The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 690 Chapter 693 Soul Sound Manman Super Support

Chapter 690 Chapter 693 Soul Sound Manman Super Support
100% of a random special damage, and increase 50% damage!

This is the attribute of Tiangang's fighting spirit. No matter what attack you use, it will definitely deal special damage. If you are unlucky, you can also deal a heavy blow. The reason why it flew away with one blow was that Yan Wu's attack ignored defense.

However, the duration of Tiangang battle qi is only 15 seconds. Of course, the cooling time is not high, only 10 minutes. Therefore, Tiangang battle qi is a very practical spell, as long as any metal weapon soul master can do it, the leveling is very sharp, pk Sometimes, it is also very good in group fights. It is commonly known as the second-hand supernatural power, but it is not very useful when you are singled out. Yes, the duration of 15 seconds is too short after all, it is only enough for one shot, and it must be very fast, so the requirement for the hit rate is naturally extremely high.

"Little girl, is it okay?"

Tang Taro shouted, and Tang Tang waved his hand decisively.

Although he was hit hard, Tang Tang also understood Yan Wu's attack method, which has very high damage, long-range fire, and close combat ability seems to be very strong. From time to time, he will stack himself with Tiangang battle energy, which is very frustrating, but , Relatively speaking, Tang Tang thinks it is more troublesome to deal with guilt karma. Of course, Tang Mei's cold air can completely isolate the guilt karma, but it is still more troublesome for Tang Xin and Tang Taluo to deal with guilt karma , it's not a question of ability, but that Guiye always ran to help Zhisu, and Tang Mei couldn't slow down both of them from frostbite. It was too easy to spare people to help Tang Tang.

However, Tang Mei hesitated for a moment, and said, "Duckweed, go help the little girl."

"Bah!" Duckweed rolled her eyes and said, "Don't call me so affectionate, do I know you very well?"

"Okay, I'm not familiar with you, I'm not familiar with you." Tang Mei was quite helpless with this little trouble, and just urged: "Hurry up and help."

Tang Tang actually wanted to say no, but even though Duckweed was muttering, she still walked towards Tang Tang. You said, knowing that he is a difficult guy, would Tang Tang have the nerve to drive him back again?Isn't this looking for a draw!

Secondly, Tang Mei lost Duckweed's help, and she seemed to have no problem. Her coldness made her feel like a panacea. Anyway, she could intervene in any fight, but if Tang Mei was expected to kill Zhisu alone, it would probably take her time. Although the effect of the cold ice that looks down on the Nine Heavens is good, the damage is really not as good as that of the black-hearted grandma's cold air that can freeze everything.

However, Tang Tang was too embarrassed to go up to him to scold him, but the little troublemaker was not polite, he pointed at Tang Tang's nose and said, "You, what are you looking at, it's you, give me the top!"

Tang Tang pointed at himself, and immediately had the urge to vomit blood, your sister, did you call for help?
Tang Tang wanted to cry, but fortunately, the cooling time of her elixir had passed, she stuffed the blessing elixir, and after recovering 100% of her health in an instant, she rushed towards Yan Wu again!

Although Yan Wu had a pair of fire feathers, his moving speed seemed to be very average. Tang Tang ran around in circles, seeing that the opponent's speed was not as fast as his own, he immediately shook the tip of his sword, and 24 sword lights went straight to Yan Wu with a weak arc. And going, Yan Wu rolled the fire feather, took a large piece of flame to protect his chest, and blocked the sword light one by one, but at this moment, Tang Tang suddenly ran and pulled to the gap on the left.

"The sky is blazing!"

Tang Tang struck out with a palm, and the incandescent skyfire flames rolled towards Yan Wu like a fire dragon. However, although Tang Tang found a gap, he still underestimated Yan Wu. The opponent's pair of fire feathers were not real. The wings are solidified by the flame, and after the flame is released, it expands instantly, wraps the body, and protects the whole body, blocking the blazing flames of the sky, and then the fire wings flap, and countless fire feathers fly towards the sky. Coming after Tang Tang, Tang Tang's palm of heaven was naturally blazing to meet him.

But at this moment...

The flames on both sides stagnated at the same moment when they were about to meet, and suddenly changed their direction strangely, heading towards the duckweed.

Tang Tang was startled immediately. This difficult guy might have some ulterior relationship with Tang Mei. If he killed his eldest sister's best friend, it would be a serious crime.

Tang Tang was about to return to help immediately, but the two flames, one red and one white, were very cute in front of the duckweed, circling around the duckweed, and finally slowly sucked in by something.

Only then did Tang Tang see that Ping Zong was holding a flying sword that was as red as fire!

Heavenly Tribulation Sword!
The Nine Tribulations Sword is divided into two pieces, the Nine Tribulations and the Heavenly Tribulation. The combination is a magic weapon. If Fa Po wants to enter the Temple of Death, he naturally needs divine weapons, and Kunlun's divine weapons are either the Nine Tribulations Sword or the Heavenly Tribulation Sword!
"That's right. It is rumored that the Heavenly Tribulation Sword and Nine Tribulations Sword are forged from Yanyang's red iron, and they can swallow the flames of the world. It is indeed true!" With a bitter face, he said: "But, you keep sucking away all the blazing flames of my sky, I'm going to fuck you!"

"Ah?" Duckweed didn't expect it, and felt as if she had done something, but she still insisted: "You don't know how to use a sword!"

Tang Tang also lazily told her more, directly highlighting Baiquefeng's rebirth from the ashes attribute.

Rebirth from the ashes: Every time a fire attribute damage is taken, the defense will drop by 10%, the fixed damage will increase by 300, and the fire attribute damage will increase by 30%. After the target dies, it will return to the original attribute!
Rebirth from the ashes is of course not invincible, the biggest shortcoming is that the defense will drop, but it is very useful to Tang Tang, because Tang Tang got a lot of blessing potions that can instantly restore 50% of the life value after the Saint Demon Road meeting, As long as Yan Wu can't lose Tang Tang in a second, she can increase the fire attribute damage without limit. Of course, it is only fire attribute damage, which makes the problem here. Tang Tang has suffered two flame damages, and the fire attribute damage The damage has been increased by 60%, and there is a fixed damage of 600 points at the same time, that is to say, no matter whether Yan Wu defends successfully or not, as long as she hits, she will suffer 600 damage. The fixed damage of 600 points will kill Yan Wu sooner or later.

The duckweed in front of him rarely said weakly: "Then I don't need it?"

Tang Tang couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Take it quickly."

"Oh!" Duckweed said, "Then what should I do?"

"You can do whatever you want." Tang Tang waved his hands helplessly and said, "Do whatever you like, and use it if you have any buff or negative status.

"Oh!" Duckweed agreed, "Then you go, I'll help you increase your status!"

Tang Tang asked in surprise, "There really are?"

"Hmph!" Duckweed snorted coldly, "Kunlun Bacheng, don't you know that disciples of Langyuan are good at assisting?"

While Duckweed was talking, she took out a weird musical instrument from her backpack, shaped like a bow, with strings tied one by one.

Tang Tang wondered, "Guzheng?"

"Do you dare to be less educated?" Duckweed said with a black line on his head, "How does the guzheng grow like this? This is an ancient musical instrument, the harp!"

Tang Tang smiled awkwardly, can this matter be on his own?I don't know the rhythm, so it's the same reason as if you don't know how many styles of Tai Chi there are. However, it is very unwise to reason with boys, especially with a very savage boy, so Tang Tang resolutely Choose to shut up.

Moreover, although the two were talking, Tang Tang's hands did not stop at all. Riding the duckweed to suck away the flames, Tang Tang pinched his hands and released the Star Soul Formation. The flames were also sucked away, and they attacked Yan Wu again and again, suppressing her, and after being continuously injured, Yan Wu screamed, obviously preparing to fight back, making Tang Tang dare not continue to argue with Fa Po. Instead, he concentrated on coming back to his senses, and carefully guarded against Yan Wu.

Sure enough, Yan Wu condensed a huge flame again, waved forward suddenly, and three raging fire chains stretched out from the flame, twitching towards Tang Tang like a whip.

Such an attack is not too difficult for Tang Tang. Although it is a condensed flame with obvious fire attribute damage, the attack method is similar to a physical attack. The attack range of the fire chain is very large, but the coverage is extremely small , with Tang Tang's agility, it is natural to shuttle between the three fire chains lightly, flying flowers all over the sky and falling to the ground silently, stepping on petals, quickly dodging the fire chains, and approaching Yan Wu at the same time.

At this time, melodious music suddenly sounded.

"Tianxuan Five Tones!"

Duckweed lightly fiddled with the harp, and a five-color jade light gushed out from the strings, quickly enveloping Tang Tang's whole body.

Soul Domain Tip: Your speed is increased by 25% for 45 seconds!
Soul Realm Tip: Your defense is increased by 25% for 45 seconds!
Soul Realm Tip: Your damage is increased by 25% for 45 seconds!
Soul Realm Tip: Your life is increased by 25% for 45 seconds!
Soul Realm Tip: Your mana is increased by 25% for 45 seconds!
"I'll go, so cool?"

Seeing the soul domain prompt popping up like swiping the screen, Tang Tang was also taken aback. The buff of Tianxuan Wuyin can increase the attributes by 25%, which is already quite a lot. It also increases speed, defense, and attack at the same time. , Fate, Law, the full five attributes are not very good to describe, but extremely ferocious!
In particular, Tang Tang's speed is already extremely good. After the increase of 25%, it is naturally very obvious, bringing out an obvious afterimage. Tang Tang slipped through the gap of the three fire chains suddenly. past!

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

After Tang Tang dexterously passed through the three fire chains, he flashed in front of Huo Wu. Samsara Feng Qiuhuang was in front, bringing out 24 sword lights, which hit Huo Wu's abdomen directly, and Tang Tang was also quite rare. You must know that with the attack speed of Samsara Fengqiuhuang, the sword light is almost gone in a flash, so it is of course very difficult, and Tang Tang's hit rate for Ershiqiao Mingyueye has always been 16 to 18. With Dao Jianguang left and right, it really takes a certain amount of luck to hit the whole strike, and this time Tang Tang's luck is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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