Chapter 689 Chapter 692
"Fire poison!" Tang Tang explained: "Pay attention to the tops of their heads. I released the Red Fire Gu King just now. After Zhisu Guiye is hit by fire poison, the fire poison damage will continue to occur. No matter how they change positions, The fire poison damage of the main body will not disappear, you can see which one of them has fire poison damage on their heads, which one is real."

Tang Xin and Tang Taro suddenly showed expressions of enlightenment!
Sometimes, some things seem to be mysterious and make people puzzled for a while, but after the word is revealed, it is not so magical, but it is undeniable that Tang Tang has indeed found a good way to deal with persistent guilt karma !
After five or six rounds, Tang Xin hits again and again. Tang Taro's wind blade is a little slower, but he can still maintain a 50% hit rate. When the duration was up, the guilt karma still persisted and gave up, and the fourteen phantoms disappeared in an instant.

"Wind and Fire Wheels!"

After removing the phantom, Zhisu Guiye launched a charge again. In the middle of the journey, Zhisu suddenly jumped up, and the two threw their weapons up and down one after another. people come.

Tang Taluo's wall of wind is really incomprehensible, so naturally he still resisted stubbornly. Tang Xin squatted to avoid the other silver blade. Tang Tang was unlucky. He didn't expect Tang Xin to squat down suddenly. He couldn't dodge it anymore, so he had to run while being stuck to his butt by the spinning round ninja gun. When he reached the wall, he stepped on the wall with his legs and did a backflip, barely avoiding it.

"Tang Tang, back!"

Tang Tang dodged the round-edged spear, and just breathed a sigh of relief when Tang Taro yelled. Looking back, the round-edged spear flew up against the wall, circled in the air, and fell towards him again. .

"Your sister!" Tang Tang cried, "I've never heard of a homing missile that can turn at a right angle!"

After setting up the burial coffin, Tang Tang held the round-edged gun desperately, and his body was moved back by the momentum, approaching the corner. Tang Tang raised his leg to step on the wall, and managed to push the round-edged gun with a golden rooster's independent posture. stopped.

Thirty seconds later, as soon as the duration expired, the round-bladed gun spun around and flew back into the hands of the two of them.

Tang Tang heaved a sigh of relief, and then the three of them quickly counterattacked, and they also blocked left and right, and quickly fought with the three of them.

In fact, this guilt karma is really not too powerful. In other words, its own cultivation base and strength are not very outstanding. It is not equal to two, it may be equal to three, or even equal to four or equal to five. Of course, the only choice to deal with this kind of boss is to use hatred to pull them apart. After the battle, their strength will naturally drop, but it is obvious , Zhisu guilt karma clearly does not follow this set.

Of course, there is no other way.

"Use field control skills to pull away?" Tang Tang said: "For example, first limit the residence or guilt."

Both Tang Xin and Tang Tang looked at Tang Taro. After all, weapon soul masters are usually able to resist and fight, but when it comes to controlling the field, they are far less versatile than wisdom soul masters.

"I..." Tang Taro looked at his spells seriously, and then smiled wryly, "I didn't!"

Among all kinds of spells, metal is special damage, fire is continuous damage, wind is acceleration, thunder is paralysis, earth is the main attack and defense, and when it comes to field control, it is usually water and wood spells. Of course, water spells usually damage Not high, but among the major sects, the only one majoring in water and wood = spells is Sea God Pavilion. They don't fight at all, but feed them. No one cares how much damage the sister paper of Sea God Pavilion has. Sufficient amount is enough. If it can be combined with the unique deceleration, freezing, frostbite, mud, wood poison and other effects in the water and wood spells, it will not be possible to see why the sisters of the Sea God Pavilion are all sweet and sour. It's gone!
Tang Tang misses Tang Mei very much now. Although the eldest sister is not a disciple of the Sea God Pavilion, the cold air that is disdainful to the Nine Heavens is really bug-level against the sky!


Just as Tang Tang was thinking, the wall behind him suddenly collapsed with a bang, and a figure flew straight out, hitting Tang Tang directly.

"Hey, it's quite soft!" Tang Mei moved her buttocks and said, "This floor is not bad."

"Your sister's floor." Tang Tang lay on the ground and said angrily, "Get off me."

"Huh, Tang Tang?" Tang Mei got up from Tang Tang's body and said, "Why are you here?"

"Nonsense, I..."

Before Tang Tang finished speaking, another figure flew out from the place where the wall collapsed, and hit Tang Tang straight, and with a bang, Tang Tang fell to the ground again.

"Ah, it's so soft." A carefree voice said, "Why is the floor in this room so soft?"

Tang Tang burst into tears, today he provoked someone, why everyone is targeting him.

"Get up, get up, someone is sitting." Tang Mei pulled the man up from Tang Tang's body and said, "This is Duckweed, my junior, the direct successor of the head..."

"You are only juniors, and your whole family is juniors!" The boy was obviously very upset, pointed at Tang Mei's nose and said, "Xiao Meimei, remember it for me, sooner or later I will put you back from the first class." I will be the No.1 of the Kunlun sect if I get kicked from the position of the senior sister, and the head of the Kunlun sect must be a man, and I will be the one who can become the head."

"Pfft, Xiao Meimei!" Tang Tang burst out laughing and said, "Sister, your new boyfriend?"

"Bah!" Duckweed said angrily, "You are the boyfriend."

"It's so fierce!" Tang Tang said to Tang Mei in a loud voice, "Eldest sister, I only now know that you like Fauvism."

"Okay, okay, you are the first senior, you are the head, okay?" Tang Mei cried and pulled the duckweed away: "Stop talking so much nonsense, can we make it by running first?"

After Tang Mei finished speaking, she ran as fast as she could, but before she could take a few steps, the round-edged gun of the executive suddenly swept Tang Mei's chest, and directly swept him away, sticking him straight like a cake. up the wall.

"It's none of my business." Tang Xin spread her hands innocently and said, "She bumped into it herself."

Tang Mei slid down from the wall depressed and said, "Why do you have a boss here?"

"You don't have eyes yourself? Before you came in..." Tang Tang was stunned, and then said, "You seem to have used the word "also"? Don't tell me, there is something chasing you behind you."

"I'm sorry to tell you!" Tang Mei said with a sad face, "It really is!"


Just as Tang Mei finished speaking, a large piece of flame suddenly spewed out from the gap in the wall, and everyone hurriedly dispersed in all directions. Immediately afterwards, a pair of wings burning with flames protruded from the gap, and immediately, the graceful figure wrapped in flames appeared. Step through the gap in the wall.

"Yan Wu!" Tang Mei shouted: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, this woman is a descendant of the ancient fire god Zhu Rong, and she is very fierce."

The three of Tangmen showed no signs of fear, but their eyes lit up, and they said in unison: "Change positions!"

When the words fell, Tang Tang directly urged the sword into light, passed over Tang Mei's head and said: "Where do you go, delay with the Ice Art, Yan Wu will take care of it, and who else..."

Duckweed said angrily, "It's Duckweed!"

"Got it, got it." Tang Tang said: "So who, go and help Xiao Meimei stay in the dormitory, and Tang Xin and the senior will delay their work!"

Subconsciously, Tang Tang still felt that it was more difficult to deal with guilt. The most important thing was that these two guys did not play cards according to the usual rules. Be confident, I have put a lot of effort into the fire attribute!
"The sky is blazing!"

Faced with Yan Wu inciting a pair of fire feathers to release a fire tornado, Tang Tang did not want to be outdone. He raised his hand and slapped out the blazing flames of the sky. The two flames intersected in the air, entangled, blended with each other, and finally...


The flames on both sides were overwhelmed, and they exploded in mid-air, and then rolled up layers of air waves and receded outwards, blowing Tang Tang back a few meters, while Yan Wu blocked the fire wings in front of him to offset them. Invasion of air waves.

At the same time, the moment the air wave disappeared!

Yan Wu and Tang Tang jumped forward at the same time, charged suddenly, and headed towards the opponent.

"do not want!"

According to Tang Mei's words, she was pestering Zhisu, = her cold air was really effective, slowing down Zhisu, but deliberately letting go of guilt karma, creating a certain distance between Zhisu's guilt karma, and its power was naturally greatly reduced. At the same time, Tang Mei I didn't forget to pay attention to Tang Tang's situation, and it was just this turning around that Tang Mei couldn't help but exclaimed!

Accompanied by Tang Mei's shout, Tang Tang and Yan Wu staggered sideways in the air. Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang's body turned into a black shadow and flew backwards!

That room is a circle with a diameter of about 200 meters!

Because Tang Mei and the others broke in through the wall, Yan Wu was actually at the corner all the time, and after Tang Tang was knocked into the air, he hit the wall at once, which meant that Yan Wu's blow could Send Tang Tang flying at least 180 meters. If there is no wall, Tang Tang may fly farther and become a kite completely.

At the same time, looking at her health, Tang Tang also felt lingering fear. Her health had been maintained at around 85%, and only two of the cold body protection of the cold silk armor had been used, and one was left. However, that Yan Wu After consuming the cold air protection, the blow actually put her into a near-death state, and her life dropped below 10%.

This is an extremely dangerous number!
Tang Mei shouted: "She has the fighting spirit!"

"I'll go!" Tang Tang said, "Why didn't you say so earlier."

Tang Mei said distressedly: "Don't even think about it. If she only knows how to set fire, can I not handle her?"

Tiangang battle qi is a very strange spell, the reason is that Tiangang battle qi belongs to the metal spell type, but it does not consume mana, but consumes soul power. It belongs to the exclusive spell of the soul master, and its effect also inherits The consistent style of metallic spells is domineering!
(End of this chapter)

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