Chapter 694 Chapter 697
"You're such an afterthought."

Tang Tang could only roll his eyes at Tang Xin's judgment after the fact. Is it meaningful to say these things at a time like this?Of course, what made her even more depressed was that she would have known something was going on. Isn’t it the divine tree? Isn't it possible to bring hundreds of demon masters in?

Of course, at this time, Tang Tang definitely didn't think that he was also called an afterthought!

"Let's take a step first." Tang Tang pondered for a while and said, "I'll go to the east to have a look."

Tang Mei said anxiously, "I'll go take a look with you."

"You want to save people?" The jade-faced Luo Sha didn't need to ask Tang Tang for help now, but said rather gloatingly: "The time they fought was in the morning, um, about five or six hours ago, at this time The fight should have been over long ago, even if you went to collect the corpses, it would be too late to find the corpses, and it would take at least an hour to go from here to the place where they fought."

"Hmph!" Tang Tang looked at the jade-faced Luosha and said, "You know it quite well. I think you saw it all the way, so I wonder why you weren't hacked to death by the bloody mercenary group?"


The jade-faced Luosha suddenly pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, and suddenly appeared in front of Tang Tang, making Tang Tang jump in fright. When he recovered, the jade-faced Luosha was back ten meters away.

"Shrinking the ground into an inch, I comprehended it after forcibly ascending to the ninth level with the true solution of the earth escape technique..." Yumian Luosha looked at Tang Tang with a twitching face and said, "Bite me if you have the ability."

Yumian Luo Sha is definitely a slut, Tang Tang knew this very well when he was in the tomb of the Kunlun Shrine, but it is really shameful to play with low character in front of Tang Tang, the chief disciple of Death God Pavilion , because, making it even more embarrassing, he really ran up to kill Yumian Luosha, but was stopped by Tang Taluo and Tang Mei.

"Forget it, just ignore him." Tang Mei pulled Tang Tang and said, "Actually, what he said is also reasonable. If he hadn't lied, it would only increase our troubles if we rushed there at this time, and it wouldn't be of much help."

Tang Taro nodded and said: "Secondly, if he is lying, then he may also be lying about the Valkyria Temple and the Scarlet Mercenary Group, so he may deliberately lure you away, don't be fooled, just keep our own pace. .”

Of course, Tang Tang wasn't really planning to bite it down, it's fine if he bites a handsome guy, but what's the matter if he bites a big man?It was nothing more than to scare the jade-faced Luosha, and let the jade-faced Luosha understand that he did not intend to let him lead the way.

"Hey, can you not follow us?"

The jade-faced Luosha said indifferently, "Your family built this road?"

Now that he decided to ignore the matter of the Martial God Temple and the Scarlet Mercenary Group for the time being, Tang Tang and his party naturally continued to walk deep into the forest, and the jade-faced Luo Sha had no intention of teaming up with everyone, but it was not far or near. hanging behind them.
"He's clearly scared." Tang Mei frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not easy to walk through the forest. He's leaning against us, so he must want to use us as his head."

"I know!" Tang Tang pouted and said, "This guy has never been a good thing."

Tang Taro said: "However, in some respects, this also proves one thing, at least what he said may be true, there are really people from the shrine in black ambushing and assassinating in the forest, otherwise he needn't be afraid .”

Tang Tang nodded, expressing his credibility to this point of view. However, Tang Tang's face was not good-looking because of this, showing a trace of worry. Although the highest level of lies is true and false, when it comes to fooling people, Tang Tang is also in this respect Expert, but I have to say that if the jade-faced Luo Sha is really not lying, then the matter between the Valkyrie Palace and the Scarlet Mercenary Group is very real. In the case of saving him, being able to make up such a self-contained lie, the kind of lie that comes out of the mouth, is actually full of flaws.

Also at this time...

Tang Tang frowned suddenly, feeling as if he had stepped on something, moved his foot and looked down, only to find a small dirt bump on the ground.

Almost the moment Tang Tang looked away, a flying sword pierced out of the dirt bag suddenly.

Tang Tang was startled, and almost instinctively leaned back to avoid the sword edge, reached out and grabbed the flying sword in his hand.

"Black Shrine!"

Tang Xin exclaimed, and the four of them immediately stood in all directions with Duanmuyu at the center, and took out their weapons to be on guard!
"Already ran away!" Tang Tang waved his hand to signal everyone not to be nervous, stretched out his hand and pulled the sword out of the ground, and said with a smile: "I ran away when I missed a hit, ha, it's still an eighth-level flying sword, good……"

Tang Tang's face changed when he said this, and he threw away the flying sword and said, "Blood scorpion poison, 3% of the health value drops every second, until death, at least Tianpin's antidote pill can be detoxified!"

"Smoked sandalwood clean clothes!"

Duckweed immediately stepped forward, took out her harp and plucked it a few times, a circle of notes surrounded Duanmuyu, Tang Tang was relieved, naturally the poison had been cured.

"These guys..." Tang Tang smiled bitterly and said, "It's really difficult!"

Xuanpin and Huangpin detoxification elixir can be bought in the alchemy room, and it is also a regular item for most players, but the ground and sky grades need to be refined by the players themselves. The success rate is extremely low, and it belongs to the exclusive product of the master craftsman, and the master craftsman is definitely as rare as the players of the Three Tribulations. Although there may be a little more, the number is limited, never more than a hundred, not all of them Master alchemy, it is conceivable how difficult it is to get Tianpin detoxification pills, if not for Duckweed was with them, Tang Tang would be in a bit of danger this time.

"You'd better be more careful." Yumian Luosha's voice sounded fluttering and flickering: "I have a buddy who was on the list of black-clothed shrines to assassinate by name, and he was extra careful in those few days, so he stayed in the Sea God Pavilion Surrounded by missions, he bought a steamed stuffed bun at a roadside stall, broke half of it and fed it to the dog, the dog didn’t die, he died.”

The jade-faced Luosha seemed to be reminding everyone, but he was rather gloating.

"You'd better not be too happy." Tang Tang glanced at the jade-faced Luosha and said, "You can't run away even if we are dead. Besides, if you talk so much nonsense, I don't mind getting rid of you first. Don't think that you are an expert at escaping if you know the earth escape technique and shrinking the ground to an inch, you should be very clear about the power of the judgment barrier!"

The jade-faced Luosha's face changed, Tang Xin's judgment enchantment seemed ordinary, but it was an extremely rogue move. Even if the earth escapes into the ground, it can still be bound. Know when he suddenly puts up a Judgment Barrier by your side.


The jade-faced Luosha snorted coldly, but stopped mocking.

Keep going.

After this small assassination, everyone became more careful.

Of course, there is no need to say much about the assassination ability of the Black Clothes Shrine. Countless masters died in the hands of the Black Clothes Shrine, and all of them were bloody lessons. Yes, Tang Xin was assassinated before and died, Tang Taro was also assassinated, but once he was rescued by Tang Xin, once he survived by relying on the Wall of Wind, Tang Tang was also assassinated, twice the opponent missed, One time was at the entrance of the Sword Tomb. Although thanks to the resurrection stone, it could only be counted as half a death, but in fact it should be counted as being succeeded by the Black Clothes Shrine.

But Duckweed's reputation is not obvious, and he only got the Heavenly Tribulation Sword recently, so he has never been on the list of the Black Clothes Shrine, but there is one thing about the Black Clothes Shrine's rules, they don't touch the disciples of the Sea God Pavilion, it's not because they are obsessive , but as long as it is an auxiliary series of Dharma cultivation, they will not touch it. This is somewhat moral, of course, there must be an exception for holding magic weapons or treasures.

Continuing to feel deeply into the forest with concern, Tang Tang somehow found that the atmosphere was not right. This kind of nervous mental pressure can easily break people down. The more you are afraid of assassination, the greater the pressure, the more substandard you will be.

At this time, calm down and think about it. Each of them is not an ordinary player. It is impossible for a single player to assassinate them in seconds. Five or six people attack at the same time, but it is too difficult to hide. Therefore, it is not necessary to assassinate them. Easy, if you want to succeed, you can only use some unorthodox methods, such as using poison, if there is no duckweed, and Tang Tang happens to not have Tianpin's detoxification pill, then it may be really dangerous, but this method In fact, it is more troublesome than assassination, and it is easier to avoid it if you are careful.

Therefore, Tang Tang felt that instead of worrying about assassination, it was better to protect the treasure of duckweed. With this guy around, he would not be afraid of being poisoned.

However, Tang Tang didn't have time to speak, but Tang Mei jumped up sensitively before saying, "Who is there!"

What Tang Mei saw was a shadow behind a tree, very resembling a person, but after Tang Mei shouted, the shadow did not move, Tang Tang suddenly felt something was wrong, and Tang Mei had already stepped forward.

"Uh!" Looking behind the tree, Tang Mei immediately laughed and said, "I'm too nervous, it's just a bush."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Tang Tang's face changed: "Be careful!"

Just as Tang Tang finished shouting, a figure suddenly appeared from the bushes. Before Tang Mei could react, the figure took out a paper figurine and stuck it on Tang Mei's forehead, then turned and ran away.

Tang Tang hurriedly turned his sword into light, and chased after that person, but at that moment...

Boom, boom!
There was a huge roar on the ground, and two stone walls rose from the ground. Looking around, Tang Tang saw two Dharma cultivators flashing out from behind a tree not far from them, holding Dharma formulas, and performing spells there!
Tang Tang watched from the gap between the two stone walls that the guy who plotted against Tang Mei quickly dodged left and right, and disappeared into the forest. He also stomped his feet angrily, and then walked towards one of the Dharma cultivators with anger. Thinking, without waiting for Tang Tang to do anything, that Faxiu pinched a formula, sacrificed a purple jade talisman and crushed it, and then used the jade talisman to condense a hill above his head with the technique of moving mountains and seas. The hill suddenly fell down, crushing himself into a white light, and at the same time pinpointed the distance and time of Tang Tang's charge, and wanted to push Tang Tang in too. May be plotted to.

(End of this chapter)

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