Chapter 707 Chapter 710
It is said that the face of the landlord is ugly, and he can do many things with money, but for the first time he knows that money cannot do everything.

"It's my time now." Petra gave Shu'er Wangyue a faint look, walked to the front, took off his veil, revealed a somewhat pale, but still pretty face and said: "Although the little The girl knows me, but I still introduce myself briefly. I am Petra, the owner of the first floor of the Black Clothes Shrine. Just now is just a small test for everyone. Since everyone is not going to sell the magic weapons and treasures in their hands, It means that you have the same desire as me, to get all the magic weapons, open the well of gods and demons, ascend to the second world of gods and demons, and leave your name in the catalog of holy demons forever, so that all future generations will remember, so, this is the last battle , I am waiting for your arrival at the God Demon Well, I hope you will not let me down!"

After Petra finished speaking, the reminder from Soul Realm sounded suddenly.

Announcement in the Soul Realm: Congratulations to the player "Fireworks Yileng" for successfully crossing the catastrophe, with a perfect heart of Taoism and success of the Dao of Heaven, hence the name: Nanling Shengzun.

Soul Realm Announcement: Congratulations to the player "Northern Hemisphere's Warmth" for successfully surviving the tribulation, breaking the devil's heart, and succeeding in the magic way, hence the name: Qingcheng Demon Lord.

Soul Realm Announcement: The Well of Gods and Demons is open.

"Tiaohu Lishan!"

Seeing the soul domain announcement, the others didn't think there was anything wrong, but the three of Tangmen woke up immediately!
Because, they know something that others don't!
That well of gods and demons was crushed at the bottom of the Tang Sect!

It is the Shrek Seven Monsters of Tangmen who seal the well of gods and demons. If they want to enter the well of gods and demons, they must first break the Tang gate. Therefore, the three of them reached a consensus that the well of gods and demons can be opened, but the Tang gate cannot be destroyed. The Sun God Bow was born and led everyone to the temple. Naturally, his purpose was to gather the remaining divine soldiers and treasures.

And this seems to be just the plan of the legendary landlord. Petra's plan is not only that, he wants Tang Xin and Tang Taro to leave the Tang Sect. Without the two of them, the Tang Sect will have no backbone, even though there is still an abrupt , but I have to say that since Tang Yukuang's incident, Tang Xin came to the stage, the development of Kuangzhan Pavilion is getting better and better, and the sudden wind camp is gradually declining. The benchmark is that the disputes and confrontations between Tangmen's intelligent soul masters and tool soul masters were somewhat meaningless. Many Faxiu switched to the Kuangzhan Pavilion where the gang developed better, which caused the Tufengying to fall from the top to the top. After reaching the first-class level, the appeal in Tangmen is not as great as before, so there is nothing to fear.

Of course, there is also a certain purpose of transferring Tang Tang away. After all, Tang Tang is no better than before. She used to be a naked soldier with only one person, but now she is a strong soldier. Players in Tianmo Valley dominate!
Tang Tang is not there, no one is commanding to move the group of arrogant evil cultivators of Tianmogu, and Tang Xin and Tang Taluo are not there, so there is no one in charge of the Tang Sect, not to say that there is no one in the Tang Sect, there are no other capable people , it’s up to them, but apart from Tang Xin and Tang Taluo, other people’s prestige is not enough, and the circle is not big enough, especially Tang Taluo, he directly issued an announcement as the elder of the Tang Sect, and naturally everyone in the Tang Sect is a soldier , This is also the benefit of Soul Realm's recognition. Just like Tang Tang made an announcement as the owner of Tianmo Valley, there will be a lot of people in Tianmo Valley immediately. Announcement permissions.

Tang Xin and Tang Taro also reacted immediately and tried quickly, but they were helpless. They all forgot that the Temple of Death prohibits contact with the outside world.


Tang Xin waved his hand immediately, and quickly prepared to withdraw from the death temple, but at this moment, the black-clothed people who had already got stuck blocked the door one after another.

"Although I have already made arrangements..." Petra said: "But I still hope that you can stay as long as possible."

"Go away!"

It is rare for Tang Taro to get angry, and it is obviously a terrible thing for him to get angry.

With a light wave of the plain hand, thousands of wind blades were thrown out, and then, the Taoist formula changed, and two hurricanes were thrown out again, raging towards the black-clothed people.

"Rush over!"

Although angry, Tang Taro did not lose his composure. He did not seek to kill all those black-clothed people, but cleared a gap of those black-clothed people, and shouted at Tang Tang and Tang Xin.

"The well of gods and demons is at the bottom of Tangmen." Petra said lightly: "If they are allowed to go back, it is very likely that people from Tangmen will continue to seal the well of gods and demons, and then no one will be able to pass through the well. Ascension to the two worlds of gods and demons."

As Petra finished speaking, Bloody Limbo made a sudden move. The Purple Dark Misty Rain turned into a large cloud of light smoke and stopped all of Tang Taro's hurricane. The smoke moved with the wind. At first Tang Taro still had the advantage, but with the purple Mingyan Yuluo's continuous invasion, the hurricane is also gradually dissipating!
Immediately afterwards, Bloody Lin Bo commanded Ziming Misty Rain to counterattack Tang Taluo, but just as he was about to succeed, a burst of cold air burst out, entangled with Qingyan, and competed with each other, but they couldn't help each other.

Tang Mei took a sword flower, stepped forward and said, "Sect Master Bloody Lin Bo, taking advantage of others' danger is never a gentleman's action, so let me take the trick, how about it?"

"Kunlun, Tang Mei!" Bloody Lin Bo looked at Tang Mei and said, "Not bad."

As the words fell, Bloody Lin Bo drew out his sword, but just as he was about to hit, Tang Mei erected an ice wall in front of him, blocking the sword's edge.

Tang Taro continued to repeat the same plan, releasing a large number of hurricanes and blowing the black-clothed people away. Tang Xin quickly stepped in, but was stopped by I am not a bad guy and Jian Qi Chunqiu.

"Give me back the bow."

Qingqing Applexiang suddenly rolled around like a lazy donkey, forced to break away from those black-clothed people, and rushed towards the Sun Shooting God Bow, those black-clothed people were about to counterattack, but a water curtain stopped them In front of him, Xiaoxian is poisonous, so naturally it is impossible for Xiaoxian to watch Qingqing Applexiang get beaten, but, together with Qingqing Applexiang, there is Qi Zhuzhuyue who rushed to the Sun Shooting God Bow. Gou Mang gave the Sun Shooting Bow to Qingqing Apple Xiang, but he was also unwilling.

But Tang Tang had two swords in his hand, and found the cheap elder brother Petra.

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

The sword came out, and the sword brilliance flashed.

Not much to say, Tang Tang urged the sword to shine, but before killing Petra, the box that Petra was carrying suddenly burst into green light, and immediately after, Petra grabbed a silver silver from the green light. The shield blocked Tang Tang's sword light.

Immediately, the green glow reappeared, and the shield suddenly condensed into a sword shape, which was exactly the same as the Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang in Tang Tang's hand, except that the sword body was purple-black. The reincarnation Feng Qiuhuang in Tang Tang was taken down.

Petra said: "Little girl, I actually wanted to fight with you very early on."

"Ha!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and pressed the sword down: "But you are the one who escapes every time!"

"That's because it's not yet time..." Petra suddenly let go of the blade, and after losing the strength, he passed Tang Tang's side and said: "Our battlefield should be in the well of gods and demons, where we will fight to the death!"

Tang Tang sneered and said, "But I can't wait!"

Petra shook his head, the weapon in his hand reappeared with a green glow, and turned into a sword stele in the burial coffin. The 100% knockback effect was triggered immediately, knocking Tang Tang out.

Pietra also took advantage of the situation to back away, distanced himself from Tang Tang.

"Little girl, I'll wait for you at the Demon Well." Petra looked at Tang Tang and said seriously, then waved to Tianzhu and said, "Let's go."

Tianzhu smiled and agreed, ran to Petra and waved a big black flag, the two were swept up by a black wind and sand, and disappeared without a trace, but when Tang Tang wanted to pounce, it was too late One step, nothing was able to stop the two of them.

"damn it."

Tang Tang cursed, and then looked around, seeing that it was already a mess.

Sighing, Tang Tang felt that Tang Taro might be disappointed this time.

Tang Taro wanted to keep the Tang Sect from any blows, but it was actually impossible. The Tang Sect was bound to be affected by the opening of the God and Demon Well. It was the God and Demon Well that the Tang Sect Shrek Seven Monsters had sealed together. In other words, Tang Sect The gate is originally a checkpoint set up by the soul domain in front of the well of gods and demons. At the same time, every time the well of gods and demons is opened, a player will have the opportunity to ascend to the two worlds of gods and demons. Only one name is left on it each time, as eternal glory, repeating this way, and in the future when more players survive the three tribulations, the trend will inevitably evolve into a battle between the magic weapon and the treasure, and of course the eight Soul Orb, and every time it reaches the end, the Tang Sect will inevitably suffer once. If this kind of thing can be stopped once, can it be stopped countless times?Of course, the Tang Sect was indeed a bit unlucky, but Soul Realm treated Tang Sect quite favorably, and at least three of the magic weapons came from Tang Sect.

As a human being in two lifetimes, Tang Tang doesn't really care much about the Tang Sect. She has always been very wild and spends little time in the Tang Sect. She made the move only for Tang Taro's sake. However, Tang Tang doesn't know what will happen in the future, but at least for now, she will do her best to obey the destiny!

"Star Horcrux, get up!"

With bursts of sword sounds rippling, the five star Horcruxes were suspended around Tang Tang!

"The stars are falling and the earth is shaking!"

Changing handprints repeatedly, Tang Tang condensed into a sword and pointed at the top of his head. A strange silver-white circular pattern appeared behind him, and the five star horcruxes continued to separate into hundreds of silver-white phantom swords. , those hundreds of phantom swords rose from their mouths, breaking through the ceiling of the Death Temple!


Wind, thunder, the power of stars!

A beam of light mixed with the power of wind and thunder continuously penetrated the Fengshen Mausoleum and bombarded the octagonal hall!

Accompanied by the continuous bombardment of those beams of light, the violent vibrations spread rapidly. It seems that the walls of the octagonal pavilion collapsed in an instant. Such power prevented everyone from continuing to fight, and they all stopped their hands and stabilized their figures.

"let's go!"

Tang Tang waved at Tang Xin and Tang Taro, and then took the lead and rushed through the collapsed crack.

(End of this chapter)

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