huge burial coffin blocked from left to right, and every blow appeared exactly where it should appear, blocking all the attacks of Zhisu Guiye. Tang Tang even had the leisure to use the recovery potion to bring back his health; seeing this scene, Tang Xin and Tang Taluo were relieved, and worked hard to attack the persistent guilt karma.

After about seven or eight rounds, Zhi Su Guiye couldn't attack Tang Tang for a long time, so he suddenly turned around and headed towards Tang Taluo.

Such a choice made the three of them very happy, Zhi Su Guiye chose the last target he shouldn't have chosen!
Tang Taro didn't see any movement at all, and with a wave of his plain hand, the wall of the wind swung outwards, and the two round-bladed spears hit Xian Fengyun's physical skill without making any progress.

And after Tang Taro acted as the meat escape, Tang Tang was immediately released, the star horcruxes went out together, and the five swords formed a line, hitting the back of Guiye. Tang Tang's fingertips flicked out, landed on Zhi Su's shoulder, and quickly got into his armor, constantly nibbling at him.

Everything seemed to be going well, and they seemed to have figured out how to deal with their karma. Tang Xin burned another paper talisman in a leisurely manner, and then shouted, "One has 65% HP left, and the other has 66% HP left." %life value!"

As a humanoid boss, the defense of the guilt karma is still very high, and the life value is not weak, which is 65. However, if this continues, it will be worn to death sooner or later, and at this moment, the life value of the guilt karma It fell again and became [-]%...

"Twin Phantom!"

Zhisu Guiye suddenly shouted at the same time, and then swung the round-edged spear forward at the same time, creating two half-moon-shaped air waves. However, Zhisu Guiye stood back to back, so that the fan-shaped half-moon air waves It became a circle, covering the sides of the two without any gaps.

Soul Realm Tip: You have fallen into a knockback state!
None of the three were spared from being blown away by the wave of persistent guilt karma at the same time. However, this move seemed to only have a repelling effect and did not cause damage. , When they stood up again, they were stunned.

one, two, three...

There were originally two people, but at this moment it turned into sixteen, eight persistent people, and eight guilty karmas. They quickly ran away on both sides, forming a circle, surrounding the three of them.

"It's a phantom!" Tang Tang said, "There must be only two real ones!"

As soon as Tang Tang finished speaking, all the culprits raised the round-edged guns in their hands at the same time, and put the rounded blade on their chests.

"Wind, Thunder and Fire Crash!"

The sixteen executives shouted loudly in unison, incomparably neat, and the feeling was quite shocking. Immediately afterwards, wind and thunder were suddenly released from the round blade of the executive, and a spray of wind and thunder was released from the round blade of guilt. Sixteen flames came out, heading towards them.

The three of them spread out immediately, giving the others room to dodge.

Tang Taro propped up the wall of the wind as usual, while Tang Tang jumped up from Treadxuewuhen. Tang Xin was very sophisticated. He chose to squat at the first time. Judging from the trajectories of the wind, thunder and flames, it was a straight line. trajectories, will meet in the center, but will not hit the ground.

The three of them all have their own special methods, and at the same time keep paying attention to the attack. Tang Taro is even ready to resist. Of the sixteen wind, thunder and flame attacks, only two are real, so it can be judged that Which two are the real karma of persistent guilt, while the others are fake phantoms, which can be ignored!

However, this time, all three of them guessed wrong!


The eight winds and thunders and the eight flames did not meet at their position at all, but exploded before that, intertwined with each other, turning into a sea of ​​flames mixed with thunder and lightning, and suddenly fell towards the three of them.

This kind of change caught them by surprise, and they were unable to avoid it. However, Tang Taro's Wind Wall was still tyrannical, and he easily blocked it with only 10% of his mana as the price. After making up, Tang Tang was also very strong, but any attack related to fire would always do little damage to her, but Tang Tang fell into a paralyzed state for 15 seconds because of this.

Tang Xin was the worst. He swallowed the blessing potion continuously, and the life crystal that instantly restored the life value, and then stabilized the life value at 60%, which was still a serious injury.

And Zhisu Guiye was not idle, at the moment of the attack, he rushed forward suddenly, waving his weapon and smashed down at the three of them.

"Don't hide!"

Tang Tang flipped over deftly, yelled at Tang Xin while dodging the attack.

Tang Xin suddenly gave a wry smile. This guy made it clear that he was not a bean bun but a dry food, and he was not a gang leader but a cadre. He wanted to use himself as a bait, but how could he say he didn't want to?can?can?
So, Tang Xin went forward desperately, and was immediately sent flying by Zhi Su. Tang Tang's eyes lit up immediately, and he went forward with the momentum, stabbing the Zhi Su who sent Tang Xin flying, but To his surprise, he stabbed the air with a sword, and then the Zhisu who was supposed to be a phantom behind him suddenly hit Tang Tang and sent her flying!
"Damn it, what's going on?"

Tang Tang got up from the ground with a gloomy expression on his face.

Tang Taro saw everything in his eyes, and quickly released a piece of wind blade, five of which passed through the body of Zhisu Guiye, and one hit, but it was obvious that the hit was not Zhisu just now.

Tang Taro said: "Pull it apart carefully, the fourteen paths are phantoms, and the two paths are the main body, but the main body can change with the phantom at will."

Tang Xin and Tang Tang suddenly realized.

However, even though Tang Taro explained the mystery with a word, there was still no good way. Tang Tang pulled five phantoms away, and 24 Qiaoming Yueye shot through them all, but the moment she finished attacking, one of them Ming Guiye shot suddenly and hit Tang Tang on the back with one blow. When Tang Tang hit back, he turned into a phantom again.

Going back and forth like this is not impossible to confirm the phantoms, but after confirming, those phantoms may become entities, and the entities become phantoms again. It is hard to guess whether it is false or not.

"Feng Qi!" Tang Tang pondered for a moment, and immediately shouted: "Push them all away!"

Tang Taro didn't know what Tang Tang was going to do, but he still made a formula according to the words, forcing all the obsession and guilt karma back, and then used the soaring technique to fly into the air, while Tang Tang quickly approached Go to the center and grab Tang Xin.

"You are optimistic about my attack." Tang Tang said: "Use Wuyue Lianlian's long-range sword light, whoever I attack, you attack."

Tang Xin only thought that Tang Tang had a solution, and didn't ask any more questions. He held his sword at the side with peace of mind, while Tang Tang kept looking around.


Tang Tang made a sudden move, congealed a divine fire thunder in his hand and threw it out, Tang Xin immediately made a move, and the five sword lights of Wuyue Lianlian formed a row and went straight to the direction Tang Tang pointed.

Puff puff……

Tang Xin hit three swords in a row, but they all hit the entity, but the last two missed, and the entity became a phantom again.

"This side!"

Tang Tang immediately turned his head, and threw a fire thunder to bombard him as usual. Tang Xin turned around like a model, and stabbed the sword light again. Not to mention, he hit again, and this time he hit four swords in a row. Guilt karma had time to turn back into a phantom.

"Hey, that's weird." Tang Xinqi said, "How did you find out?"

(End of this chapter)

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