The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 708 Chapter 711 Tangmen’s Calamity Battle of Gods and Demons [1]

Chapter 708 Chapter 711 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [[-]]

It was very difficult to enter the Temple of Death, but it was not too troublesome to leave, and the road was unimpeded. After the destruction of the star sinking earthquake, Tang Tang also appeared extremely barbaric. Whenever there was a dead end, the wall immediately shattered all the way outward, After a while, the three of them saw the sun again and finally ran out of the Death Temple.

"What's the situation now? I don't know? What do you know? What about the people? If you don't have enough people, you won't be transferred from other stations!"

After leaving the Temple of Death, Tang Xin also immediately sent a voice transmission for thousands of miles, but just after saying a few words, his face became extremely ugly.

"We underestimated the power of the Black Clothes Shrine too much. We always thought that they only followed the path of elite soldiers. It was a big mistake!" Tang Xin said to Tang Tang and Tang Taro: "There are about twenty small gangs forming a miscellaneous army. Attacking the Tang Sect together was obviously cultivated secretly by the Black Shrine, because the scale is not large, and the Black Shrine has always given the impression that it is good at assassination, but there are not many people, so no one has noticed it at all, let alone The damn thing is that the Black Clothes Shrine does not know what benefits Tang Yukuang has given. Even if that bastard left the Kuangzhan Pavilion, he is still a disciple of the Tang Sect. The combination of the inside and the outside also wounded the elder Xing Lu and Tang Xuanwu among the Tang Sect Seven Monsters. In addition, our guess is correct, and the Tang Sect Shrek Seven Monsters really intervened in the opening of the God and Demon Well."

This is their previous guess. Whether the Tang Sect will be unlucky with the opening of the Shenmo Well is actually a matter of choice. If the Tang Sect does not intervene in the opening of the Shenmo Well, there will be no problem, and no one will spend a lot of money. Zhou Zhang deliberately ran to attack the Tang Sect, but if the Tang Sect intervened in the opening of the Shenmo Well, then the Tang Sect would stand in the way and become the last hurdle to the Shenmo Well, and Tang Sect would suffer!

Of these two possibilities, the three of them all tended to the latter. Obviously, the Black Clothes Shrine also favored the latter, otherwise it would not have been time-consuming and laborious to deploy, and they also deliberately led Tang Tang and the others to the Death Temple.

In fact, their guess was also very correct. Since the Seven Shrek Monsters of the Tang Sect had sealed the God and Demon Well together, it is of course impossible to sit idly by and ignore the opening of the God and Demon Well now!
Therefore, the Tang Sect suffered disaster!
The three of Tang Tang wailed and sighed, feeling that this matter was a bit unlucky. Who did Tang Sect recruit to provoke?

At this time, other people also came out from the Temple of Death, and no one had any intention of doing anything else. Anyway, sound transmission can be carried for thousands of miles here, and it was useless for them to stop the three people of the Tang Sect. They just rushed away with their weapons.

"Let's go!" Tang Mei patted Tang Tang on the shoulder and said, "I will accompany you to Mount Shu."

Tang Tang nodded, and Tang Taluo took out the teleportation talisman and distributed it to everyone. The teleportation talisman that can fly directly to the Tang Sect has always been his regular item.

Holding the teleportation talisman, Tang Tang suddenly saw the legendary host coming out of the death temple, hesitated for a moment, let the others go first, and walked to the side of the legendary host himself.

"You are actually a good businessman." Tang Tang said: "This time can only be regarded as an accident."

Legend has it that the landlord looked up at Tang Tang and said, "You don't hate me?"

Tang Tang wondered, "Why do I hate you?"

"Hey, hello..." The legendary host said, "I tricked you."

"It doesn't matter!" Tang Tang said: "You are a businessman, followed by my friend, you are just doing your own job, well, let's put it this way, if you cooperate with your friends to do business, you can only earn 100 million a year. However, if you cooperate with other people to do the same business, you can earn 200 million a year, so do you choose to do it with your friends or with other people? You can’t let yourself lose 100 million just because you are a friend? Secondly , if your friend sacrifices your interests because he wants to make money, then I think such a friend should not be considered a friend, so, what you did is right, and, legend, you are worse than me now , tsk tsk, I don’t have the guts to add insult to injury when everyone betrays their relatives.”

"I'm just an employment relationship with them." The legendary host rolled his eyes and said: "Just like your cheap brother Petra said, I give money, and they do things for me. Now they don't want to do things for me, so I naturally do too." You don’t need to give them money, and, as I’ve said countless times, you can call me the landlord, but don’t call me a legend.”

"Okay, legend!" Tang Tang waved his hand while pinching the teleportation talisman: "Goodbye, legend!"

It is said that the landlord had a helpless expression on his face, and waved his hand, telling Tang Tang to leave immediately.

After using the teleportation talisman, Tang Tang appeared in the Tang Sect, but unexpectedly, he did not go back directly to the Tang Sect, but appeared on the outskirts of the Tang Sect trail.

"I'll go!" Tang Tang looked up, and suddenly said in astonishment: "When did our Tang Sect expand?"

The biggest feature of Tangmen is of course the Cliff of Ghost Sorrow. However, there are quite a lot of hills hanging in the air. There are hundreds of them densely packed, but they are several times more than before. In the center, there are A beam of red light covering a radius of a hundred miles shot up from the ground and shot straight into the sky, with no end in sight.

"Damn it!"

After Tang Tang cursed, he flew across the Tang Sect path and headed towards the Tang Sect sect.

The battle has been going on, but it has almost stabilized. The Tang Sect still has a large number of people, and those miscellaneous troops composed of small gangs are nothing to worry about. Only the first wave of attacks caught people off guard. The two and five youngsters cooperated with each other, which made Tangmen become chaotic. However, after a long battle, everyone calmed down. The number of those small gangs was still not enough, and they were all expelled after a long time. Other than that, there's almost nothing else going on.

Tang Tang didn't have the heart to intervene in these battles, but went straight to the main hall of the Tang Sect. When Tang Tang arrived, Tang Mei, Duckweed, Qingqing Apple Xiang and Xiaoxian Pou were all standing at the door. They were not from the Tang Sect, so naturally Tang Tang could not enter the hall, but just as she was about to open the door, Tang Xin and Tang Taluo walked out of the hall, with Tang Xiao by their side.

When Tang Xiao saw Tang Tang, he smiled slightly as a greeting, and then said, "Elder Xing Lv and Uncle Tang Xuanwu both suffered heavy injuries and fell into a coma. Everything now depends on you."

Tang Xin repeatedly nodded in agreement, and Tang Taro also nodded. Tang Xiao nodded in satisfaction, sighed, and walked back to the main hall.

Tang Tang pulled the two of them together and said, "How is the situation now?"

Tang Xindao: "Elder Xing Lu and Tang Xuanwu are both in a coma, the shrine in black, and other guys with magic weapons and treasures all went to the God and Demon Well, and the other six of the Shrek Seven Monsters from the Tang Gate also chased after them. Shenmojing obviously wants to stop it. Now the focus of the battle is no longer within the Tang Sect, that is, the remnants of Tang Yukuang are still making trouble, and even the small gangs that the Black Clothes Shrine somehow summoned have all withdrawn to the Tang Sect. It's outside the Tang Sect."

Tang Taro said with a gloomy expression, "Tang Yukuang has gone too far this time."

Tang Xinruo looked at Tang Taro meaningfully and said, "Sometimes not everything can be perfect."

Tang Taro's hope has always been that the Tang Sect can unite as one. You know, looking at all the sects, the masters of the Tang Sect are the most outstanding. Tang Xin, Tang Xiao, Tang Fengzi, Tang Jian, my name is MT, these are all The well-known first-class masters, Tang Yukuang, Tang Taro and Tang Tang are among the top experts. If Tang Yukuang is not noisy, the power gathered by the entire Tang Sect is extremely terrifying. Unfortunately, it seems that Tang Yukuang is now Kuang already hated Tang Xin and Tang Tang to the core, and there was absolutely no possibility of being kind.

"I'm not the elder of the criminal law, I can't expel Tangmen disciples..." Tang Taro gritted his teeth and said, "However, I will issue a master mission to follow the Tangmen disciples who participated in the attack by Tang Yukuang. As long as they enter the territory of Tangmen, all Chase him down!"

Tang Taro made such a decision that he made a lot of determination. This kind of punishment is really not light. Of course, if it was Tang Xin, he must have gone too far and directly sealed off all the benefits of those people in the sect. Forbidden sect buildings, no rewards for completing division missions, forcing them to fail in Tang Sect, eventually defecting from division, the price will be even greater, not only most sects will take in abandoned disciples, but also kill them, Especially after going through the catastrophe, it is impossible to transfer to Douluo Hall and other magic ways, unless they can get the magic weapon to disintegrate.

"It's useless to say these things now." Tang Tang urged: "Let's go to the God and Demon Well as soon as possible. The Seven Tangmen Shrek Monsters have now become six. If we don't dare to go there again, I am afraid that the Tangmen Shrek Seven Monsters will die." It’s no wonder that it’s Tangmen Shrek!”

Tang Tang's statement is not unreasonable. Right now it is not the early days of the Soul Realm. At that time, the head of the sect and the elders of the sect were all superior existences, and they were definitely not something players could shake. However, most players are now During the transition from the first calamity to the second calamity, in fact, the second calamity players are not a rare thing anymore. Once you catch a lot, there are many peaks of the second calamity. After reaching the peak of the second calamity, you can compete with the npc masters of the sect, and even It's much better than Tang Tang, who has survived three tribulations like Tang Tang, and the Tangmen Shrek seven monsters can defeat several of them alone, but to pass through the gods and demons well, firstly, it has to be three tribulations, and secondly, they have to go through three tribulations. There are magic soldiers and treasures, and the Seven Shrek Monsters of Tangmen ran to stop them, it is purely the old birthday star drinking arsenic, life is really boring to death!
Tang Xin and Tang Taluo were no longer obsessed with Tang Yukuang's affairs. They nodded and prepared to go to the well of gods and demons.

However, sometimes things are like this, the things you don't want to see will always be brought up, and the people you don't want to see will always appear in front of you inadvertently.

The Shenmo Well is at the bottom of Shu Mountain. It was impossible to seal the Shenmo Well at the beginning with the strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters. Therefore, they borrowed the power of Guijianshou cliff to press a large number of hanging mountains on the Shenmo Well. On the well, the God and Demon Well was sealed to death, and after the God and Demon Well erupted, those hanging mountains were resuspended into the air, and the huge red beam of light in the center was where the God and Demon Well was located.

Urging the sword into light, everyone fell down the Hanging Mountain, but before they saw the God Demon Well, they saw a person first, a guy who is not liked by everyone in the Tang Sect at the moment—Tang Yukuang!

(End of this chapter)

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