Chapter 692 Chapter 695
Obviously, the continuous delays, drags, and attacks were all connected very well, and everyone's cooperation gradually became tacit.

However, because the life value of the guilt karma reached 30% at the same time, they also had to accept new challenges!
Gemini supernatural powers!Fusion soul skills!
"One heart and one body!"

Zhi Su Guiye drank low, the bodies of the two suddenly became like phantoms, and raised the round blade gun in his hand, and then, Zhi Su Guiye's body suddenly overlapped, and they were completely closed, becoming one person.

However, if it's just two in one, then everyone has nothing to worry about. However, it is obviously not as simple as the surface, at least the strength must be greatly increased. Secondly, it makes everyone quite The one who vomited blood was that the life value of Zhisu Guiye had returned to 60%.

"Don't worry!" Seeing the ugly faces of everyone, Tang Taro encouraged him immediately: "They are 30% each separately, and 60% together is normal, and the health value has not increased because of this. Everyone should be careful about the attack of the guilt karma. Bar."

As if to prove Tang Taro's words, Zhi Su Guiye suddenly raised Yuan Nin's gun.

"Thunder Fire Crack!"

Thunder fire spewed out from the ring of the round blade gun, and raged towards the surroundings. Tang Taluo resisted for a while, and then his face changed drastically. The strength of the guilt karma has indeed increased a lot, at least the damage has indeed changed. Horror.

"Frozen, frozen!" Tang Tang yelled at Tang Mei: "Ice!"

Tang Tang and Tang Mei are good sisters, so naturally there won't be any problems in cooperating. After Tang Tang replaced the reincarnation phoenix Qiuhuang in his hand with the funeral coffin, he directly faced the guilt karma.

The swords and guns intersected, but Tang Tang insisted on pressing the round-edged gun down with the sarcophagus. Tang Mei immediately rushed out from the side, with a sudden coldness on her body, and a layer of frost floated on the body of Zhi Su Guiye, and the speed was steep. reduce.

"Pull away!"

It was rare for Tang Tang not to fight, so he pulled away quickly, and Tang Taro immediately blew a gust of wind blade, mainly attacking the front of the sticking karma. Tang Xin went around to the rear to attack at the same time.

In fact, after the merging of obsession and guilt karma, the attributes must have increased, otherwise Tang Taro's Wall of Wind would not change color after being hit, but the real effect is actually not as good as the two working together separately!

You know, Tang Tang is flexible, Tang Taro can be long-distance, and Tang Xin's characteristics are actually hard to describe. It can be said that his damage is high, but it is not low, but he is not scary. He is fast. Compared with Tang Tang, he is a little witch Seeing the great witch, but he is definitely not slow. It is true that he defends well, because he has the barrier of judgment, but the barrier of judgment cannot be used without consuming the soul value, especially Tang Xin has used it twice, let alone the barrier of judgment. Dare to waste it recklessly, so Tang Xin's evaluation is almost mediocre, but on the other hand, it is precisely because Tang Xin is well-behaved that he is stable, able to attack and defend, and finally able to handle it with ease. As for Tang Mei , that damned ice feature that is so disdainful to the Nine Heavens is a headache for almost all players and bosses, it's too bullying.

In this way, the karma of persistence and guilt still failed to bring any trouble to everyone, and the twin supernatural powers of one mind seemed a bit tasteless!
However, when the life value of Zhi Su Gui Karma dropped to 45%, everyone didn't think so.

After being attacked for a long time, Zhisu Guiye was finally overwhelmed and relieved of the unity of one mind. However, what made everyone extremely depressed was that after the Zhisu guilt karma was lifted, the life value of Zhisu remained at 30%, while the guilt karma The health value of his body dropped to 15%.

Everyone should vomit blood, which means that if Zhisu's health is not hit to 30% within 15 seconds, Guilty's health will immediately return to 30%, and they were all in vain before.


Tang Tang hurriedly shouted and rushed up, but he obviously underestimated the shamelessness of Soul Domain. Facing the encirclement and suppression of the crowd, the senior executive raised the round-edged spear again.

"Gold and Iron Wall!"

A layer of golden light appeared in front of Zhisu, no matter how everyone attacked him, he could not fall down. After 30 seconds, Guiye's HP recovered to 30%, and then it was even more painful because of Zhisu's guilt. Both are at 30% health, and the twin supernatural powers are activated again.

"One heart and one body!"

Zhisu Guiye shouted and became one person again.

"This is the most rascal, shameless, and disgusting boss I've ever seen!"

Tang Mei's words made everyone feel sad, is it strong to hold on to guilt?It's really not strong, but it's troublesome, entangled, and makes people want to cry.

Tang Xin also said distressedly: "I really want to use the barrier of judgment to separate them directly, just kill them."

Tang Tang said: "Then you go?"

"Forget it." Tang worked hard and said with a smile: "Let's try harder."

The soul value and spirit value are the biggest changes brought to the players after the second calamity, and they are completely strengthened in the third calamity, but the recovery is indeed very slow. It may be to limit the gap between the second calamity and the first calamity, so that the players above the second calamity Players can't be unscrupulous, so that all players of the Second Tribulation know to use it with caution. However, if you pay a little magic power, it is still worthwhile to destroy the guilt karma with one blow, but it is definitely not now. Karma has grinded down to 30% of the life value, and it is not far from success. It is obviously not worth the loss to waste it at this time.

Re-entangled with the guilt karma, because I have a little experience, the guilt karma is not so difficult to fight, but it is quite depressing to kill it again, and when the health of the guilt karma drops to 45 again % of the time, everyone was immediately on high alert. The moment Zhisu's guilt karma was released, they immediately rushed to Zhisu, not giving him a chance to use the metal and iron wall, but what made people vomit blood was that the loss of health this time became Persistence, and guilt karma is the one that maintains 30% of the life value.


Accompanied by Tang Tang's miserable cry, everyone could only helplessly watch Guiye use gold and iron to fortify the wall again. After 30 seconds, Zhisu Guiye once again used One Mind and One Body to merge into one body, and the health value also recovered to 60% Location.

Everyone had no choice but to fight again with Zhisu Guiye, and suffered losses twice in a row. Everyone finally learned how to behave, and they still jumped at the same time when Zhisu Guiye separated, but it was more orderly than before. Tang Mei joined forces to attack Zhisu, while Tang Xin and Tang Taluo rushed to attack Guiye, and finally managed to deal with the two of them, knocking down 30% of Zhisu's health in 30 seconds, breaking it by 29%. An infinite loop of unity.

However, as long as they think about the 20% life value of the guilt karma, there are no other disgusting tricks, and everyone feels desolate in their hearts.

But I don’t know if it’s because Soul Realm thinks it’s too miserable to bully people. The 20% Gemini supernatural power is a big move, a combined attack that can cover the entire room and can’t dodge. It’s called Yunjuan Fenglei, but, This kind of attack skill actually made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and just survived to the death, at least not so disgusting.

After defeating this trick, Zhisu Guiye was on the verge of death, and when Zhisu Guiye's health dropped to 10%, Zhisu Guiye once again showed his disgusting ability, and the last twins Supernatural powers turned out to be a possession skill, after attacking a target at will, the body will be transformed by the evil karma.

Then, a very embarrassing scene appeared, Zhisu possessed Tang Mei's body, but should he be killed or not?
Beheaded Zhisu, but the body of Zhisu was Tang Mei, beheaded Tang Mei, but that body belonged to Tang Mei, it is really hard to judge who should be beheaded, and guilt karma is to take advantage of the unscrupulous attack at this time .

But at this most critical moment, the little duckweed waved her hand very simply and said: "Behead Xiaomeimei!"

"Can't be cut!" Tang Tang hurriedly grabbed the duckweed and said, "The so-called husband and wife a hundred days of kindness, a hundred days of a husband and wife are divided into four seas, well, the second half of the sentence doesn't count. Even if you really don't like her, you don't need to kill her like this, the so-called pity for her..."

Facing Tangtang's chatter, Duckweed uttered four words simply: "Life and death make sense!"

"Cut!" Tang Tang immediately turned his back on the wind, pointed at Tang Mei and said, "Cut him to death!"

Facts have proved that this choice was wrong. After all, the body belonged to Tang Mei. If it was cut off, it would be a real death. Fortunately, Tang Mei was revived in situ, and everyone immediately directed all their attacks towards Zhisu, and finally verified again. In spite of the shamelessness of Soul Realm, this technique of possession is actually a bluff. Zhisu is attached to Tang Mei's body, but it is Zhisu's body that needs to be attacked, especially in exchange, Tang Mei will also control Zhisu's body, If he doesn't resist, it's extremely easy to kill Zhi Subian.

Of course, this is thanks to duckweed's ability to resurrect life and death. If you change to another team, the worst result is to be fooled into killing each other, and then the group is wiped out. The best result is to die one, and then find out the guilt The way of karma, Zhuan Er to destroy it, generally speaking, it is very difficult to get out of the body, it can be seen that the intentions of Soul Realm are sinister, it can be regarded as Tang Tang and his group are stepping on shit luck.

And as the twin bosses, the guilt karma, after the hang-up, the threat that the guilt karma can bring to everyone is really very small, hacked like a vent, the guilt karma was gloriously dismembered on the spot, and fell A pair of spirit beads stuck together like a gourd came out.

"I'm exhausted."

Accompanied by the corpses of Zhisu Guiye turning into white light and walking away, Tang Tang sat down on the ground, and the others were similar. There are not many attacks that Zhisu Guiye can threaten their lives, but it is still what Tang Tang concluded. In a word, this is definitely the most disgusting boss they have ever seen. It is difficult, annoying, and puts a lot of mental pressure on people. Looking at the time, it is a full two and a half hours. This number can explain the problem very well. All of them are famous masters, why did it take so long to kill a boss?Taking a step back, even if it is an ordinary boss, fighting for almost five hours in a row is definitely exhausting.

(End of this chapter)

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