The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 698 Chapter 701 Death 1 hit and kill the demon

Chapter 698 Chapter 701 Killing the demon with a death blow
And Tang Tang exchanged two things that made people vomit blood.

A piece of paper talisman called Death Strike, after death, will cause damage equal to 50 times your own life value within a circle with a radius of 10 meters, and the other thing Tang Tang exchanged for is undoubtedly the resurrection stone!
"In addition to being bad, a person full of bad water must also have a cleverness!" Tang Mei sighed: "I have to say, only people like you can come up with this usage."

Tang Tang directly gave Tang Mei a middle finger to express his dissatisfaction.

I have to say that the paper talisman of Death Strike is still very powerful. Everyone has seen it, but they all passed it with a glance. After all, who can kill themselves if they have nothing to do?Only a slut like Tang Tang can think of such a cheap trick as the resurrection stone. Secondly, in this way, it is equivalent to using two items to exchange for a death blow, so is it worth it?It's hard to say, only a casual guy like Tang Tang would not consider this issue at all, and simply exchanged it.

However, after changing everything, everyone would not say anything more, but quietly waited for the last few tens of seconds.

Accompanied by the countdown, hoarse roars, tyrannical screams, and ghostly howls suddenly sounded from all around. Then, the three wooden doors opened at the same time, and countless monsters poured out.

The monster looks like a big dog, but its whole body is covered in black smoke, only the outline can be seen vaguely, and there are a pair of blood red eyes.

Tang Taro was extremely nervous. Blocking the road was his suggestion, but this suggestion lay in two points. The first was that those monsters could not climb over the low walls, they could only go around them, and the second was that those monsters would not attack their erected walls. The stone wall is directly broken through the wall, so this is also a gamble.

Fortunately, Tang Taro made the right bet, those monsters could only run along the low wall as he guessed.

"Tang Tang!" Tang Taro gave Tang Tang a hand and said, "Go and try how powerful it is, remember not to go to the center, go from the side, if the monsters in the center are scattered by you, the power of the bed crossbow will be revealed. not coming."

"no problem."

Tang Tang was gearing up for a long time. After Tang Taro assigned her the task of vanguard, he naturally came out directly with the weapon.

Because the strength of the monsters depends on the team's cultivation level to determine the difficulty, so Tang Taro didn't dare to be negligent, and sacrificed the Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang with two shots, and then climbed over the low wall continuously and entered Among the monsters.

After the fight, Tang Tang immediately concentrated his mind.

I cut down with my two swords, although I killed a demon in an instant, but was immediately counterattacked by six or seven demons around, Tang Tang immediately retreated quickly, and used the imperial weapon technique to release Samsara Fengqiuhuang, beheading several demons in a row , and retreated while fighting, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a weight behind his back, and Tang Tang screamed inwardly, but it was because he accidentally failed to control the route and hit a stone wall, and the two monsters suddenly rushed up, and Tang Tang There were two scratches on his shoulder.

Tang Taro shouted: "How is it?"

Tang Tang said: "It's very powerful. Two attacks lost 17% of my health. The attack frequency is fast. They are all attacking in groups. The attack speed is also very high. The defense is actually good. I need three to four swords with the magic weapon. It can only kill one, and its strength is probably stronger than the 150-level elite, I don’t know if it will be a long-range attack method!”

As soon as Tang Tang finished speaking, the three demons in front of her suddenly sprayed out three black flame balls. Tang Tang squatted in fright, and the three black flame balls passed over her head and hit the ceiling, forming a pile Black sparks.

Rolling on the ground, Tang Tang first took advantage of the situation to kill the three demons, and then made a long-range attack at Tang Taluo, but you have already seen the expression.

"That's right!" Tang Tang seemed to have thought of something again, and took out a small black bead from his backpack and said, "The good news is that the demon pills will automatically appear in the backpack after they fall, so you don't have to go to pick them up from the pile of demons. The bad news is It’s not that every monster must drop, I killed seventeen monsters, and only lost eight demon pills.”

"Understood!" Tang Taro nodded, thought for a while and said, "Keep killing if you can stand it, and come back if you can't stand it. We have to last for 10 minutes. This is just the beginning. I'm going to wait for the Demon Center After gathering, use the bed crossbow to kill in groups."

Tang Tang waved his hand, signaling Tang Taro not to worry about himself, just go at his own pace.

After Tang Tang hunted and killed those monsters with his own hands, he could feel that if he just relied on them to fight, they might be able to guarantee that they would not die. Difficulty means that they have to maintain enough firepower to survive, and they can't even dodge, so that they can successfully pass through the room.

In this way, simply relying on them to fight, even if they can kill a monster with a single sword, they will definitely not be able to stop them, because there are only five of them, and it is impossible to stop all positions within 80 meters in a horizontal direction. Relying on the temporary props in the temporary store is certain.

However, having said that, if you don't need to rely on those props, why does Soul Domain need to do so?

bang, bang, bang...

Three muffled sounds, and the three traps Tang Taro buried at the meeting point were triggered simultaneously.

Two of them are poison pool traps, which cause 5x5 damage and at the same time have a certain probability of continuous poisoning damage, and the remaining one is a quagmire, which mainly slows down, and the damage is second.

Originally, it was impossible for the three traps to be triggered at the same time, but Tang Tang delayed for a while on the left, causing the speed of the monsters on the left to drop sharply, while the monsters on the right got hit by the mud trap, and their speed also dropped drastically. Although the monsters in the upper middle road did not slow down, the gate they passed through was at the top, which made the distance the longest. As a result, the three intersections were full of monsters.

This can be regarded as an unintentional move. However, traps are continuous. Each 300/300 durability will continue to cause damage and effects while also dropping durability. When the durability is lost, the trap will naturally disappear. useless.

This somewhat made Tang Taro regret it. If he had known this, he would not have exchanged it for the Poison Pool Trap. Although the thing has area damage and poison damage, the damage is actually very average, and it can also cause about one-third of the damage to the monsters within the range. Even if poisoning damage is included, it is only half of the health. If there is no use limit, it is okay, but it will be damaged. It is really not as effective as the quagmire. Although the quagmire can only cause about 20 damage to a monster damage, but it can reduce the speed by at least 60, and the effect of delay is very good.

However, everything is done, Tang Taro will not be entangled in such trivial matters, and waved at Tang Mei: "Tang Mei, you go to the right, mainly to slow down and delay in order to cooperate with the mud trap, as long as you can delay. "

Tang Mei nodded and took the order. However, there was nothing to worry about. Her task was very easy. The mud trap slowed down by almost 60%. She then released the chill with Disdain for the Nine Heavens. The speed of those monsters was definitely faster than that of a turtle crawling. How many.

"Tang Tang!" After ordering Tang Mei, Tang Taluo shouted at Tang Tang: "Stop using the imperial weapon technique, start killing, show your skills, and push back the monster on the left for me. Leave the middle open."

"Okay!" Tang Tang agreed loudly, and then with a smirk on his face, he took out a roll of linen that was as tall as half a person from his backpack and said, "Little darlings, you can't be trusted with loyalty, can I trouble you?" Are you going to die?"

Smiling heartily, Tang Tang suddenly pulled the cloth roll away.

For a time, the house was full of stars!
The sun and moon reincarnation flag formation!
The stars were densely covering the entire cloth scroll, Tang Tang made a hand gesture, and then touched it on the starry sky, and countless sun and moon reincarnation banners flew out of the sun and moon reincarnation banner array, circling and dancing above Tang Tang's head continuously!
"Get up!"

Tang Tang gave a low shout, and the sun and moon reincarnation flags were lined up in front of the row, forming a wind wall to stop all those monsters. No matter how those monsters bared their teeth and claws, they still couldn't pass through the wind. However, at this time, everyone saw a new change, that is, when those monsters had nowhere to go, they would attack the stone walls erected by Tang Taro. If there were no stone walls, they would attack Those low walls that were there in the first place.

However, it is naturally impossible for Tang Tang to ignore it, not to mention that Tang Taro asked her to push back the monster on the left instead of stopping it.

slap, slap, slap...

Tang Tang took out a handful of spirit stones from his backpack, and quickly hit them around, falling into a circle on the ground, and then, a circle of heat wave suddenly swayed from Tang Tang's body, red as fiery Formation patterns suddenly appeared on the soles of Tang Tang's feet, and the dragon pattern in the center was lifelike, as if it would break out of the formation at any moment.

Tang Tang put the last three pieces of Yanling Jade, Fenghua Stone and Lei Jing into the eye of the formation, and then quickly changed his hand formula, and finally pinched his fingers with both hands and pointed straight ahead.

"Thunder Sky Flame Dragon Formation!"

The Carving Formation under Tang Tang's feet suddenly glowed red, and there was a huge roar!
A black robbery cloud appeared in the sky, and nine thunderbolts fell, which coincided with the position of the Nine Palaces. With intense electric currents, they constantly stimulated the formation, and a circle of green mist that seemed to be there swung away from Tang Tang's body!
The Yanlong wrapped around Zilei also jumped up from the formation, Tang Tang pointed his sword and waved quickly, the sword wall formed by the sun and moon samsara streamers immediately opened a gap to the two sides, Yanlong passed by, The group of monsters rushed down, pushing those monsters back abruptly.

At this time, the monsters in the middle road also gathered heavy troops. After bypassing the stone wall, they almost reached the center. On the side road, Tang Tang and Tang Mei did a good job. The bed crossbows on the first and third floors began to bombard the monsters in the center.

The crossbow bolts of the bed crossbow are huge, almost two meters long, and the reason for their great power lies in their strong penetrating power. Although it is a very ancient ancient weapon, even the body armor and Horcruxes may not be able to withstand such an impact. Xiutian Dao is not superior to others, he is still a human being, at best, even a capable person will be afraid of the impact of the crossbow on the bed, so monsters are no exception, not to mention, this is just a copy of the game.

(End of this chapter)

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