Chapter 691 Chapter 694
After a series of blows from 24 bright moonlit nights, Yan Wu paid 4% of her HP as a price, and her HP also dropped by 36%. Of course, Tang Mei and Fa Po had already knocked out almost half of Huo Wu's HP.

And after being hit hard, Yan Wu was also furious, and a golden glow suddenly appeared on his body.

Tiangang fighting spirit!

Tang Tang was suddenly shocked. Under the effect of Tiangang Battle Qi, any attack would be extremely powerful, and Huo Wu was obviously going to kill Tang Tang with one blow. After using Tiangang Battle Qi, a huge golden cloud formed in front of him. fireball.

Tang Tang retreated quickly, but at this moment, Duckweed shouted: "Don't retreat, let her kill you."

This request really made Tang Tang quite embarrassed, and at the same time, this request also made Tang Tang worried that Duckweed had other ideas. However, after a little hesitation, Tang Tang chose to believe it, but it was not Duckweed that he believed in, but Tang Mei. After all, It's hard to believe a guy you meet for the first time.

Charge forward, since he was going to die, of course he was going to die vigorously. Tang Tang sacrificed 60 points of soul power in a row. He originally wanted to continue to sacrifice for the seventh time, but seeing that Huo Wu's fireball had already passed him, Tang Tang also Don't dare to delay, use 10 points of the sword spirit on the death pulse, and use the remaining 50 points on the superposition of the killing sword!

This blow naturally dealt severe damage to Yu Yanwu again. However, Tang Tang was also hit on the head by Yan Wu's big fireball. It was smashed into white light by a blow, but at this moment...

The piano sounded!

"Life and death knowledge!"

Before the white light after Tang Tang's death dissipated, she immediately condensed into a human form again and revived on the spot.

Soul Realm Tip: Life and Death Tongqiao brings you back from the dead, and it works, increasing all attributes by 20%, and increasing the chance of critical strike by 20%!
Soul Realm Reminder: Since you died after being attacked by the fire attribute, activate the attribute to destroy the sky!
Tang Tang felt that today's life was really full of ups and downs, and the two sudden news of the soul domain shocked her again. First, the auxiliary spell that shocked Duckweed was too awesome, and second, that guy who shocked Tang Mei was too disappointing. A guy with such a fork can't beat Yan Wu?In the end, she was shocked by Jie Huo Liao Tian, ​​because she couldn't remember when she had this attribute.

However, Tang Tang soon found out, because Jie Huo Liao Tian turned out to be a passive-aggressive attribute, and Tang Tang had already used it without explaining it, which made Tang Tang finally figure out where this attribute came from.

Calamity Fire Burns the Sky (Constellation attribute): When killed by flames, it will use its own body to attract robbery fire and burn the target. The duration is 120 seconds, and the cooling time is 12 hours. The power will increase with the improvement of cultivation base!
Tang Tang's astrology listed in the Holy Demon Catalog is the Winged Fire Snake of Suzaku's Tail. However, the title of this astrology seems to be of no use other than to attract attention. is a shade of black, that is, not available.

Tang Tang never expected that this attribute would appear only when he died!

Moreover, completely passive, when Tang Tang died, Jie Huo Liao Tian would be used.

A black cloud of smoke suddenly appeared at the lower edge of the room, and slowly condensed, turning into a large cloud of calamity, which suddenly floated over Yan Wu's head.


Immediately afterwards, there was a huge roar, and a fire of calamity fell from the calamity cloud, hitting Yan Wu heavily.

In the flames, Yan Wu's face showed pain.

This is not a simple matter, let a guy playing with fire bear the pain of flames, the damage is extraordinary, and Jieyun can also restrict movement, Yan Wu tried to rush out of the range of Jiehuo several times, but was blocked Pressed tightly under Jieyun, he could only choose to resist, and then his life value continued to drop, his body bent slightly, and he half-kneeled on the ground.

Tang Tang wiped off his cold sweat, but instead of admiring Jie Huoliaotian's dominance, he scolded his mother in his heart.

Jie Huo Liao Tian is powerful, but it can only be triggered if you die...

This is a typical attribute of making wedding dresses for others!

"Damn you!" Tang Tang said angrily, "What a pit! Worse than a carrot pit!"

At this time, the calamity cloud above Yan Wu's head also slowly dissipated. Although the power was huge, it didn't take long after all. It was only 120 seconds, and almost nine calamity fires were the limit. It was a miniature version of a small catastrophe. But he still beat Yan Wu hard enough, and he has already entered a state of near-death, with only 7% of his health left, lingering there!
Naturally, Tang Tang would not let go of such a good opportunity. He pulled out two sword flowers, held Feng Qiuhuang in his hand one straight and the other reversed, and then went to kill Yan Wu. Tang Tang's strength naturally increased again!
"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

Sword out, sword brilliance flashes!
The 24 blood-red sword lights turned into dots and moved towards Yan Wu, but Yan Wu seemed to have exhausted her last strength, and re-condensed the pair of fiery red wings, stirring, bringing out a wave of heat, wrapping Holding his body, he blocked the sword light, but at the tenth sword light, the pair of fire feathers were completely shattered, and immediately.Seven or eight blood holes were continuously spotted on Yan Wu's body by the sword light, and blood flowed out profusely.

at the same time……

Tang Tang fell back to the ground, tapped his toes, and twisted his body, the sword turned into a jade light, and his body became an illusion!
"Death pulse!"

The crimson sword light only stayed in the air for a moment, and when Tang Tang's body disappeared, the sword light also disappeared without a trace.

Immediately after...

A wound five or six inches long was opened on Yan Wu's chest, and a large amount of blood spurted out. With a faint flame, it scattered all over the ground, and her body fell forward involuntarily, and Tang Tang's figure was also Yan Wu's. revealed behind.

After killing Yan Wu, Tang Tang was not overjoyed.

First, Yan Wu didn't drop anything, only a red bead called Yuhuo Bead, which is also an item and has no function, but it is very likely that it is still used to open the mechanism. Karma is not dead!

"I'm coming!"

Tang Tang yelled and moved closer to the others.

The guilt karma of the stick is still very strong, Tang Mei bound the stick with ice, while Tang Xin and Tang Taluo dealt with the guilt, using Tang Mei's Ice Art to slow down, to prevent the tacit cooperation of the guilt karma.

To give the simplest example, if Guiye is used as a bait to attack, Zhisu will of course make up the sword, but after Zhisu is hit by the ice that is so arrogant to the Nine Heavens, his speed drops sharply, even if Guiye successfully uses his own attack to force the opponent to dodge in embarrassment , Zhisu has no time to make up the knife, and vice versa. After the speed of Zhisu is slow, it is impossible to carry out effective attacks, and Guiye has no chance to even make up the knife.

However, it doesn't mean that it is easy to deal with the guilt karma. The difficulty of the twin bosses is that as long as one of them is not dead, it will never be easy to deal with!
Especially when the HP is 40%, the Guiding Karma directly activates the co-life skill. The Guiding Karma shares life at the same time, and must attack both sides at the same time. If only one is attacked, the one with the less HP will be killed after 30 seconds. It will automatically restore the life value to the same percentage as the other one. In this way, it will not work for Tang Mei to use the Disdainful Nine Heavens to pull away Zhisu alone. threatening.

Tang Taro could only resist the guilt karma alone, and asked Tang Xin to help Tang Mei attack Zhisu. After all, Tang Mei's output was really unsightly.

It's just that the twin skills of the guilt karma are more than that. Starting from 50%, every 10% of the life value drops, a twin skill will appear in the guilt karma of the persistence, and what everyone can't deny is the guilt karma of the persistence 50% of the time, it was Qiankun Phantom that brought great trouble to Tang Tang and the three of them. If it weren't for the Scarlet Fire Gu King, the three of them really couldn't break this trick, and the level 40 Time is the life-sharing spell called concentricity!
When Tang Tang dealt with Yan Wu and came up from the side to help, Zhisu's HP was 33%, while Guiye's HP was 31%. If he didn't knock down Zhisu's HP within 30 seconds to 31%, then guilt karma will restore 2% of the life value.

However, after continuous cooperation, everyone gradually got used to this life-sharing model. Tang Taro reckoned that his life value was about the same. A distance that can cooperate with each other. When Tang Taro exceeds the distance, Gui Ye immediately turns back to attack Tang Xin, and Tang Taro immediately steps forward, propping up the wall of the wind, and blocking Gui Ye's route again.

This back and forth is only a few steps, which seems ordinary, but it is very effective in delaying the karma. Tang Xin sacrificed his soul power and it was a series of swords of five mountains. With a blow from Tiangang Zhisu, at the same time, he sacrificed a phantom of a huge sword. Before being hit flying, it also released a floating shadow. The phantom of the giant sword was divided into three parts, and fell continuously. Dropped to the 30% position.

at the same time……

Tang Tang stabbed upwards from the rear, lightly pinched the imperial weapon technique, and danced with both swords of Samsara Phoenix and Phoenix, circling around Guiye. It seemed that there was only one sword, but he cut six swords in a row. However, because it was an ordinary The imperial weapon attack is not a soul skill, so the damage reduction is also quite clever, and Kankan also suppressed the life value of the evil karma to 30%, just in sync!

"Smoked sandalwood clean clothes!"

Naturally, Duckweed's speed was not as fast as Tang Tang's. He was a little slower, but he also rushed back at this time, holding a harp lightly, and the clear music sounded.

The buff effect of the smoked sandalwood clean clothes is not as heaven-defying as that of Tianxuan Wuyin and Life and Death Tongqiao. However, just because the buff effects of Tianxuan Wuyin and Life and Death Tongqiao are extremely terrifying, the cost of the two buff effects is also very high. Xuan Wuyin has a very long cooling time, and the use of Life and Death Tongqiao is quite limited. It must be used after death, and the cooling time is not too short. At the same time, it is only effective for a single target, and the effect of the smoked sandalwood clean clothes is slightly worse. , but it is a more practical buff spell, which can remove negative effects, give each player in the team 3000 points of damage absorption, and reflect 20% of the damage to the enemy, and at the same time increase the team's player's growth rate by 3%. Defense, and a 3% increase in the upper limit of health, although the values ​​​​are not high, they are quite practical!
(End of this chapter)

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