The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 717 Chapter 720 Tangmen’s Calamity Battle of Gods and Demons [11]

Chapter 717 Chapter 720 Tangmen’s Calamity Battle of Gods and Demons [11]

"One blow from heaven and earth!"

Qiankun Strike is also the soul skill of the Sun Moon Universe Wheel, a very lucky soul skill!

Qiankun Strike: A random attribute of the designated target is reduced by 5000 points, and a random attribute damage is randomly given to the target.

One in five chances!
As long as the attributes that are randomly reduced overlap with the attributes that give damage, then it must be a game of instant kills. Even if the player has reached the full level of 150 Title Douluo, as long as he is not equipped with all the equipment that increases the value of life, it is absolutely impossible to have [-] points life value.

It's a pity that the random attribute is gold, but the attribute that gives damage is fire. Obviously, Tang Tang's luck is not good enough.

But, at the same time...

However, Tang Tang also caught up with the apple cider vinegar, and when the two swords were exchanged, there was a continuous red glow!

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

24 scarlet sword lights blasted on Pete's back, smashing him towards the ground. At the same time, Tang Tang didn't stop, and quickly changed his left hand. Immediately, there was a buzzing sound of swords all around. Ming, five star Horcruxes burst out, floating around Tang Tang!
"Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal!"

The five star horcruxes shone brightly, and then the five pieces merged into one and turned into starlight, which exploded in an instant, turning into countless golden sword auras, like golden fireworks blooming together, chasing after Pete where he fell. Don't give up!


The sword aura followed Pete and landed, hitting the ground one after the other, the dancing sword aura smashed the ground instantly, forcibly smashing the ground together, but after a while, Those shattered rocks were held up by an invisible force and slid to the sides. Pete was a bit embarrassed, but at the last moment he used the Judgment Sword to prop up the Judgment Barrier, blocking the falling rocks from falling.

Tang Tang frowned involuntarily, that damn box was too difficult to deal with.

In other words, this kind of constant changing of weapons is too targeted. No matter what attack you use, you can immediately take out the weapon that is incompatible with it, and then disillusion the attack, and what attack you are afraid of, he will use it. Weapons attack, it is really difficult to resist...

"Wait a minute, this feels a little familiar!"

Tang Tang suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Seeing Pete holding the Judgment Sword and flying towards him again, Tang Tang suddenly became a little stunned.

"Weapon Spectrum!" Tang Tang suddenly said after Pete flew in front of him, "We can be regarded as friends after all, we don't need to hide in the box all the time, right?"

After Tang Tang said that, Pete raised his eyebrows, but the Judgment Sword in his hand turned into a box with a chain hanging on it, and when the lid was opened, the weapon spectrum jumped out of the box. The pages of the book were opened one by one, floating in the air like a big bird.

"Hahaha!" The weapon spectrum looked at Tang Tang and said with a smile, "You already know?"

Tang Tang nodded and said, "Ten Great Treasures of Heaven and Earth?"

"Yes!" The weapon spectrum said: "Don't you think I'm not worthy?"

Tang Tang shook her head. She also saw a lot of magical treasures, but none of them were more difficult than the weapon spectrum. This guy's ability really needs to be described with an adjective, that is abnormal, very abnormal!
"But, so what?" The weapon spectrum looked at Tang Tang and said, "This is the fate of the magic soldiers and the treasures. We must choose our own masters, and then help them..."

After the weapons manual was finished, he suddenly looked at Pete and said viciously: "The master I'm talking about is not you, I only have one master, and you just inherited his inheritance."

Pete said lightly, "I know."

"Hey, this guy is very boring." Looking at Pete's indifferent expression, Weapon Book also sighed helplessly, then looked at Tang Tang and said, "If you didn't already have Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang, I might choose you, However, I must help him now, this is my life, and this is also the value of all the magic weapons and treasures, do you understand?"

Pete didn't say much, just spread his palms, and the pages of the weapon book were flipped, spit out the Nine Tribulations Sword and fell into Pete's hands, Pete slashed forward to the void, and brought out a large piece of cold air towards Tang Tang. Come.

Tang Tang rose up with the imperial weapon, relying on the speed of the imperial weapon to rush out of the cold air. However, the weapon in Pete's hand was suddenly replaced by a sun-shooting bow. A total of sixteen rockets flew into the air, forming an obvious arc, forming a line, turning into sixteen flying fire meteors and hitting Tang Tang, Tang Tang immediately opened his bow left and right, Feng Qiuhuang in his hand chopped several arrows, but still Hit by a flying fire meteor, the body fell down!
Pete immediately waved his hand, and the weapon spectrum replaced the Sun Shooting Bow with a seven-color sword again, and this is also a famous magic weapon!

Rainbow Moon Golden Sword!

When it is still, the iridescent light flows, and when it dances to the extreme, the seven colors merge into one, which is even better than the blazing sun. The opponent who took this blow is already in a different place!
If the reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang is the fastest sword among the divine weapons, then the Hongyue Golden Sword is the most horrific damage among the divine weapons. Dreadful injury!
The whole sword is full of colorful streamers, and when the sword comes out, there are seven colors of glow dancing, and then, the seven colors merge into one, forming a large stream of splendor towards Tang Tang, it seems soft, but the stream of splendor is Sharp as a blade, capable of cutting everything in this world!
"Break the ground!"

Tang Tang quickly changed his hand formula, and the star horcruxes floating around Tang Tang immediately approached, emitting a brown light, and in mid-air, huge stone monuments condensed one after another, criss-crossing and encircling Tang Tang. middle.


At this moment, the seven-color streamer of the Hongyue Golden Sword also floated towards Tang Tang, and the stone tablet protecting Tang Tang was like fragile tofu, which was split into two piece by piece. Half, fell from the air, hit the ground, and made a huge noise.

However, there was no figure of Tang Tang in the stele.

Pete frowned, and then looked around. The area around the altar of gods and demons was wide open, and there was no place to hide. In this way, it should be the pulse of death again, but there was no sound of piercing, it should be Is it still there?
Thinking of this, Pete immediately held the Hongyue golden sword and slashed forward again, bringing out a large area of ​​seven-color streamer. Sure enough, when the seven-color streamer was covered, Tang Tang appeared, and was immediately overwhelmed by the streamer. cut in half, but...

Pete can't stop laughing!
The white light that should have appeared in the imagination did not appear, but Tang Tang who was cut in two turned into a phantom and disappeared into the air, but there was no white light that should surge after death!

That Tang Tang is a fake!

The phantom of the sword spirit with the pulse of death!

At this time, Tang Tang's coquettish voice suddenly sounded from behind Pete. Pete looked back and saw a huge sarcophagus falling towards the top of his head. Tang Tang didn't know when it was silent ran to his back.

Peter raised his eyebrows and said, "Shattered Void?"

Tang Tang chuckled and said, "Yes, Shatter the Void!"

The broken space of the fire-robbing dragon scale can break through a crack in the void, and move freely within a certain range. If it is a teleportation, Tang Tang uses this trick to go around behind Pete, and after laughing at Pete, Tang Tang is not happy. Without any hesitation, hold the burial coffin high and press it down, and the huge stone tablet hits Peter directly.

Almost instinctively, Pete raised Hongyue to block it in front, but Pete didn't notice that Tang Tang deliberately took back the reincarnation Feng Qiuhuang, and replaced the weapon in his hand with the funeral coffin!
The Burial Sky Coffin has many obvious flaws. It is domineering without losing its power, but it is bulky, its attack speed is too slow, and the speed of the imperial weapon is not fast. Of course, the Burial Sky Coffin also has its domineering features, and the most domineering part of the Burial Sky Coffin is that after being hit by the effect of its common sword tactics, it will take 50% of its remaining health as damage, and it can only avoid , cannot be blocked, or in other words, even if it is blocked, it is useless, as much damage as it should be, the attack of Tyrant Strike is a must, and secondly, the burial coffin has a special attribute that is even more painful!
100% Knockback Status!
Even if Pete is holding a magic weapon, he can't ignore the 100% knockback attribute of the sky burial coffin.


Pete's body was blown away uncontrollably, and fell downwards, hitting the ground heavily, bringing out a crack and a huge deep pit!

"Roar!" After a successful blow, Tang Tang did not stop at all, opened his palms and roared: "God change!"

Black magic energy instantly surrounded Tang Tang's whole body, scarlet magic lines suddenly appeared on his forehead, magic horns protruded from the top of his head, his black hair instantly turned blood red, and the broken ropes flew away without wind!
"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

After changing the Horcrux back to Mie Hongchen, Tang Tang flicked his wrist and released 24 sword lights. Because the attributes of the gods and demons doubled and exploded, Tang Tang's shooting speed also reached an unbelievable level. Dao Jian's light almost disappeared in the air, and he could only faintly see a trace when Tang Tang drew out the sword. Then, the ground suddenly sounded inexplicably with continuous loud noises of "Boom, Boom, Boom", and exploded. One after another deep pits, Pete had just sat up from the ground, and he was hit by a sword again, knocking him back to the ground, and the already cracked ground made a bang, and fell to the ground again. It collapsed a few inches.

"It's not enough, it's not enough..." Tang Tang changed his hands at the same time, and then pressed down heavily: "The star sinks into the hole!"

The star horcrux that had been floating around Tang Tang's guardian trembled at the same time, and the buzzing sound of the sword kept ringing in his ears. During the tremor, the afterimages of the sword body also continued to separate out, turning into bite after bite of silver ghosts. The sword, as Tang Tang condensed his sword fingers and held it high in the sky, a strange white circle star pattern appeared behind Tang Tang, and all the phantom swords suddenly shot straight into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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