Chapter 699 Chapter 702
However, just because it is a game, another disadvantage of the bed crossbow appeared. The penetration power is terrifying. Each arrow can penetrate four or five monsters in a row, but it can only be a straight line, and there is no range of damage, so clear monsters So is the speed.

Tang Xin said: "You are in charge of placing orders, I will use mechanism arrows!"

The mechanism arrows can explode and spread to a certain range. Secondly, they also exchanged a Nine Thunder Dao Formation and a Tianling Sword Formation, both of which are range attacks, and the Nine Thunder Dao Formation is also paralyzed, but it is impossible to cover all of them. range, the bed crossbow is quite effective in killing fish that slip through the net.

Tang Taro nodded, using the center as the axis to keep those demons out.

"Ha, isn't it very difficult?" Tang Tang laughed and said, "It's been 5 minutes, and it should be easy to survive 30 minutes."

As soon as Tang Tang finished speaking, the back of his head was suddenly hit hard, and his whole body was shot flying away. When he looked back, he realized that there was a big guy behind him at some point, a tower-like stalwart, with purple-black skin all over his body. , holding a huge ax and coming towards Tang Tang.

"Help!" Tang Tang rolled and got up from the ground, his face was also shocked, and he ran away: "The boss has appeared, and I will be on the verge of death if I slap me once!"

Tang Tang's defense has never been high, but no matter how you say it is three catastrophes, her attributes have advantages. Although her equipment is not mainly defensive, it is still of high grade, and can make her almost die with one blow. Bosses are really rare.

Tang Taluo swiped out a crossbow arrow, which only knocked out 300 health points of the demon, and his expression changed immediately.

Not only because of the high defense of the humanoid monster, but also because of the six-headed monster walking out from behind the three doors.
Tang Xin shouted: "Go to the system store to find items with percentage damage."

After hunting a group of monsters in a row, they also accumulated a certain amount of demon pills. Tang Tang and Tang Mei soon found a formation trap called Taotianyan in the store, which can reduce 2% of the life value and comes with Burning requires 0 demon pills, which is still a bit tasteless, but it is very useful against such a guy with high defense.

At the same time, after clearing out the little monsters around, Tang Tang and Tang Mei ran to the front to lay a trap. Tang Tang didn't even recover his health. When he died, he just opened the paper talisman to kill in a large area, and Tang Tang replaced it immediately. Samsara Feng Qiuhuang took out the burial coffin instead.


Tang Tang held the burial coffin and swung it forward vigorously, directly sending the demon flying out.

Tyrannical Strike is also a percentage deduction of blood, sometimes useless, but it is especially useful at this time, combined with trap killing, Tang Tang killed four humanoid monsters unharmed, while Tang Mei killed two in a row. .

However, this is not good news, because at 8 minutes, the humanoid monster reappeared, and the number increased to eight.

Tang Xin said in a deep voice: "This is not a boss. We have all forgotten that the power of a monster depends on our cultivation."

Tang Tang asked in astonishment, "What should we do now?"

Tang Xin said helplessly: "Hold on, that human-shaped monster has high damage and defense, and slow speed, so it can still be killed, but don't deliberately collect the demon pills. The demon pills are gone. It depends on the situation. Let's go all out with the soul."

Tang Taro nodded and said: "Duckweed helps operate the bed crossbow, I'll push it up."

Duckweed agreed and immediately climbed onto the platform.

With Tang Taro's pressure, the pressure on Tang Tang and Tang Mei was greatly reduced immediately. Tang Taro's Wall of Wind is indeed very resistant, and at the same time, he can survive in exchange for the demon queen, but with the passage of time , There will be more and more monsters, especially the humanoid monsters, which increased to 14 at No. [-] minutes, the trouble is still second, the important thing is that the number of everyone's demon pills is obviously unable to maintain balance, and it is decreasing rapidly.

No.15 minutes, a new monster appeared, it is a flying bat, can breathe ice flames, and can scream. The scream has a chance to enter a state of chaos for 6 seconds, but you can rely on temporary stores to buy paper to relieve the state of chaos symbol.

No. In 18 minutes, the number of bat monsters increased to 24, and their demon pills were almost bottomed out, so Tang Tang died gloriously, using the resurrection god stone with a death blow, and the sky was filled with white dead souls, and almost all the monsters were emptied. The most important thing is to win more than 200 demon pills for everyone, and there is nearly 3 minutes of breathing time.

No. In 20 minutes, the new monster is a shadow demon, crawling around on the ground like a shadow, and can change into their appearance, character attributes, equipment, soul skills, spells, exactly the same, like another self , except that you can't use the realm, they are almost identical, making everyone miserable. Fortunately, there is a temporary store, and they can choose whatever has high damage and large range. The room came to slow down the monster, and it barely survived.

However, it can only go so far.
No.203 minutes, everyone's demon pills were successful, and the speed of picking could not keep up with the speed of consumption. After Tang Xin bought the last demon pills, Jiang Junsan and Tianxian Yulu, he distributed them to everyone, and then entered the hand-to-hand combat.
"Don't worry about the soul value." Tang Xin shouted: "It's better to waste some real energy than to die."

"Then let's fire it all up." Tang Tang was also exhausted, and was a little irritable. Originally, the concept of mana value and soul is to save if you can save it. If you can't save it, it's not as important as your life. Tang Tang Tang simply roared with demonic flames around his body: "Heavenly God Transformation! Demonization!"

Now that Tang Tang had already made the move, the others were naturally too embarrassed to be idle. Tang Xin stood alone in front of the door of the passage, opened the barrier of judgment, and an invisible wall opened instantly, stopping all the monsters, and Tang Mei's eyes closed and opened, and immediately, the temperature of the whole room dropped instantly, and the walls were covered with frost.

This is their true strength
Overwhelming strength!
System prompt: The door of the room is open!

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

When the five of Tang Tang did their best, it was really not difficult to deal with those monsters. Tang Mei's cold air covered the whole room to slow down, and Tang Xin's judgment barrier was the supreme weapon of defense. It's embarrassing, they are all of the law cultivator, but they are armed with magic weapons, and they can't exert too much combat power. However, without them, the three of them are enough to stop the group of demons.

Of course, it was also very tiring, and they managed to survive for 30 minutes, instead of wiping out all the monsters. For this reason, they almost exhausted their mana points. Among them, Tang Tang and Tang Mei were better, and they had never used it. Because of Xin's previous use, his true essence value has bottomed out.

However, this is the case with mana value, you can’t squander it recklessly, but it’s not a problem if you don’t use it all the time. Take them now, if it wasn’t for the fact that they hadn’t been wasting it when they played Yanwu and Zhisu Even if you want to squander the magic power, it may not be enough right now, and if they still hold back in the face of those monsters, then they may have to go to the underworld to use it. Therefore, it is necessary to pinpoint the correct use time is the key.

After taking a short break, they left the door of the room and stepped into the long passage again. At the other end of the passage, they could already vaguely see white light flashing!


Tang Tang yelled, and stepped across the passage first, then his smile gradually faded, turning into a dead fish eye.

Behind the passage is a rather spacious octagonal hall, but at this moment, many people are already waiting there.

Bloody Lin Bo and Huo Ying took five or six people to occupy a corner. They were facing each other. Tang Tang saw that Qingqing Apple Xiang and Xiao Xian were poisonous. The first senior of the temple rode a pig to chase the moon. In addition, the jade-faced Luosha of the Asura Hall also occupied a corner. I haven't seen it before, and it doesn't seem to be the No. 1 of Tianji Pavilion, but the last group of disciples diagonally opposite Tianji Pavilion disciples is also only one person, with a sword in one hand, Tang Tang still doesn't know him.

"You Tang Sect people belong to the tortoise!" Yumian Luosha saw a few of them coming in, and immediately said, "Come early, you will die!"

The jade-faced Luosha has a bad temper. Tang Xin thinks he doesn't care about his demeanor. Tang Taluo and Tang Mei have always been good-tempered, but Tang Tang and Fa Po's little pepper are not so easy to talk to, so they just write. Pointing at the end of the pen, they said in unison: "Which one are you?"

Jade-faced Rosha was furious immediately, and it was okay to be despised by Tang Tang, but a brat who didn't know where to come out dared to be so arrogant, which immediately made Jade-faced Rosha very upset. He stood up and was ready to make trouble, but Also when he just stood up, Bloody Limbo suddenly took two steps forward, just blocking the sight on both sides.

"This is the last level. To pass it, you need to put all the things dropped by the eight bosses into the grooves before you can open the mechanism."

Bloody Limbo is still the same, everyone knows that he is talking to Tang Tang, but he always has that expressionless expression. In the eyes of Bloody Limbo, no one has ever existed, including himself .

All eyes were on Tang Tang's side. Obviously, since they came here, the things dropped by the last two bosses must be in their hands, at least one of them should be in their hands.

"Go offline!" Without any hesitation, Tang Tang immediately shouted in the team channel: "Immediately go offline collectively, and go online collectively at this time tomorrow. Don't enter the temple before then."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Tang's figure suddenly faded and completely disappeared without a trace. Although the others were a little slower, they also left the game immediately.

"I'm going!" Yumian Luosha watched Duanmuyu and the others disappear, and immediately jumped up and cursed: "Your uncle, I waited all night just to see you bastards go offline, come back, come back! "

Bloody Limbo shook his head, turned his head and said to Huoying: "Little girl is a smart person."

Huo Ying smiled and said, "I've always felt that way."

Bloody Limbo waved his hand and said, "Go offline."

(End of this chapter)

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