Chapter 138
When she sent a message again, Xing Jiuan's words revealed her joy.

[Jiu'an: I love you (Xinxin)]
Ji Shu sent her an emoji of cat love.

The two chatted a few more words, Ji Shu had something to do, and Xing Jiu'an said, little comb, you can go about your own affairs and leave me alone.

But her tone was aggrieved, and she knew at a glance that she was seeking benefits from Ji Shu.

Ji Shu also promised Xing Jiu'an that when she came back, he would definitely play with her.

Recently, Mu Qing and his party are very busy, and Xing Jiu'an can be regarded as Mu Qing's subordinate, so naturally he is also very busy.

Moreover, most of Mu Qing's company business is abroad, and he wants to transfer to China in the past two years, but it is not that easy after all, and he still needs to plan well.

Although the four of them are only in their 20s, they are all very powerful figures in the business world.

Everyone also has a unique identity.

Maybe it's also because excellent people always attract each other, Ji Shu became friends with them.

The relationship between several people is particularly good.

However, fortunately, Ji Shu is not Lu Mingxi's type, otherwise, there would be more people in their team who like Ji Shu.

However, with Mu Qing's personality, if she really wanted to be together, it might be quite difficult.

Ji Shu didn't know that Mu Qing liked her.

Moreover, it seems that Ji Shu doesn't like Mu Qing.

Xing Jiu'an put the phone away, and when someone came over, she returned to her indifference.

"what's up?"

Ji Shu received a call from Su Qing.

She was a little surprised, "Master?"

"Xixi, there is an event tomorrow, you can go with me, I will prepare a mask for you."

Ji Shu just wanted to say yes, after all, there are still some preparations to be done before the public performance.

However, she suddenly remembered that Qi Xiao had just told her that she had arrangements for tomorrow.

"Master, my agent said that he will accept an interview for me tomorrow."

When the time comes, she will go over to do the styling, and she will have to wait for a while. Although the interview is only a few words, Ji Shu is worried about any accidents.

"Can't you push it?" Su Qing asked.

Su Qing has always disliked Ji Shu as an actor.

In fact, Su Qing has no prejudice against actors, on the contrary, he has several favorite actors.

However, after Ji Shu entered the entertainment industry and became an actor, it was a bloodbath, and he was always scolded.

He obviously didn't do anything, but was scolded several times on the trending searches.

When Mingming Jishu was a dancer, she was shining.

Even the pickiest judges will be very satisfied with her.

She should have had a smooth journey in dancing and became an excellent dancer, known all over the world.

However, she became an actress, no matter how hard she tried to perfect her acting skills, she was still hacked because of one thing or another.

At the beginning, Ji Shu said it was for Ji Xiaoyuan, but she was also very serious about acting.

Ji Shu is obsessed with what she wants to do beyond ordinary people.

As long as she does it, she must do her best.

Even if she only played a few villain roles, and the only positive role has not yet started broadcasting, no one will criticize her for her acting skills.

However, Su Qing just felt wronged for Ji Shu.

Such an excellent child, if he does something wrong, he will be smashed here.

"The agent has already told me that it's not good to push." ​​Ji Shu replied.

"That's fine, I'll try to make the event start later, and try not to conflict with your interview time."

"Master, this is too troublesome, why don't you go with my senior brother and sister, it doesn't matter if I go or not."

"Who said it doesn't matter if you go or not?" Su Qing retorted, "You are going to perform publicly with me at the end of the year. Let me tell you, you must participate in this event. Your brothers and sisters are all ready, so you can take your time." Come down here, let me see the results of your practice during this time."

"Oh." Ji Shu agreed.

"Oh what, how do I ask you to answer?"

"Understood, Master." Ji Shu answered again seriously.

Only then did Su Qing's tone improve.

Ji Shu thought, Master must be unhappy again.

Alas, she is used to it.

Every time she was scolded badly, someone would always call her to scold her.

Before, I was a senior brother and a senior sister, and there were very few masters.

It's all about blaming her for being an actress.

However, Ji Xiaoyuan has begun to improve, and she also feels that being an actress is really not suitable for her.

It's not that she wants to escape, but that she can do well in many aspects, so there's no need for her family to worry about her because of these.

Every time she is scolded, it is her family who are sad.

She felt that this was really unnecessary.

Also, she doesn't want to disturb her family because she is an actress.

Ji Shu thought that she would stay in this entertainment circle for another two years at most, so she should quit.

I have received some good scripts in the past two years, maybe I will win an award at some point.

Ji Shu is very confident in himself.

Ji Shu is excellent no matter what he does, and he can make himself live well.

Even if she doesn't do anything, just being the little princess of the Ji family is enough for her to live comfortably in food and clothing in this life, which is a level that many people can't achieve in a lifetime of hard work.

Therefore, she can naturally do what she wants, or what she doesn't want to do, it's up to her.

Anyway, Ji Shu really has no worries.

Looking at the comments again, the comment area under her Weibo is much better, at least there are not so many people chasing and scolding her.

Ji Shu quit Weibo and called Qi Xiao.

"Is there anything else?" Qi Xiao was busy when he suddenly received a call from Ji Shu and asked.

He also knew Ji Shu's identity. When the little princess of the Ji family, when the uncle of the Ji family asked him to bring Ji Shu, he was a little reluctant.

He has a lot of people in his hand, and he doesn't want to pick up another newcomer, who is still so badly hacked.

However, after watching Ji Shu's performance, he decided to take Ji Shu with him.

Her acting skills are so aura, even though Qi Xiao has already won quite a few actresses, she still hopes to have one more, and one more.

This is his achievement as an agent.

"I have other things to do tomorrow, and I want to know when the interview will be."

Qi Xiao flipped through the file, but he hadn't had time to send it to Ji Shu.

"It will be over before noon."

Hearing Qi Xiao's answer, Ji Shu breathed a sigh of relief. The event that Master said would be held in the afternoon, and there would be no conflict in time.

"Okay." Ji Shu looked at the documents and pictures sent by Qi Xiao.

"I'll be there on time."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Shu exhaled and sent a message to Su Qing explaining his interview time.

Su Qing sent her a good one back.

At this moment, Xiao Zike wanted to call Ji Shu to comfort her, but he didn't dare.

Xiao Zike who is so timid really opened Lu Yi's eyes.

"Zi Ke, if you really like her, just listen to me and chase after her boldly." Lu Yi gave him advice.

"Then what if I can't catch up? What if she doesn't like it?"

If Ji Shu didn't like other people chasing her like that, then he would have failed directly.

"If you can't catch up, don't like it." Lu Yi said it as it should be.

"If you chase her, she also likes you, and will always give you a response."

"You can't just keep being a shrinking turtle just because you're worried."

"If you keep doing this, you won't have a chance at all."

"There's always some possibility to try, isn't there?"

(End of this chapter)

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