The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 711 Chapter 714 Tangmen’s Calamity Battle of Gods and Demons [4]

Chapter 711 Chapter 714 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [[-]]

The icy cold air was released suddenly, and the continuous attacks also caused Tang Tang's health to drop to 50%. The cold silk armor immediately released the cold air, resisting the flame dragon, and pushed the flame back vigorously. Tang Tang's health was protected at 50%.

"Dual Cultivation of Intelligence? Impossible! I don't want to have a bastard junior like you, and I don't believe that unscrupulous old fellow Dugu Bo can fall in love with you." Tang Tang spat out the burnt ashes in his mouth, and looked at Tang Yu Kuang said: "Thousand recorded scrolls?"

Tang Yukuang didn't deny it either, hooked the corner of his mouth, and took out a roll of yellow silk from his waist.

Tang Tang recognized the Qianlu picture scroll. Since she was the second to survive the three tribulations, after the success of the third tribulation, there were two things that could be used as natal horcruxes for Tang Tang to choose. The first was the horcrux element. God, the second piece is the scroll of Qianlu map, which can condense any weapon into a soul attack, and the latter can record 21 or [-] spells or formulas. There is no cooling time, and it can be read from the scroll of Qianlu map. released in volume.

At that time, Tang Tang chose the former, because she felt that the Thousand Record Scrolls were not practical. Although there was no cooling time, what should be consumed would still be consumed. That is to say, although you can continuously release the same recorded method However, even if this tactic can be continuously released without cooling down, it would have required mana to be sacrificed, but now it still has to sacrifice the same amount of mana, and it will not be used because of the use of the Thousand Record Scroll. consume.

Tang Yukuang's Wanjianjue was obviously due to the relationship between the Qianlu picture scroll. Tang Tang thought that Tang Yukuang's Wanjianjue had accelerated the speed of condensing the phantom sword, but it was not the case. Tang Yukuang just released several swords at the same time. Wan Jian Jue is just condensing the phantom swords together, and it is impossible for Tang Tang to deliberately count the number of those phantom swords, so it seems that the phantom swords are condensing faster.

However, Tang Tang was very curious, how did Tang Yukuang overcome the consumption problem?You know, for this kind of usage, the soul power value is definitely not enough. What's even more strange is that Tang Yukuang can still use spells. Although those spells can also be recorded on the Qianlu Atlas, Tang Yukuang is neither a Dharma cultivator. , nor is it dual cultivation of intelligence and weapons, there is no mana value at all, how to release spells?
Of course, curiosity is nothing but curiosity, Tang Tang can't ask Tang Yukuang, besides, facts speak louder than words, Tang Yukuang must have used some method to do it, it may be equipment, it may be auxiliary, it may be some weird supernatural power , Moreover, it seems pointless to dwell on this matter now, and at the same time, it is not the time to think wildly, Tang Yukuang has no intention of giving Tang Tang breathing time at all!

"Bi Hai Lian Tao!"

Tang Yukuang didn't know how Tang Tang knew about the Qianlu Picture Scroll. He had spent a lot of time doing serial missions to get this thing, and he had never shown it to anyone. However, since Tang Tang knew , Tang Yukuang didn't hide anything at all, he directly opened the Qianlu picture scroll, and directly summoned the Taoism from the picture scroll, so that the release speed was naturally much faster.

A large swath of water mist rolled towards Tang Tang. As long as this move also hits, Tang Yukuang has the confidence to kill Tang Tang, because Bihailiantao is a continuous damage, which can continuously consume the cold silk armor The remaining two cold silk body guards, and secondly, the damage of Bihailiantao is not high, but it has a 100% mud effect, and the attack speed and movement speed are reduced by as much as 60% at the same time!

It was not once or twice that Tang Yukuang fought Tang Tang. In Tang Yukuang's view, Tang Tang was a formidable opponent. The most difficult thing was Tang Tang's speed. Tang is too fast, and the level of his imperial weapon technique is unbelievably high. He has thought of certain ways to increase his speed, but compared with Tang Tang, he can only hold a candle to him. Therefore, since he can't make himself faster , then let Tang Tang slow down.

And once Tang Tang loses his advantage in speed, wouldn't he be a toothless tiger?

Tang Yukuang's wishful thinking was well planned, but can he succeed?This is in between!
"The sky is blazing!"

Tang Tang has always been a good player at playing with fire. Of course, the spells recorded by Tang Yukuang on the Qianlu Atlas would not be parallel imports, but even so, that Bibo Liantao's greatness is still at the ninth level. Weak, but after the collision, the water mist of the blue waves was still burned into a white steam by the blazing flames of the sky, and a fault appeared in the continuous water mist. Tang Tang took advantage of the opportunity to step on the sword light and turned upwards, quickly flying into the air He got up, avoiding the envelop of those water mist, and at the same time with a flick of his wrist, a large shadow shrouded Tang Yukuang.

Nine-level pagoda!
Obviously, Tang Tang's idea was the same as Tang Yukuang's, wanting to slow down the opponent, but unfortunately...

"Damn leveling lunatic!"

The shadow of the nine-level Buddha Pagoda had no effect on Tang Yukuang's body, it could only attract Tang Tang to curse. Speaking of which, Tang Tang's level is not low now, it happens to be level 110, definitely at the top The masters are also counting. So far, Tang Tang only knows that the level of one step one kill is higher than his own, but that is because the level of one step one kill has exploded after inheriting the sword demon. One level, still can't make the nine-level pagoda take effect, which means that Tang Yukuang's level is at least level 110, or even higher.

The two had the same wishful thinking, but they both failed, they could only look at each other helplessly, and fell into a confrontation again.

"Where's your magic weapon?" After a while, Tang Yukang said, "I know you also hold the magic weapon, why don't you show it to me?"

"No need!" Tang Tang said: "I don't bully you, I used magic weapon, you won't accept it even if you win, just think I'm giving you a chance to take revenge, but, can you do it?"

Tang Yukuang was indeed more tolerant than before. Tang Tang's repeated provocations made Tang Yukuang still not angry. However, Tang Tang did not lie. She did not intend to use the reincarnation Phoenix to seek the Phoenix to give Tang Yukuang a fair duel. Opportunity, this guy will give up, save him from always looking for trouble, secondly, Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang should not be used here, Tang Yukuang is just a checkpoint in front of him, not enough to force Tang Tang to do it with all his strength.

However, this guy is indeed difficult to deal with. Without using Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang, it is really difficult to deal with. If you want to kill him with one blow, you have to... Tang Tang was thinking about it, but Tang Yukuang suddenly laughed. He said to Tang Tang: "It's so good, then I will let you see a good thing, I believe you will never forget it!"

Tang Yukuang suddenly clasped his hands together, making a crisp sound, and then slowly spread them to the sides. A cloud of purple air suddenly condensed around his palms. As the purple air expanded, Tang Yukuang suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it. It is to take out a large banner of Zhang Er!
"Damn it!" Tang Tang's eyes straightened immediately, and he said angrily, "Why is it in your hands?"

Tang Yukuang laughed loudly and said, "What do you think?"

Tang Tang was very familiar with the big banner in Tang Yukuang's hand, no, not only familiar, but very familiar, even as Tang Yukuang said, it was something Tang Tang could never forget.

Ghost Blood Banner!
However, Tang Tang soon thought of where Tang Yukang got this thing from, it must be the Black Clothes Shrine!

Back then, the Black Clothes Shrine ambush and killed Tang Tang in an ambush, only succeeded once, and it was that time that the Black Clothes Shrine snatched the Ghost Blood Banner. What they don't admit is that Tang Tang was indeed wiped out by the Black Shrine, and his death was quite complete. Therefore, the Ghost Blood Banner is in the hands of the Black Shrine.

It's just that what Tang Tang didn't expect was that the ghost blood banner had always been in the hands of the Black Clothes Shrine. Obviously, the Black Clothes Shrine took advantage of the mission of the demons to recapture the Nether Blood Banner, so that they would inevitably drop the Nether Blood Banner when they killed Tang Tang, but , After getting the ghost blood banner, they obviously didn't take it to hand in the task, but withheld it privately. Of course, it doesn't rule out that they used other methods to get the ghost blood banner back, and then it fell into Tang Yukuang's hands.

"damn it!"

Tang Tang cursed angrily, and while Tang Tang was cursing, Tang Yukuang grabbed the ghost blood banner and waved it vigorously. The banner was suddenly filled with black smoke, and countless ghostly black threads shot out from the banner. Flying out, dancing, overwhelming towards Tang Tang!
Those strands of ghostly black threads were like ghosts, making shrill whistling sounds towards Tang Tang.

Ghost blood banner, banner face, dance again!
All the ghostly black threads condensed on top of Tang Tang's head, dense and dense, like a dark cloud!
Ghost bone banner, streamer face, three dances!
Countless ghostly black threads fell downwards, flying like rain, a heavy black rain!

The Ghost Bone Banner used to belong to Tang Tang. After seeing this situation, she naturally knew how difficult it was to deal with, so she fled in a bit of embarrassment in the black silk of the ghost, avoiding it carefully, and at the same time quickly moved back. Withdrew, trying to distance himself from Tang Yukuang.

Tang Yukuang laughed in the air: "Little girl, are you sure you really don't need magic weapons?"

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "Use your sister!"

Tang Tang cursed fiercely, this bastard even knows how to use aggressive tactics, let alone, Tang Tang will do this kind of thing, when it was absolutely necessary, Tang Tang would definitely not mind taking out the reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang to end Tang Tang Yukuang, but being so deliberately provoked by Tang Yukuang, she was really embarrassed to take out the Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang, and she would lose face if she won!
Just as he was cursing, a puff of ghostly black silk hit him again, and Tang Tang swung his sword to cut it off. Unexpectedly, the center of the ghostly black silk was still wrapped in a soul-stirring cold smoke, and it suddenly swept away. It came out and got into Tang Tang's chest.

Tang Tang spat out blood, and his soul was shaken, but the tool soul in his dantian also sprang up quickly, condensing into a small golden sword, cutting off the soul-stirring cold smoke that rushed into his body.

"Spiritual attack!" Tang Tang wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "Is it useful to deal with people who have suffered three calamities?"

 Hanhan's health is getting better, thank you all the authors for your blessings, this article will be finished with more than a dozen chapters, the update is unstable, and the new book is already under preparation~
(End of this chapter)

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