Chapter 693 Chapter 696
After resting for a whole hour, Tang Tang stood up first, motioned others to rest for a while, and went to study the purpose of the bead, but there was nothing to study. At the stone gate of the exit, Tongtian Tower found the The groove where the double spirit pillars are inserted is just not the groove for the fire bead that Fang Yanwu dropped. Tang Tang guessed that the mechanism of the fire bead should be in Yanwu's room.

"This is for you!" After figuring it out, Tang Tang threw the fire beads that were useless to her to Tang Mei and said, "Yan Wu dropped it, and the door opening mechanism needs to be used, but I think you two should not return to Yan Wu. How about walking with us? Five people can take care of each other, of course, if you think we are light bulbs, then forget it."

"Who is the light bulb!" Duckweed immediately jumped up like a cat that stepped on its tail: "You are the light bulb!"

"I'm a light bulb?" Tang Tang glanced at the elder sister ambiguously, and said generously, "Yes, I'm a light bulb!"

Duckweed was so choked that she couldn't speak, her little face was as red as a pepper.

Tang Mei smoothed things over and said, "Tang Tang, stop making trouble."

Tang Tang's smile suddenly became more ambiguous, and he said with a chuckle: "I heard that the body of Kunlun's Nine Tribulations Sword has always been a lover. Back then, Kunlun suffered a tragic change after the Yaozu War, and Fengling was frozen for 19 years. The reason is that Hua Yu, the owner of the Heavenly Tribulation Sword, eloped with Yun Tianhe with the Heavenly Tribulation Sword, tsk tsk, your master Hua Yao has also experienced everything back then, and he will never make the same mistake again, entrusting the Kunlun Twin Swords to a pair of different people In the hands of a lover who might be a lover, isn't it?"

Tang Tang was dumbfounded for a moment, and his face also flushed red.

Tang Tang's open mouth is an old problem.

Fortunately, there was Tang Taro, and before Tang Tang continued to run the train with his mouth full, he covered her mouth, darling, didn't you see that little trouble was about to become a little dynamite? It's about to explode.

Tang Tang continued to smile ambiguously, but instead of chasing and beating him, he rushed to open the mechanism.

With the rumbling sound of the machine spring, the huge stone door opened, and it was still a passage, but after walking through the passage, everyone soon saw a forest.

"This should be the garden of the Temple of Death, right?" Tang Xin looked around and said, "Just now I saw the shadow of a tree outside the Temple of Death. , The temple is worthy of being a temple, the garden can be planted into a forest."

Tang Xin's words were ironic, but he also reminded everyone that this is a forest!

There is nothing special about the forest, but many people should know the truth of not entering the forest. The forest is always full of dangers, so Tang Xin's vague reminder also made everyone tense.

As soon as they entered the forest, everyone immediately heard shouts.

"Help, help, everyone is dead..."

Faintly, floating at the entrance of the forest.

Tang Tang touched his arm and said, "It won't be haunted, right?"

Little Difficulty was taken aback, Tang Mei rolled her eyes and said, "Ghosts are just game monsters. There is nothing to be afraid of. Besides, there are no ghosts calling for help. Let's go, go and have a look."

Follow the figure, but the speed is not fast, there is a lesson from the past, everyone is not sure if the soul domain will make something tricky again, so walk very carefully, but wait until the voice is getting closer After that, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Because the one who yelled for help was their old acquaintance—the jade-faced Luosha.

"Don't come here." Yumian Luosha's eyes lit up when he saw Tang Tang and his group, and then he shouted, "Don't come here, there's a trap."

"Yeah!" Tang Tang suppressed a smile, and said to the jade-faced Luosha: "Looking at your current appearance, I am very sure that there is a trap!"

Jade-faced Luosha looks very embarrassed now, his body is covered with mud and leaves, he is hung upside down from a tree with a vine on one foot, and there is a piece of wood thorns underneath, and Jade-faced Luosha is less than [-] meters away from those wooden thorns. Half a meter away.

After a moment of silence, the jade-faced Luosha said, "Save me."

"Why?" Tang Tangle said hehe: "Give me a reason to save you? You know, the relationship between you and me has not been very good. A while ago, I lost the five soul beads in the seabed city. To put it bluntly, they are also people around you Something went wrong, you know, three of the five soul beads belong to me, um, and the tomb of King Guge in the Kunlun Shrine, you bullied me."

The first half of Tang Tang's sentence still makes people feel a little reliable, but the second half, even Tang Taluo and Tang Xin felt dumbfounded. The reward for the Kunlun Shrine Battle is the Kunlun Mirror, which is now placed on the main hall of the Tang Sect. Tang Tang dared to say without blushing that someone bullied her, which is a bit thick-skinned.

The jade-faced Luosha was silent again and said, "I can give you some news."

Tang Tang said: "Let's listen first."

The jade-faced Luosha said: "In the woods, people from the shrine in black are doing assassination."

"Please." Tang Tang said: "Now all fools know that the people in the Black Clothes Shrine are all over the world collecting the top ten magic soldiers and the top ten treasures of heaven and earth. They heard that the death temple has a sun-shooting bow, so they can't be fooled? This Everyone knows what kind of news it is.”

The jade-faced Luosha said helplessly, "There are quite a few of them."

Tang Tang said: "How much is a lot?"

"Seven or eight?" Yumian Luosha said, "At least four of them are chasing me."

Tang Tang suddenly said: "You mean that you entered the forest and were assassinated by the black shrine, but they failed, and then you ran away, but accidentally fell into the trap, right?"

The jade-faced Luosha looked angry, you know what you know, you don't need to say it so clearly, but he gritted his teeth helplessly and agreed: "Yes, as you said, I have already told you the news, let me down quickly .”

Tang Tang ignored the jade-faced Luo Sha, but thought about it for a while. Considering that the five soul beads, the holy soul beads, the ice silkworm beads and the jade Buddha beads are all in the hands of the Black Clothes Shrine, if those things can be used to enter death It is not surprising that there are many people in the shrine in black, at least eight people can come in, and the people in the shrine in black are indeed quite difficult...

"Okay, thank you for your reminder." After a while, Tang Tang came back to his senses, waved his hands at Yumian Luosha and said, "Let's go first, see you again if you are destined, and wish you happiness in the tree."

"Bastard!" Yumian Luosha said urgently: "Damn little girl, you haven't let me down yet."

Tang Tang spread his hands innocently and said, "I just asked you to listen to it. If you don't tell me, I will definitely help you."

The jade-faced Luosha suddenly wanted to die. He greeted Tang Tang's ancestors there, and every sentence was not repetitive. Tang Tang didn't care. If he paid attention to such venting words, then The daily pk times in the game must be increased by at least ten times!
"Wait, wait..." Seeing Tang Tang turn around and leave with everyone, the jade-faced Luosha suddenly became anxious, and said loudly, "I still have news, as long as you can save me."

Tang Tang said: "Let's listen first."

The jade-faced Luo Sha also learned to be good, and said stubbornly: "You have to put me down first."

Tang Tang spread his hands and said: "You can choose to say it or not. After you finish speaking, I can choose to let you down or not. If you have any doubts, I don't mind lending you a bronze mirror to take a picture." Take care of yourself, let you determine who has the initiative."

The jade-faced Luosha had to use his trump card and said: "This news is related to your friend, that is the disciple of the Martial God Temple, the bow-playing girl who has been staying with Xiaoxian poisonously."

"Clear apple fragrance?"

Tang Tang was stunned, and Tang Mei was also stunned, and then looked at the others, but they all shrugged and said that it didn't matter, a temper like Tang Taluo even felt that Tang Tang had been tormenting others for so long, and it would be fine to put them down. Let it go, it doesn't matter.

Tang Tang nodded, and took out his sword to cut off those wooden thorns, and then with a pick of the sword light, he cut off the vines on Yumian Luosha's feet, and Yumian Luosha fell down immediately, grinning in pain.

"Say it quickly." Tang Tang lazily cared about Yumian Luosha's life and death, but urged: "What's wrong with Qingqing Applexiang? You'd better not play tricks, five hits one, it will kill you eighteen times Can you not bring heavy patterns."

The jade-faced Luo Sha did not break his promise, stood up, patted the dust and said: "They fought against the Scarlet Mercenary Group in the east of the forest, and many people died!"

Tang Tang wondered, "A lot of people?"

The jade-faced Luosha said: "That's right, there are a lot of people. There are about forty or fifty people on the Qingping Applexiang side, and there are probably a hundred or so in the Scarlet Mercenary Group."

"You're playing with me!" Tang Tang said angrily, "How did so many people come in?"

The jade-faced Luosha said with contempt on his face: "Idiot, don't you know that gods can come in?"

Tang Tang was taken aback, then suddenly remembered that the legendary host seemed to have said that the orthodox way to enter the Temple of Death is to rely on the gods, but the magic weapon and the treasure can achieve the same effect as the gods.

The jade-faced Luosha continued: "I don't know how the green apple side came in, but the Martial God Temple is for playing with bows, and it is said that the master is a descendant of the Arrow God, and the one that is sealed in the Death Temple is the Sun Shooter." Shen Gong, it’s not surprising that people have some special way to enter here. Anyway, I saw riding a pig and chasing the moon, and your friends are all there. They don’t seem to have magic soldiers or treasures. They have Konoha Fantasy City!"

Tang Tang said: "Konoha Fantasy City?"

"Stupid!" Jade-faced Luo Sha said, "Gods are actually things from the God Realm. Simply put, they are things left behind in the world by the God Realm. These things will have gods attached to them. Although such things are hard to find, But it’s not impossible, is the divine tree left behind by the God Realm? Each member of the bloody mercenary group breaks a branch of the divine tree, so they all have gods and can enter the Death Temple? It wasn't because they were afraid of scaring the snake and letting other people know this secret, the Scarlet Mercenary Group wanted to break all the branches of Konoha Fantasy City, and drag everyone in the Scarlet Mercenary Group into the Death Temple."

Tang Xin slapped his forehead immediately and said: "I said that two or three days after the news of the Death Temple came out, the Scarlet Mercenary Corps suddenly launched a massive attack, but none of them were famous. It turned out that the co-authorship was a cover, and the real masters must have They were pulled into the Temple of Death in batches."

(End of this chapter)

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