Chapter 703 Chapter 706

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and secretly pointed a certain finger at Qingqing Apple Fragrance. However, after Tang Tang finished writing, he still sneaked towards Riding Pig Zhuyue. When avoiding a thunderstorm, he turned sideways towards the Riding a pig bumped into the past month by month.

Qizhu Zhuyue was startled immediately, and quickly retreated, but Tang Tang still hooked his ankle, staggered on the soles of his feet, and fell to the ground with his buttocks on his back.

"I'll go, you won't pay attention, it's just such a small place, be careful!"

Tang Tang immediately complained first, then ran away, and then...


A thunderbolt fell right on the head of Qizhu Zhuyue, making him stare at his eyes. However, there was also a treasure on Qizhu Zhuyue's body. The red jade pendant immediately released red flames, wrapped Qi Zhuyue, protected the whole body, and saved Qizhuyue's life.

"Help, restore blood."

Riding a pig Zhuyue grabbed the bow and ran, approaching Qingqing Applexiang.

Qingqing Applexiang is also very helpless, cursing in her heart that she is not dead yet, but she has no choice but to let Xiaoxian poisonously use soul Gu to help Riding Pig recover health every month. After all, everyone is dealing with Jumang now, and they are considered to be in the same camp , Moreover, both of them are from the Temple of Valkyrie, and Qizhu Zhuyue didn't yell out, so she can pretend that she didn't see it, but they have already yelled out, so it can't be justified not to help.

"I'm still too shy, too kind!"

Qingqing Apple Xiang murmured shamelessly in her heart, and then gave Tang Tang another look of "Come on, kill him".

Tang Tang wrote the middle finger again, but he didn't continue to strike, and knocked people down twice in half a minute?You are a fool!

"Divine Art. Cloud Summons Wind and Thunder!"

At this time, Gou Mang drank softly again, and a purple-gold lightning shot out of his hand and hit the thunder cloud above his head.

Boom, boom!
The thunder cloud suddenly resounded with thunder, and then, thunder lights lined up, condensed, and slowly fell down.

"I'll go!" Tang Tang yelled, "Covering Thunder!"

Although there are still gaps in the lightning, they are extremely narrow, and considering that lightning will explode around the ground after the lightning hits the ground, it almost covers the entire octagonal hall!
The jade-faced Luosha smashed his head to the ground, and Tudun burrowed into the ground to become a groundhog. Tang Taro immediately opened the wall of the wind, Tang Xin had a judgment barrier, and Tang Mei instantly used ice to create a loving hut to separate herself from the floating wall. Ping was covered in, I am not a bad guy shrunk to the corner, letting all the puppets press on top of him, Jianqi Chunqiu looked quite embarrassed, he was obviously also the type of crazy attack, not good at defense, but, his The mud ball treasure that can turn into a sword is still very powerful. It twists and changes, but it turns into a shield. It protects the sword from the spring and autumn, and it seems that it is preparing to resist the thunder. Zhu Zhuyue is not in any danger. With the super support of Xiaoxian Toxic, they have a lot of buff states, as long as they are not dropped in seconds, Xiaoxian Toxic can restore their health immediately.

Tang Tang wanted to cry but had no tears. The cold air protection of the cold silk armor has been used up, what should he do?It's not impossible to fight against the enemy. She has the natal Horcrux glass heart mirror, which can maintain 3% of the health in the mortal state. However, it takes a long time to cool down once, so it cannot be forced Life-saving things, if you can use them, of course you don’t need them.

At this moment, Tang Tang suddenly saw that after Bloody Lin Bo pressed down, Ziming Misty Rain turned into a large cloud of smoke, which enveloped Bloody Limbo and also covered Fire Eagle and other members of the Bloody Mercenary Group. went in.

"Ah, wait a minute, wait a moment!" Tang Tang dashed over, ran under the misty rain of Ziming, his little butt squeezed away the fire eagle and said: "Squeeze, everyone squeeze."

Everyone in the Scarlet Mercenary Corps was speechless. Do you think they are squeezing the subway?
Huo Ying also shook his head with a wry smile and said, "The thickest people these days are those who don't know how thick their skins are."

Tang Tang didn't care what Huo Ying said. It would be great if someone helped fight the falling thunder, and Bloody Limbo didn't object. As for the other members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, they didn't dare to object if they wanted to. What about making trouble?Bloody Limbo is of course fine, they are only at the peak of the Second Tribulation, and they are really in between whether they can resist or not.


The thunder fell suddenly, and the entire octagonal hall made a huge roar, and the surroundings were filled with electric currents, and there were continuous sizzling sounds, and those purple-gold currents spread towards the surroundings like a group of poisonous snakes.

However, although Yun Huan Feng Lei covered a large area, the lead time was obviously too long, which gave everyone enough time to prepare. Except for Jian Qi Chun Qiu who was a little embarrassed, everyone else survived this blow.

After removing the protection, everyone immediately pressed back towards Jumang. In front of the stone platform, a big hand suddenly touched the Sun Shooting Bow, but was slapped away by Tang Tang who rushed over.

"Want to steal it?" Tang Tang looked at the jade-faced Luosha half of his body exposed on the ground, and sneered, "Show me another one."


With a cold snort, the jade-faced Luosha burrowed into the ground again, and sneaked up behind Gou Mang.

Jianqi Chunqiu's ignoring defense is really useful for Jumang. However, he is recovering his health, and I am not a bad guy, so I use the remaining thunder to gather puppets again. The task of fighting against Jumang falls to Tang Tang and Bloody Lin Bo flanked Jumang from left to right, but when the wings of that mang spread, the speed was much faster, and the constant dodging made it difficult for the two of them to attack effectively. Hit Jumang.

"Big sister!" Tang Tang shouted, "I'll freeze one."

"Your sister!" Tang Mei had been wandering around the outside, and when she heard Tang Tang's shout, she also said distressedly: "Both water and ice conduct electricity."

"Worry." Tang Tang hurriedly said, "Hurry up."

Tang Mei could only rush towards Jumang in the spirit of following the revolutionary heroes and sacrificing her life for everyone.

In fact, Tang Mei's skills are not good either. She is of the same type as Tang Xin. Apart from the characteristic coldness that is condensed from her disdain for the Nine Heavens Mind, Tang Mei is also quite well-behaved, and she doesn't have too many skills Moreover, Tang Mei's speed advantage lies in the fact that he can slow down the opponent with cold air, while her own speed has never been fast.

Therefore, the moment Tang Mei pounced on Jumang, she was slapped away by Goumang's bird claws. After falling to the ground, a small golden electric current wrapped around her body, and she fell into a state of paralysis. Obviously it was just contact. The current contained in the body is enough to cause paralysis.

However, on this point, it is the same for Jumang. When the bird's claw hit Tang Mei's chest, Jumang's body was eroded by a streak of frost, and he quickly crawled over his arms and across Jumang's chest , until Jumang's whole body was covered with blue frost, the speed was naturally greatly reduced.

"Death pulse!"

Naturally, Tang Tang would not let go of such a great opportunity. He leaned against the wall and urged the sword to rise into light. In mid-air, he performed a volley back flip, swooped down with the saber on his body, and stabbed straight with the sword, sacrificing 10 points of soul power. After that, there is the sword illusion Qiongguang, and the body turns into a phantom!

In that mid-air, Tang Tang's figure disappeared briefly, and when he reappeared, the tip of the sword had already reached Jumang's chest. With the momentum of the dive, he cut down Jumang from the air with a single blow, bang With a bang, he fell hard to the ground.

The ground shattered with cobweb cracks, and a piece of it obviously collapsed, and Jumang's body was deeply sunk into it.

Before Gou Mang got up, without Tang Tang's call, everyone rushed forward. This kind of good opportunity is naturally worth cutting a sword!
"Divine Art. Yunlian Fenghua!"

Sometimes having a large number of people is quite an advantage. At least Jumang was beaten by a group of wolves and tigers and couldn't get up. After several consecutive struggles, he couldn't break free from the attacks of these people in his mouth. , in desperation, Gou Mang used the fairy art again, and a circle of wind and haze retreated towards the surroundings like a wave. The damage was very low, and no one was seriously injured. Everyone's damage was less than 15%. The trick was 100% blown away, so everyone was pushed away helplessly.

However, when Yun Lianyi was pushed away by Fenghua, Tang Tang didn't forget to give Gou Mang a hard time!
"24 Bright Moon Bridges!"

When the sword comes out, the blood is overflowing!
The 24 bright red sword lights are connected together, but the quality is not high. After all, Tang Tang played the sword art in the flying state, and his body has lost balance. Going backwards quickly, avoiding Jumang's counterattack.

Tang Xin stayed in the back more or less bored, so he simply took out a piece of paper talisman for fear of chaos, and after making a formula, the paper talisman suddenly burned, and Tang Xin shouted loudly: "Level 148, HP 29000/98000, mana 12000/120000..."

Sure enough, after Tang Xin finished shouting, everyone's expressions turned serious!
With less than [-] health points and not much mana remaining, Jumang has gradually weakened after being besieged continuously, and is almost on the verge of death. Their efforts are almost successful, and because of this, every Everyone was more careful, and more vigilant at the same time, as if they were quietly sweeping the Sun Shooting Bow.

Gou Mang wants to kill, and the Sun Shooting God Bow also wants to grab it!

This is everyone's idea, and it is also everyone's attitude. It seems that there is no conflict, but it is very contradictory, because if you want to take away the Sun Shooting Bow, you must first ask other people if they agree.

Undoubtedly, from this point of view, Tang Xin is actually a bad person, but he usually hides it better.

(End of this chapter)

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