The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 712 Chapter 715 Tangmen’s Calamity Battle of Gods and Demons [5]

Chapter 712 Chapter 715 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [[-]]

Tang Yu laughed wildly without answering, but continued to dance the Nether Blood Banner, releasing a large amount of Nether Black Silk, which naturally still mixed with a lot of soul-stirring cold smoke. Indeed, let alone the third calamity, after the second calamity, the primordial spirit and the law were condensed. Soul, the soul attack is not so terrible, it can be easily dispelled, but the moment of hitting will still reduce a certain amount of life, which is enough, anyway, Tang Yukuang doesn't feel sorry for Dementor Hanyan at all, or , compared to being able to kill Tang Tang, sacrificing dozens of soul-stirring smoke is nothing!
Seeing that Tang Yukuang was not fooled, Tang Tang had nothing to do, so he could only back away quickly, and at the same time flicked his wrist!

Tang Tang slashed forward with a fire-attribute sword energy, breaking a gap in the surrounding Nether Black Silk, and then rushed out suddenly. Before those Nether Black Silk caught up, Tang Tang picked up the Fire Dragon Scale and pointed at it again. Cut down the void in front of him!

"Break out!"

After shattering the void, Tang Tang's figure quickly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared a hundred meters away, and the imperial weapon became light, and quickly rushed towards a hanging mountain in front of him.

Tang Yukuang naturally followed, and then frowned.

Tang Sect's Xuantian Cliff is very famous. The mountains floating in the air are amazing. However, not all the hanging mountains belong to the Tang Sect. The Hanging Mountains are all built with buildings, and go back and forth through floating boards. However, extending outward, many Hanging Mountains are ordinary hilltops, not occupied by the Tang Sect. Those hilltops are all forests. Level area, but the level of monsters is not high, only around level 10 to level 50. At the beginning of the game, after players join the Tang Sect, almost all of them level up in the Tang Sect trails or these hanging mountains.

The mountain that Tang Tang rushed into was already far away from the main hall of the Tang Sect. It was a leveling area of ​​a mountain forest, with mottled trees and lush branches and leaves.

This of course brought Tang Yukuang a lot of trouble. No matter how many Nether black threads there are, there are no more trees in the forest. Moreover, if one enters the mountain forest, those trees will become obstacles, and the dance of the Nether black threads cannot be unscrupulous. , because if you are not careful, those ghostly black threads will hit the tree, not only the advantage of number will not be obvious, but the speed will also be greatly restricted.

Obviously, as the former owner of the Youhun Blood Banner, Tang Tang is very aware of the power of the Youhun Blood Banner, but he also understands the weaknesses or inadequacies of the Youhun Bone Banner.

"Hmph, just clever."

Silent for half a minute, Tang Yukuang also suddenly landed on the hanging mountain, waved the ghost blood streamer in his hand, and gathered almost two-thirds of the ghost black threads back, and the remaining ghost black threads, Tang Yukuang It didn't release it, but surrounded him. This is also the strength of the Nether Black Silk, which is both offensive and defensive!

Across the mud, Tang Yukuang also walked into the forest.

Tang Yukuang knew very well that the little girl wanted to fight a guerrilla war or a sneak attack, and he didn't feel disgusted or worried about it, because it was very obvious that the little girl was in a hurry.

It has been more than one cup of tea since the two fought each other. If Tang Tang insists on not reincarnating Fengqiuhuang, then with the strength of the two of them, it may take at least an hour or two. The mana points are almost exhausted, or when the two of them show their own fatigue, then it is possible to decide the winner, and Tang Yu can drag it madly, but Tang Tang can't afford it, and Tang Tang has to rush Shenmojing, Tang Yukuang is not the only thing she has to deal with, so Tang Tang is in a hurry.

Sneak attack, one hit kills!

This is obviously a good way to solve the battle. Moreover, Tang Yukuang knew it would be like this, so he still had to come to the mountains. He retreated, and Tang Tang left. Tang Yukuang was the one who was ashamed. Who made him dare not chase after him? ?With Tang Tang's temperament, she must be able to say this with confidence!
Stepping on dry leaves, making a cracking sound, Tang Yukuang also walked very carefully, observing his surroundings vigilantly. During the days at the Black Clothes Shrine, he did learn a lot, such as how to control his temper and how to kill people , and a guy who knows how to kill is naturally impossible to be easily attacked by others!
However, Tang Yukuang still didn't notice that when he stepped forward, the soil behind him suddenly moved finely, and then was pushed away bit by bit, and Tang Tang got out of the soil strangely He came out, spit on the ground, and wiped off the dust on his body, but his expression was not very good either. Just now Tang Yukuang stepped on his head so carelessly, that was the best time to sneak attack, but The tragedy is that Tang Tang found out that the bastard was like having practiced Shaolin iron crotch, and his crotch was also wrapped in ghost black silk, so that although Tang Tang found a sneak attack opportunity, it was meaningless. Killing Tang Yukuang in one blow, even if it caused him damage, it would be nothing more than scaring the snake away.

After sacrificing a soul power value, Tang Tang quickly disappeared into the mountains and forests by using the death pulse's concealment.

Borrowing the acceleration and retreat of the death pulse, Tang Tang detoured to the front of Tang Yukuang.

At present, Tang Yukuang is in the light and Tang Tang is in the dark. There is no doubt that if Tang Tang wants to use the terrain to assassinate, he should naturally arrange it in front of Tang Yukuang. However, everyone has an advantage in this alternation of light and dark. Tang Yukuang can choose his route without any fear. He only needs to turn around from time to time to bring trouble to Tang Tang's arrangement. Tang Tang's advantage is that he can take the initiative to attack, and he takes advantage of the unprepared situation. Down
However, the fundamental trouble is the ghost blood banner. Tang Tang is very clear about the characteristics of the ghost blood banner. Using the ghost blood banner does not require any price, no cost of soul power, no mana value, and no need to consume magic soul. For these, Tang Tang wished to slap himself, why did he lose the ghost blood banner back then.

"The shrine in black that kills thousands of knives."

Tang Tang cursed angrily, but there was nothing he could do about the fact that the Ghost Blood Banner had fallen into Tang Yukuang's hands, and the other party was using that thing to deal with him.

The best way to break through the ghost blood banner is to consume it. The reason is very simple. Neither the ghost black silk nor the soul-destroying cold smoke of the ghost blood banner is unlimited. As long as you continue to attack the ghost black silk and destroy the ghost black silk, the ghost The blood banner will be temporarily abolished, and the soul needs to be collected again to refine a new ghost black thread.

It's just that this is a big project, a very huge project, and Tang Tang really doesn't have such patience now.

"In this case, there is only one way!" Tang Tang clenched his fists and said, "Seize that moment of stagnation!"

After making up his mind, Tang Tang condensed a ball of divine fire thunder in his hand, which smashed down a tree and brought out a big burst of fire.

Far away, Tang Yukuang's footsteps stopped abruptly, and then Yujian became a light, flying out of the forest, he saw billowing black smoke and faint fire.

"Do you want to lure me over?" Tang Yukuang curled his lips and said, "Little girl, you really lost your patience."

As the words fell, Tang Yukuang sneered and walked towards the direction of the fire, still very cautious, he did not fly directly to the fire, but 30 meters away, Tang Yukuang withdrew the sword light and fell back into the woods , and then carefully stepped forward, walking towards the fire, while carefully watching the surroundings.

A moment later, Tang Yukuang saw a big broken tree, half of which fell to the ground, half of which was still burning with raging flames, burning layers of rolling black eyes, and then, Tang Yukuang frowned slightly.

On the half-step fallen tree trunk, a large character was carved with a sword: Tang Yukuang, you idiot, your time of death has arrived!
Are you angry?Of course!

No one has no anger after repeated provocations. The difference is that some people will explode, become angry, and lose their minds, while others will restrain their emotions and even appear calmer.

Tang Yukuang was undoubtedly the former in the past. His smooth journey as a master made him feel arrogant, and he couldn't bear the slightest agitation. However, now he has learned to restrain his emotions, mixed with anger, but still able to calm down think.

"New Moon Sword Qi!"

After sacrificing his soul power, Tang Yukuang raised his hand and shot out three crescent-shaped arcs of sword energy. It was very ingenious. It was divided into three sections and struck on the half of the tree trunk. The distance between each sword energy was about one meter, so that The tree trunk that was cut into three by the new moon's sword energy, it is impossible to hide people in each part, but when the sword energy passed by and the tree trunk was cut into three parts, the broken tree trunk still did not move at all.

Tang Yukuang shifted carefully, allowing himself to stand obliquely with the three broken tree trunks, and he could clearly see the center of the tree trunk from the oblique angle.


Tang Yukuang's guess was wrong, Tang Tang did not hide in the hollow tree trunk, and gave him a fatal blow when he was about to smash the tree trunk in a fit of embarrassment, but Tang Yukuang was still very calm and did not make a judgment once Wrong and arrogant, but quickly took a few steps back and looked up at the top of his head.

In the mountains and forests, the best ambush spots are undoubtedly those towering trees.

However, Tang Yukuang was still disappointed. The shadow of the tree was mottled, but there was no one. Moreover, if Tang Tang really hid in the tree and prepared to sneak attack, the best chance to sneak attack was when he released his sword energy just now. Missed the best time.

Tang Yukuang turned his gaze back to his surroundings, and the nether black silk tightly wrapped the surroundings for defense.

Carefully looking around, Tang Yukang still didn't find anything wrong.

"Deliberately attracting yourself but disappearing?" Tang Yukang murmured, "Could it be that he has already run away? Impossible! Impossible!"

Tang Yukuang asked himself to himself, and then resolutely denied it. Tang Tang felt that it was impossible to escape to the God and Demon Well in this way. He hated Tang Tang, but he also understood the person he hated. Tang Yukuang is the kind of person who is arrogant and has a strong desire to win, otherwise he would not fail again and again and stand up again and again, and Tang Tang is undoubtedly such a person, the little girl's pride will never allow her to just So get out of this fight.

(End of this chapter)

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