The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 716 Chapter 719 Tang Sect’s Calamity Battle of Gods and Demons 【】

Chapter 716 Chapter 719 The Disaster of the Tang Gate

"Raging flames soar to the sky!"

Pete stretched his bow and pulled the string, but didn't put up an arrow, a fire appeared on the bowstring, and it turned into a rocket. Pete released his two fingers holding the bowstring, and the rocket shot out through the air, skimming in the air, rubbing There was a burst of sparks, the flame continued to expand, and in the end it turned into a shooting star and hit Tang Tang directly.

Tang Tang didn't dodge, because he couldn't dodge. The arrow speed of the Sun Shooting Bow was terrifyingly fast, and it was by no means slower than his imperial weapon's speed. However, Tang Tang had always been fearless towards flames.

Facing the group of flying fire meteors, Tang Tang waved his hand directly, and the group of flames was directly scattered. Even if it was a magic weapon, pure flames would not do much harm to Tang Tang.

However, this does not mean that Tang Tang's current situation is good. On the contrary, Tang Tang frowned!
Tang Tang also encountered fierce battles, making her yell, make her frown, and make her feel irritable, but Tang Tang's face has never been so serious. Any battle, Tang Tang fights with a happy mood, but this time Once, that weird box did bring heavy pressure to Tang Tang.

A box that can conjure magical weapons at will, which really can't make people feel pressured.

And Pete patted his forehead in annoyance after the ball of flying fire meteors was smashed by Tang Tang casually with his hands, as if he was blaming himself for forgetting that the little girl's fire attribute was so high that it shot the sun. The Divine Bow was used to deal with Tang Tang, but the effect was obviously not very good. At the same time, after realizing his mistake, he waved his hand, and the Sun Shooting Divine Bow suddenly appeared green. Take out a narrow silver-blue sword, like a needle like a sword!

Nine Tribulations Sword!
Tang Tang's complexion was a little ugly. She was familiar with this magic weapon because it was the magic weapon of her eldest sister Tang Mei. More importantly, just like Tang Tang was not afraid of anything related to fire, she hated everything that had anything to do with fire. Water related stuff.

It's a pity that Tang Tang has the final say on some matters.

When the sword comes out, it's cold!
Pete raised his sword forward, using only the simple imperial weapon technique, but every time he picked out the sword, there would be a chill from the Nine Tribulations Sword. In order to suppress the Ice Jue, and the Ice Jue actually comes from the Nine Tribulations Sword, each sword can release cold air, which is the characteristic of the Nine Tribulations Sword.

Tang Tang danced with two swords, split a few tricks with Pete, and then ran away with the sword, not daring to touch head-on, there was no way, as long as he intersected with the Nine Tribulations Sword, he would immediately be invaded by the cold air, and his speed would be reduced by 35%. If it weren't for Feng Qiuhuang's twin swords, and the terrifying speed of the sword, Tang Tang would really have nothing to do. Even so, the damage caused by the cold air to Tang Tang is really not small, and because of the relationship between the attributes, there are often outstanding effects. special damage.

Pete had tasted the sweetness, so he did not change his weapon, but pursued Tang Tang with all his strength, while Tang Tang quickly moved with the weapon, and at the same time he grabbed the magic formula in his hand.

"Flame Burning Thunder!"

A purple sky thunder mixed with thunder and fire fell from the sky, hitting Pete on the top of the head, knocking him staggering.

This was also Pete's first injury, and when he urged his sword to chase again, there was another roar in the air.

"Flame Burning Thunder!"

The sky thunder mixed with thunder and fire crashed down again, Pete wanted to dodge vigilantly, but was still hit in the back, and almost fell from the flying sword.

Hit Pete twice in a row, but Tang Tang didn't care to fight at all, and immediately ran away with the sword, pulling the distance far away, forming a magic seal in his hand, as long as Pete dared to catch up, then there was no doubt at all, Tang Tang was sure I will throw a flame and thunder to this guy.

Pete also couldn't help laughing. With the passage of time, it is no secret that Tang Tang's dual cultivation of weapon and soul is no longer a secret. Although everyone guesses how Tang Tang did it, there is nothing new after a long time. When she was Tang Tang, she would be careful about Tang Tang's spell use, but fundamentally speaking, Tang Tang was really famous for her Horcruxes, her fearsome Horcrux Quick Strike.

Pete, however, never expected that Tang Tang would abandon his sword completely and play the trick of flying a kite with him, relying on the speed of the imperial weapon.

But let alone, Tang Tang's imperial weapon technique is terrifyingly high, and Feng Qiuhuang's sword speed is the best among divine weapons. If she wants to fly a kite, no one can catch up to him.

However, Pete still seemed to be proving the omnipotence of his box. After the green light appeared, the Nine Tribulations Sword disappeared in the green light, and was replaced by a pair of ordinary weapons. There was a series of inverted blades, and after Pete took out that weird strange weapon, he quickly made a hand trick!

"Blade Sora, get up!"

Two flames burst out from the two wheels, and Pete's whole body shot up like a rocket, rushing towards Tang Tang.

"Your uncle!"

Tang Tang could tell by just looking at that Pete's speed was definitely faster than his own imperial weapon, so he didn't run away, and immediately threw a flame and lightning, but what made Tang Tang want to cry was the instant spell of flame and lightning They didn't even hit Pete, but brushed past the two flames. From this we can see how terrifying Pete's flying speed is!

Tang Tang immediately crossed his swords and met Pete's attack. Feng Qiuhuang collided with the flame wheel, and immediately cut a gap in the edge of the wheel. It can be seen that although the speed of the flame wheel is terrifying, its quality The level doesn't seem to be high, and the damage is even more pitiful.

However, after one blow, the green glow that made Tang Tang want to cry burst out again from the Yankong wheel, and immediately, the Yankong wheel turned into two swords, dancing left and right, and followed Tang Tang The samsara phoenix and phoenix collided again and again, staggered left and right several times in the air, and the two of them exerted force at the same time, and after the heavy blades intersected once again, the two of them retreated at the same time.

"Clouds and Smoke Realm!"

Pete spread his hands, and the pair of swords turned into two bubbles, heading towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang was shocked. This guy can not only take out all kinds of magical weapons, but also use the swords brought by the magical weapons?It was the Judgment Barrier just now, but now it has turned into the Cloud and Smoke Realm!

As the realm of magic soldiers, the Cloud and Smoke Realm cannot be underestimated, but the Cloud and Cloud and Smoke Realm did not cause any trouble to Tang Tang. The two steam bubbles suddenly surrounded Tang Tang, wrapping Tang Tang up , However, it only lasted for a moment, and all the blisters burst.
This time, it was naturally Pete's turn. His face was stunned, but what he didn't know was that Tang Tang was also rejoicing that he was able to escape the catastrophe by luck. Illusion, and those two swords are divine weapons, so their sword realm is of course also a kind of illusion. At the same time, apart from water spells, what Tang Tang hates the most is illusion. In fact, Tang Tang really has nothing to deal with effectively except for illusion. The means of illusion, if the attribute of illusion heart is not triggered, because it is the illusion released by the magic weapon, Tang Tang will be in bad luck!
However, Pete didn't know about this. He only said that Tang Tang had some experience in dealing with illusions, and he no longer used the double swords. Instead, he replaced the two swords with a crescent sword with a flash of green light. , came towards Tang Tang again.

The Jie Dao seemed unremarkable and simple, but when it was cut in front of Tang Tang, the body of the sword was brightly golden, and a piece of Sanskrit suddenly appeared.

Soul Realm Tip: One of your random attributes will be reduced by 15%!
The Jie Knife is a thing of the Buddha Hall, and the Buddha Hall, like Shuiyue Villa, is good at these messy status effects. I didn't expect this weapon to be the same. Every time it collides with the Jie Dao, Tang Tang will have a certain chance of being reduced. Once or twice is okay, but if there are too many weapons colliding, Tang Tang probably won't be able to cry if he wants to.

"Nether Ghost Claw!"

Tang Tang yelled loudly, and a looming ghost claw flashed in the air. After Pete saw it, he immediately backed away. Obviously, he had also carefully understood Tang Tang and knew how powerful the ghost claw was, but Pete didn't Unexpectedly, the Nether Ghost Claw was just a false move. As the king of heads-up, the Nether Ghost Claw has always been Tang Tang's bottom of the box in pk. How could he use it in a frontal attack? When the claw was struck out, a red flash that was only one finger thick suddenly shot out from Duanmuyu's cuff, landed on Pete's neck, and then disappeared without a trace.

A moment later, fiery red fire poison damage floated up on Pete's head!
Scarlet Fire Gu King!

The Nether Ghost Claw was just a bait, but Tang Tang took advantage of Pete's escape and suddenly released the Red Fire Gu King. The Moon Shuanglun spun and appeared in Tang Tang's palm.

"Sun Moon Cosmic Wheel!" Tang Tang dropped the sun and moon wheels, and shouted: "Sun Zhiyao!"

The advantage of the sun and moon universe wheel is that the name of this thing is really depressing. When Tang Tang shouted, Pete only thought that it was Tang Tang who was scolding, but when he remembered, the sun and moon wheels had already flown. to the top of his head.

A ray of sunlight was led down from the sky by the sun and moon wheels, and after passing through the sun wheels, it shone on Peter's body.

40 seconds of blindness.

In an instant, Pete lost his eyesight, and his eyes were pitch black.

Blindness has always been regarded as an ambiguous state. Some people say that blindness is very serious, and some people say that blindness is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, the root cause is that blindness is not a direct injury, and there is no effect of imprisoning players or reducing character attributes. Blindness Whether it is powerful or not depends entirely on how to treat everything after blindness!
Obviously, Pete was much calmer than those blind and chaotic guys, he quickly backed away, distanced himself from Tang Tang, and at the same time constantly changed into a flying route, never passing through Straight line, otherwise Tang Tang could easily attack.

And Tang Tang naturally chased forward, and at the same time stretched out his hand to press, and the sun, moon, universe wheel followed Pete and landed on top of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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