The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 710 Chapter 713 Tangmen’s Calamity Battle of Gods and Demons [3]

Chapter 710 Chapter 713 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [[-]]

Sometimes battles are like this, experience, skills, strength, these are very important, but there is also one thing that is very important, very very important, that is aura, but when a person loses aura, no matter how strong his strength is, He will definitely lose, because he didn't compete for victory.

Speaking of it, this kind of thing is so strange. It is a term with mixed praise and criticism. Sometimes, competitiveness can make people lose their minds and do irrational things, but it is undeniable that competitiveness is the driving force behind people. One, without the heart to win, how can we work hard?
Tang Tang's competitive spirit has never been weak, and so is Tang Yukuang. Otherwise, he would not have risen again and again, trying to make a comeback, but would have sunk long ago and completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

However, both of them were unwilling to admit defeat, and the battle immediately fell into a stalemate. The sun and moon reincarnation pattern and the phantom sword kept colliding, screaming, strangling, the sword light was bright, and the sound of the sword sound was quite strange from a distance. Spectacular, only Tang Tang and Tang Yukuang themselves know how hard it is, Wan Jianjue can only last for a while, if it continues, it will definitely consume Tang Yukuang's soul power one after another, and Tang Tang is not feeling well, The Sun-Moon Reincarnation Banner Picture is not something you can use whenever you want. Every time you open a picture, you need to consume mana points, and then continue to use the Sun-Moon Reincarnation Banner. You also need to continuously release mana points. If this continues, Tang Tang's mana points will inevitably exhausted.

Even so, the two still persisted, but the deadlock will be broken after all, and the first to break the deadlock is...

Tang Tang!
In other words, it was Tang Tang's terrifying imperial weapon technique!
After a long time of fruitless attacks, Tang Tang was not willing to withdraw the Sun Moon Reincarnation Banner, especially at this moment, withdrawing the sword was equivalent to losing for a while, how could Tang Tang be willing, but Tang Tang did not take advantage of a pure Horcrux collision, of course, Tang Yukuang didn't take advantage of it, but he had to make certain changes if he wanted to break the deadlock, and Tang Tang made the changes first.

Tang Tang kept waving the star map on the sun-moon reincarnation banner array, changing the arrangement of the stars, causing the sun-moon reincarnation banner to spread quickly to both sides, and the tide split into two, and then divided into four, continuously spread out.

Tang Tang's method is not surprising, that is, the same routine as the numbering device. Of course, Tang Tang can't control more than a thousand Horcruxes, so her method is to divide the tide of the sun and the moon into one Then, each stream of streamers acted as a Horcrux to control, constantly bypassing from both sides, and slammed towards Tang Yukuang.

Tang Yukuang's response to this was also to remove the sword, but when Tang Tang divided the stream into four, Tang Yukuang was already powerless, and when Tang Tang divided the stream into five streams, Tang Yukuang began to passively Surrounded himself with phantom swords to defend, but Tang Tang did not stop, but continued to divert the tide of the sun and moon reincarnation formation!
The seventh strand, the eighth strand...

Immediately, they scattered completely, moved towards different positions, but suddenly gathered together, and suddenly pressed down on Tang Yukuang from all directions.

Tang Yukuang's eyes also widened, but there was nothing he could do. The sun and moon reincarnation banners attacked from eight directions, and it was impossible for him to block them all in turn. However, Tang Yukuang's experience was indeed good. With almost no way to do it, he suddenly mobilized all the magic sword formulas and surrounded himself.


Countless sun and moon samsara streamers poured down like mercury, like the Milky Way falling straight into the sky, swallowing Tang Yukuang in an instant!
When all the sun, moon, and reincarnation flags passed by, Tang Yukuang's phantom sword was also empty, but no matter what, he finally resisted!

In fact, it is not without some reason that Tang Yukuang was once known as the number one master of the Tang Sect. His skills are good and his combat experience is also rich. Wan Jianjue is obviously an attacking swordjue, but he used it for defense abruptly. The most unbelievable thing is that he succeeded, and blocked all the sun and moon reincarnation flags. If it weren't for Tang Tang's popularity in the Tang Sect, Tang Yukuang should definitely be the one who is praised People, it's no wonder that Tang Yukuang hates Tang Tang, the second child of ten thousand years is always forgotten by no one.

Panting heavily, Tang Yukuang withdrew the remaining phantom sword, and Tang Tang did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it. The sun and moon reincarnation banner array consumed Tang Tang's mana so much, it would be fine if he could destroy Tang Yukuang with one blow Well, if it can't be destroyed, it will waste mana. If it is really exhausted, it is equivalent to cutting off an arm. Tang Tang is not that stupid.

With a roll of the album in his hand, Tang Tang took back all the pictures of the Sun and Moon Reincarnation Banner Formation, but he did not forget to provoke Tang Yukuang and said: "You want to come to me to settle accounts with such a little skill? It's too disappointing Come on, what a waste of time!"

"This is just the beginning!"

Tang Yukuang spread his hands and took out a fan. The funniest thing was that the fan was a round fan for women.

"Oh, you want to learn from an oriental girl?..."

Tang Tang couldn't help ridiculing immediately, but before he finished speaking, Tang Yukuang suddenly slapped the fan towards Tang Tang, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and there were countless flying knives in the wind, The overwhelming crowd came towards Tang Tang.

"I go!"

Tang Tang swung his sword left and right, swung away a piece of flying knives mixed with strong wind, and then slammed a piece of sky fire in front of him to block those flying knives, but he was blown away with flames into the air.

Tang Yukuang also didn't know when he circled over Tang Tang's head. Seeing Tang Tang being blown up by the strong wind, he immediately raised his sword and slashed down. It's just that when Tang Tang lost his balance, he played in mid-air in a strange way. Zhao Suqin carried the sword on his back, and blocked Tang Yukuang's flying sword as if he had eyes on his back, and immediately, Tang Tang turned back with a sword.

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

Tang Tang is good at using two-handed swords. For her, due to her small practice of Tai Chi, her left and right hands are very balanced. The two swords are like a pair of swords in the palm. A horcrux, when a horcrux flying sword blocked Tang Yukuang's attack, the other one happened to be thrown out suddenly. However, this time the attack was also guessed by Tang Yukuang in advance, and the hit missed. Tang Yukuang had already retreated back, and after opening the distance, he swung the round fan in his left hand downwards, and a blast of wind was blown out, just in time to meet the sword light of the 24th bridge on a moonlit night.

Naturally, both sides were hurt. Tang Tang's chest was pierced like a hedgehog by a flying knife. Tang Yukuang was also hit by several sword lights that pierced the wind, and a bloodstain was scraped on his face by a sword light. It's disfigured.

Neither of them chose to take the elixir to recover their health. For the two of them, it was impossible to tell the winner. Recovering the life value is actually of little significance, and now the life recovery is still weak, so the two of them moved sideways clockwise in a tacit understanding, and after circling in the air, they rushed towards each other again, swiping their swords and slashing!

There was a crisp metal chime.

The two swords intersected, and the two fought each other in the air. The blades rubbed against each other, and golden sparks swayed.

Tang Tang secretly clasped his left hand, and after condensing a ball of fire and thunder, he suddenly shot and pressed towards Tang Yukuang's chest, but before that, Tang Yukuang was as slippery as a loach, and quickly retreated , waving the round fan in his hand, bringing out a strong wind towards Tang Tang, forcing Tang Tang to put away the fire and thunder and move sideways to avoid, at the same time, a golden light flashed suddenly in the strong wind, and a golden rope Like a poisonous snake, it suddenly sprang out from the strong wind.

"Ha, a golden rope?" Tang Tang smiled and said, "You still keep such an antique thing."

Tang Tang still had a deep impression of the golden rope. Tang Yukang used this thing to bind his own weapon in Daxue Mountain back then. , Tang Tang's current speed could not be caught up by a bundle of gold ropes. He soared into the air casually, leaving the bundle of gold ropes behind.

However, Tang Yukuang's throwing out the golden rope was just a pretense. Thinking back when he was in the Daxue Mountain, Tang Tang belonged to the Sanwu class, and there were only a few Horcruxes in his hand. After being bound by the golden rope, Tang Tang burst into tears , There is no other way, but now Tang Tang has a lot of Horcruxes, even if a few are bound by gold ropes, Tang Tang still has plenty of other flying swords that can be used, and it doesn't matter at all.

Of course, whether you can dodge or dodge, who would want their weapons to be bound?

And Tang Yukuang also took advantage of the gap exposed by Tang Tang's dodge, and suddenly swung his sword and threw out a new moon sword energy, which was extremely fast, and went straight to Tang Tang's face.

This kind of single-body sword energy had little effect on Tang Tang, that is, there was a golden rope chasing behind his buttocks, which caused Tang Tang some trouble. However, Tang Tang was also extremely decisive, and immediately printed it towards the void below With one palm, the blazing flames of the sky were slapped, and the bundle of golden ropes was swallowed up. At the same time, the Jiehuo dragon scales moved forward, ready to block the new moon sword energy.

But at this moment...

"Weaving shadows in pairs!"

Tang Yukuang made a hand gesture suddenly, and the new moon sword energy split in two in front of Tang Tang.

With a clang, one of them hit Tang Tang's chest, sending Tang Tang flying backwards. Immediately afterwards, Tang Yukuang turned his sword into light and turned into a shooting star, heading straight for Tang Tang.

However, when he rushed to Tang Tang, Tang Tang suddenly fought back.

"Broken Blade!"

The Jiehuo dragon scale shattered suddenly, turning into hundreds of dragon scale blades, surrounded Tang Yukuang, sealed his way to dodge, then drew inward fiercely, and slammed towards Tang Yukuang.

This move seemed inevitable, but when it was about to hit, Tang Yukuang suddenly made another trick!


Tang Tang only felt that the surrounding scenery changed abruptly and suddenly became blurred, but it was only for a moment, and then immediately became clear again. However, after seeing the surroundings clearly, Tang Tang was stunned, his surroundings were covered with dragon scale blades, They were rushing towards him one after another, and he actually changed places with Tang Yukuang in an instant?

Puff puff……

Before Tang Tang had time to think about it, the surrounding dragon scale blades had already hit her body, and immediately after, Tang Yukuang greeted Tang Tang with one palm!
"Flame Dragon Strike!"

A red flame dragon suddenly sprang out from Tang Yukuang's palm, hit Tangtang's chest, breathed out flames, knocked Tangtang backwards, and with a bang, knocked Tangtang into a hanging mountain , the body was embedded in the mountain, and countless stone chips fell.

(End of this chapter)

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