The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 709 Chapter 712 Tangmen’s Calamity Battle of Gods and Demons [2]

Chapter 709 Chapter 712 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [[-]]

Tang Yukuang was dressed in black, holding a black sheath sword in his arms, and the black cloak fluttering in the wind on his back.

Obviously, Tang Yukuang is not just turning his back on the water. From his black clothes, it can be seen that this guy has also joined the Black Clothes Shrine.

"Tang Yukuang..." Tang Taro pointed at Tang Yukuang and said, "You..."

Tang Taluo looked at Tang Yukuang and wanted to say some harsh words, but he really couldn't say anything bad with his temper, he held back for a long time, but shook his hand rather angrily.

Tang Yukuang said indifferently: "Tang Tang, our accounts should be settled today."

Tang Xin sneered and said, "What about our account? I want to settle it with you, too."

Tang Xin was about to go forward, but was stopped by Tang Tang waving his hand.

"He has named him by name. If you are going up, won't people think that I am afraid of him?" Tang Tang smiled playfully and waved at the others: "Let's go, let's go, you guys go first, I'll leave later I'll go find you guys, um, the time for half a stick of incense is almost up, anyway, it's not a troublesome matter, it will be resolved soon."

As the words fell, Tang Tang cast a glance at Tang Yukuang, but the latter was expressionless, still standing with his sword in the air, making Tang Tang curl his lips involuntarily. This guy seemed to have improved a lot. Crazy, even if he could hold it back, he would never remain expressionless, acting as if he hadn't heard anything at all.

"It really looks more and more like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Tang Tang waved to the others again, "Let's go."

Tang Taluo wanted to say something else, but Tang Xin gave her a hand and said, "Let's go, the Shrek Seven Devils won't last long, the little girl will be fine."

"Let's go!"

Tang Mei and Qingqing Apple Xiang also had absolute trust in Tang Tang, so they waved their hands without saying anything, and then continued to follow the hanging mountain, heading down the red beam of light.

Tang Yukuang didn't stop him, he just watched other people pass by, just as he himself said, he came for Tang Tang.

After everyone was out of sight, Tang Tang pulled out Baiquefeng and Jiehuolonglin from his backpack, spread his hands at Tang Yukuang and said, "Okay, there are only two of us now, how do you want to settle accounts with me? I'll wait and see !"

Tang Yukuang was not stimulated, but gradually loosened his hands, holding the black sheath sword in his hand, and pulled out the sword bit by bit.

Huamang flashes!

There is nothing unusual about the black sheath sword, it looks unusually simple and unadorned, but when the sword was slowly pulled out from the black sheath, Tang Tang only felt that the silver glow was shining, and the sword had not danced, but the sword energy was already overflowing , The chilling feeling made the Baiquefeng and Jiehuolongscales in Tang Tang's hands tremble constantly, making the sound of humming and sword-crying.

Looking at the sword, Tang Tang's eyes lit up and he praised, "Good sword!"

Tang Yukuang said: "To deal with you, you have to spend some time to prepare."

"Haha!" Tang Tang laughed and said, "Then come on!"

Although Tang Tang said to do it, he didn't mean to do it at all.

On the contrary, Tang Yukuang was not in a hurry to make a move.

There is no way, the two are very familiar with each other, so there is no need to say more about Tang Tang. It is of course a good thing to be famous in the world, but the price is that many things will be transparent. Tang Tang's characteristics, what he is good at, and what he is not good at, these things have long been It is known to many people, of course, sometimes knowing is one thing, but being able to do it is another.

As for Tang Yukuang, Tang Tang always felt that persistence is the best quality. When a person can persevere, he already has the only condition needed for success. Tang Yukuang is undoubtedly such a person, who falls again and again , Climbing up again and again, this kind of obsession doomed Tang Yukuang to have the characteristics of success, and he was difficult to deal with.

Moreover, one thing that cannot be ignored is that Tang Yukuang also joined the Black Shrine. You can say that the guys from the Black Shrine are not very strong, but no one dares to say that the people from the Black Shrine don't know how to kill.

The two confronted each other for a while, and they both seemed to be extremely patient, until a huge boulder suddenly fell from the bottom of the hanging mountain.

The two of them seized the gap almost at the same time, slammed their swords out, and went directly towards the boulder. The sword light was sharp, piercing the boulder and approaching each other, but turned their heads away at the same time. At the same time avoid the sword light.

"Fire and thunder!"

Immediately, Tang Tang quickly raised his hand and struck the fire thunder into the boulder, and then retreated quickly, the fire thunder also detonated suddenly, shattering the boulder, bringing out a fiery flame.

However, Tang Yukuang's figure disappeared without a trace.

"Wan Jian Jue!"

With the sound of drinking softly, Tang Yukuang appeared above Tang Tang's head strangely, with his long sword hanging in the air, he brought out dense phantom swords, and fell towards Tang Tang suddenly.

"Damn it, how could it be so fast!"

Tang Tang looked at the phantom sword falling like rain, and was stunned for a moment. The power of Wanjianjue is worthy of recognition, especially when leveling and killing monsters, it is very effective. A piece of Wanjianjue can clean up A large number of monsters were dropped, but Tang Tang had already stated the shortcoming of Wan Jianjue, that is, it was too slow, and it took a certain amount of time to condense the phantom sword. With that time, Tang Tang could kill the opponent more than a dozen times.

However, Tang Yukuang's Wan Jian Jue is obviously a little weird, densely packed like a swarm of locusts, but how long did he take? Ten seconds? 20 seconds? 30 seconds?
It is simply inconceivable that nearly a thousand phantom swords were condensed in such a short period of time.

Surprised, Tang Tang quickly turned his sword into light and fell towards the bottom, while Tang Yukuang also quickly urged the phantom sword to fall, and forced it towards Tang Tang. The two of them went up and down, chasing tens of meters, Suddenly, Tang Tang swung his sword at a right angle and dodged into the back of a hanging mountain, but the nearly thousand phantom swords hit the hanging mountain, bringing up countless gravel and dust.

Accompanied by the dust, Tang Tang also slid around the Hanging Mountain, circled back to the front of the Hanging Mountain from behind, took advantage of the dust, and killed towards Jian Dao Wuming.

Tang Tang flicked his wrist, and brought out 24 sword lights, which formed a line and blasted a touch of silver in the air. Withdraw the sword and cut back.
"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night"

"Sword God One Form!"

A raging sword energy exploded in front of Tang Yukuang, exploding towards the surroundings in a circle shape, almost unavoidable. Tang Tang did not suffer from this move at the beginning, but now he has learned to be smart. After Ershiqiao Mingyueye made a gap in the circle of sword energy, Tang Tang immediately released the sky fire flames, and his body rolled up in mid-air. All the flying swords were blocked.

"Sword God II Form!"

Tang Yu madly changed his sword art, the sword energy bursting and flying around seemed to be alive, quickly turning in the air, quickly gathering at the tip of the sword with no name in the way of the sword, and condensed into a virtual giant sword purely composed of sword energy, accompanied by Tang Yukuang raised his hand high, then slashed down heavily.

The sword energy passed by, abruptly blowing away the blazing flames in front of Tang Tang, but when he was about to hit Tang Tang...


Tang Tang suddenly fought back, but the weapon in his hand was changed from Baiquehuang and Jiehuolonglin to the burial coffin, pulling the iron chain and swinging the heavy sword tablet, just to meet the sword Qi Condensed into a virtual giant sword!
The virtual giant sword composed of sword qi was shattered by Tang Tang's blow with the burial coffin, and turned into countless sword qi flying across, swinging towards the surroundings.

Immediately after...

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Tang Yukuang let out a low cry, Tang Tang heard the sound, and suddenly had the urge to vomit blood, and behind Tang Yukuang, there were nearly a thousand phantom swords condensed!
"damn it!"

After swearing, Ying Yuli turned his head and ran away. After all, this Ten Thousand Sword Art is Tangmen's signature skill. Although it can't be said to be fast, it can't be said to be slow either. It is because Wan Jian Jue "wins with quantity". The higher the level of training Wan Jian Jue is, the more phantom swords will be condensed. Of course, the power and range will be improved, but the time to condense the phantom sword will also be changed accordingly. It was longer, but the threat became smaller, which was quite embarrassing.

But now Tang Yukuang didn't know what method he used to condense the phantom sword in a short period of time, the most fatal flaw of Wanjian Jue disappeared, and the dominance of Wan Jian Jue immediately appeared.

"The sky is blazing!"

Roaring, Tang Tang shot out an incandescent flame, breaking through the phantom sword that followed him, but the effect was not very obvious. As soon as he suppressed the phantom sword on his side, Tang Yukuang was able to condense a large piece of ice immediately. phantom sword.

"This guy must have some weird support." Tang Tang pouted, and then shouted: "Want to play more and bully less? Then I will compare with you who has more Horcruxes."

As the words fell, Tang Tang turned around sharply and slashed out the sword light, smashing through more than a dozen phantom swords chasing behind him, then took out a roll of cloth as tall as a person from his backpack, held it high above the head, and suddenly threw the Pull the group away!
"Sun and Moon Reincarnation Banner Formation Diagram!"

The stars in the cloth picture were shining brightly, and with the change of Tang Tang's hand formula, the starry sky in the picture suddenly lit up, and the sun and moon reincarnation streamers flew out of the picture one by one, densely packed like a storm, suspended in Tang Tang Tang's head!
"Sun Moon Reincarnation Banner!" Tang Tang raised his finger forward and said, "Get up!"

Accompanied by Tang Tang's command, the Sun Moon Reincarnation Ban Hao Sword stretched continuously, undulating up and down, rushing towards the front like a wave, and Tang Yukuang naturally refused to lose the wind, and once again pinched out the Wanjian Jue, Urging the phantom sword to attack!
Collision, entanglement, strangulation!
When the two dense storms twisted together, there were bursts of thunderous sword sounds, and Tang Tang's sun and moon reincarnation flags were continuously shot down, but they kept flying up, and Tang Yukuang's condensed However, the phantom sword lost even more and was constantly broken, but Tang Yukang spared no effort in drawing out the Wanjian Jue and filled it with new phantom swords.

Neither of them was willing to back down in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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