Chapter 702 Chapter 705
Changing the weapon into Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang, Tang Tang smiled at the others: "Yu Mian Luo Sha, you said that we don't work hard, look, now I and Bloody Lin Bo's guild leader are even using magic weapons and treasures." Come on, I don’t know, can you also come up with some skills? If you want to continue to play the autumn wind, don’t blame me for doing something bad.”

Yumian Luosha thought in his heart that even if I try my best, don't you guys play tricks?

It has to be said that those who are familiar with Tang Tang have quite a good understanding of her character, but thinking about it is one thing, and the jade-faced Luosha spread his palms, holding out a treasure.

The treasure is a celadon seal, the green light is flowing, it is quite beautiful, the jade-faced Luo Sha hits the celadon seal towards Jumang, and the two lightning buffs on Jumang's body disappear without a trace.

"I'm going!" Tang Tang said in amazement: "It's gone? What kind of shit treasure is that, you can just destroy the buff status? You don't want to use a piece of trash to pretend to be a treasure, right?"

The jade-faced Luo Sha suddenly said angrily: "You know what, the celadon seal seals physical attacks and buffs, and all he uses are gods. If there is no physical attack to seal me, what can I do!"

Tang Tang disdainfully said: "Then you just took it out on purpose to show off?"

The jade-faced Luo Sha was even angrier. I wasn't afraid that you would say that I was passive and sabotage, so I deliberately took out the treasure to show off, to prove that it wasn't that I didn't work hard, but that the little girl was too cunning!
Fortunately, Tang Tang didn't make things difficult for him. At least he got the effect of the treasure in Yumian Luosha's hand. Tang Tang was still very satisfied. After getting what he wanted from Yumian Luosha, Tang Tang I just pointed my eyes at the Tianji Pavilion, I am not a bad person, and I have a sword for the spring and autumn, okay, if you say I don't work hard, then I will work hard now, you must show some sincerity.

I'm not the bad guy who sighed and made the first move. However, he didn't show off the magic weapon, nor did he take out the treasure to use. Instead, his hand formula changed quickly, and he directly used his own Dao realm!

"Everything returns to its heart!"

A near-transparent light spread out to the surroundings. Immediately afterwards, all the broken rocks on the ground that had collapsed due to the battle condensed and turned into stone puppets one by one. Even the golden thunder and hurricane released by Jumang were taken away. Jin Lei turned into a golden Leiren puppet, and Hurricane turned into a blue Fengren puppet. Under the command of my bad guy, he rushed towards Jumang crazily!
This is undoubtedly a terrifying Dao Realm. It seems to be able to give life to everything and make them their own puppets. If the soul value can keep up, it is not impossible to even form an army of puppets. Just use imagination I felt a little scalp numb, but Jianqi Chunqiu was even more surprising.

The treasure this guy uses is very strange, it is a gray ball of mud, twisting, constantly changing shape, and, after taking out the ball of mud, he immediately pulls on the ball of mud, and the ball of mud He made it look like two flying swords, held one in each hand, and rushed towards Jumang, raised the sword in his hand and dropped it, bringing out two sword lights, and slashed two damages!

The damage wasn't high, it was just over three thousand in total, but the others couldn't even deal a little damage, why?Of course it is the Wall of Wind!

"God damn it!" Tang Tang wiped off his sweat and said, "Ignore defense 100%, your sister is invincible in one-on-one!"

Ignoring the defense is a special damage with a relatively low probability, because its effect is really terrifying. The most basic thing is to ignore the defense of the equipment and directly cause damage to the body. In this way, regardless of the attributes of the two, the damage equivalent to the weapon is How much damage can be done, very tyrannical, secondly, ignoring the defense can also ignore the body protection sword art, body protection spell and body protection Horcrux, which is equivalent to the failure of all defense methods. If it happens once in a while, it is a good character. The opponent has nothing to do, but every sword like Jianqi Chunqiu ignores defense, which is really terrifying.

Fortunately, Tang Tang himself has reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang, and knows that the use of magical weapons and treasures will greatly consume magic soul or soul, otherwise, with this move 100% ignoring defense, I am afraid that Sword Qi Chunqiu is not invincible. Not far behind.

Tang Tang turned his head and looked at the bloody Lin Bo, who was surrounded by green smoke. He was also a difficult guy, but because of this, it was more meaningful to be the final winner.

Pulling a sword flower, Tang Tang also urged Samsara Fengqiuhuang to turn into a sword light and go up.

"24 bright moon nights!"

The sword comes out, the world of mortals laughs, and the sword dance is enchanting!
The 24 bright red sword lights are like blooming blood flowers, intertwined with a bright red splendor.

However, Tang Tang still failed to deal damage. Jumang's Wall of Wind is quite good, but continuous attacks will consume mana continuously. When the mana is used up, Jumang will be finished , when the time comes, Gou Mang will not be able to release his magic spells because of the depletion of his mana and mana points, not to mention the loss of the Wind Wall, so he can only wait to be slaughtered!

Therefore, it is a relatively correct strategy to continuously attack the Wall of Storms. After all, Wall of Storms is not a simple defensive spell, but absorbs a certain amount of damage and transfers the damage from HP to mana consumption.

Therefore, after a successful blow, Tang Tang did not hesitate at all, and immediately raised his sword again with his backhand, sacrificing 10 points of soul power, and was about to sacrifice the pulse of death, but before he fell into hiding, Jumang suddenly screamed and directly Grabbing the sword of Samsara Feng Qiuhuang, he forced the pulse of death to be broken.

Tang Tang was also taken aback. It's not that the pulse of death has never been broken before, but it was the first time it was broken in this way. Seeing that a ball of golden thunder condensed out of Jumang's left hand, it was about to shoot down on his body. Tang Tang immediately prepared to retreat, but he pulled Feng Qiuhuang a few times, but he didn't pull Feng Qiuhuang back. In this way, Tang Tang suddenly wanted to die, would he give up the sword?Abandoning the sword, I can definitely dodge it, but Samsara Feng Qiuhuang might be snatched away. Except for Jumang, the surrounding people are all red-eyed wolves. For reincarnation Fengqiuhuang desperately, if you don't give up the sword, then you will have to be ruthless, it's okay if you don't die, I'm afraid that you will be killed in seconds!
"Jade-faced Rasha!"

In a hurry, when the thunder group was approaching him, Tang Tang suddenly yelled!
Yumian Luosha's Heaven and Earth Supreme Treasure is really not sharp against Jumang, so he can only clear up the buff state of Jumang, and then keep holding the sword to Dundun, inserting two swords there from time to time, to beat the autumn wind and side drums for everyone, It was the most leisurely, so after Tang Tang yelled, the jade-faced Luosha almost instinctively popped his head out from the ground.

Coincidentally, the place where the jade-faced Luo Sha came out was right next to Tang Tang!
Tang Tang immediately grabbed Yumian Luosha by the collar, lifted him up, and threw him towards Jumang!

It's sizzling!

The electric current neighed, and the thunder ball directly hit the jade-faced Luo Sha's face, sending the jade-faced Luo Sha flying away.

"Your sister!" Yumian Luosha flipped up from the ground, quickly threw the auxiliary potion into his mouth and said, "Damn little girl, why don't you die!"

Tang Tang chuckled and said, "I let you go because I don't want to die!"

The jade-faced Luosha was speechless for a moment, does it matter if you die with me?
However, the jade-faced Luo Sha did not die after all, and because of his delay, Tang Tang escaped unharmed. I am not a good person, but I also directed my own puppets to rush towards Jumang. Gou Mang was punched and kicked all over his body, making Gou Mang furious. He spread the wings on his back and was about to fly into the air, but at this moment...

"Zi Ming Misty Rain, tie!"

Bloody Limbo suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the void, and the blue-gray smoke rushed forward, binding Jumang's claws like a rope, and pulling him firmly, at the same time, the sword leaped from spring to autumn Suddenly, a sword hit the back of Jumang, knocking Jumang down, and fell back into the group of puppets, and was pressed by those puppets, gnawing randomly for a while.

This is where the value of masters lies. They actually don't have much cooperation with each other, and there is no tacit understanding, but according to the battle situation, they can effectively adjust their attack methods and make the most reasonable attack.

However, it is obvious that such continuous attacks also made Gou Mang very angry.

Because, Jumang removed his Wall of Wind!
There are two explanations for this. The first is that Jumang's mana is not enough to continue to support the Wall of Wind, and his mana will be exhausted. Jumang chose to remove the Wall of Wind, but the possibility is not high. There were only two or thirty rounds of confrontation, far from exhausting Jumang's mana, and the second possibility was that Jumang's anger made him prepare to invest more mana in the attack !

"Divine Art. Thunderbolt!"

Accompanied by Gou Mang's furious roar, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded above everyone's heads, and a tumbling thundercloud suddenly condensed and formed there!

Accompanied by the thunder, golden thunders split out from the thundercloud gathered in front of the ceiling, and continuously fell downwards. After hitting the ground, a golden thunderstorm arose!

The damage of the thunderbolt is extremely high. Although it is not the kind of covering attack one by one, the thunderclouds are all over the entire octagonal hall, and they are constantly falling and bombarding without rules, which makes any position unsafe. Moreover, Every thunderbolt has a very high probability of paralysis, so that everyone can only give up attacking for the time being, and quickly swim around to avoid the thunderbolt.

"Didn't you say something about the third generation..." Tang Tang sent a voice transmission to Qingqing Apple Xiang: "Hurry up and show your face, see if Gou Mang will let you go, and by the way, give the Sun Shooting Bow is you."

"I'll go, you said it seems to be easy." Qingqing Apple Xiang said silently: "Actually, I don't know how to take it, anyway, I know that only the three generations of clear people can pick up the Sun Shooting Bow, and Jumang guards it. The temple is just to wait for the clear person of the third generation to appear, so I guess I must defeat Gou Mang, or survive in Gou Mang's hands for a certain period of time."

"It's really troublesome!" Tang Tang, a lazy donkey, rolled and dodged a thunderbolt, "What about riding a pig by the moon? He seems to have done some kind of clear mission, right?"

Qingping Apple Xiang hesitated for a moment and said, "Why don't you kill him?"

Tang Tang vomited blood and said, "I have enough enemies, do you think I'm not troublesome enough?"

"You can play tricks secretly!" Qingqing Apple Xiang said disapprovingly: "Anyway, this kind of thing is your strong point."

"Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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