Chapter 139
It may be that Lu Yi's words inspired him, or it may be that Xiao Zike had such an idea in the first place, but it was because of Lu Yi's words that his thoughts changed from his mind to...

soon to be reality.

He was about to start pursuing Ji Shu.

Regardless of the outcome...

Bah, bah, bah, why don't you care about the result?
Ji Shu will be with him.

Yes, only this result.

Nothing else came of it.

that's it.

That's right.

Like a fool, Xiao Zike was thinking of possible outcomes in his mind, but immediately interrupted, there would only be one outcome.

I don't know if he has that much confidence.

Or... give yourself a little courage.

"What are you going to do now?" Lu Yi sat down and asked him.

"Go and find Ji Shu." Xiao Zike smiled. He looks very good-looking. He is obviously like a flower in the high mountains. He has always been gentle and alienated. His facial features are 360 ​​degrees without dead ends, but in private, he is still a bit stupid. He has a poisonous tongue and a cute contrast. very big.

Now, he is smiling like a fool, Lu Yi couldn't bear to watch him.

Maybe it's because...he didn't want to admit that Xiao Zike, whom he had brought with him for a few years, changed after he met love.

Such Xiao Zike is too disillusioned, no wonder Lu Yi is like this.

Xiao Zike didn't care about Lu Yi's expression, he got the car keys and was ready to go find Ji Shu.

But he needs to call Ji Shu in advance to ask if she has time.

So, Ji Shu, who was dealing with things, received another call from Xiao Zike.


Because Xiao Zike helped her a lot, Ji Shu agreed to go out for dinner with Xiao Zike even if there were still some things to deal with.

Xiao Zike was so happy that he specially ordered a delicious private restaurant that he had eaten in the past, and then went there to wait for Ji Shu.

Ji Shu was originally in her apartment, not far from the place Xiao Zike told her about.

However, she was going to the old house later, so she drove.

Xiao Zike was already waiting there, and when he saw Ji Shu approaching, he smiled big.

"Ji Shu." He came over and called with a smile.

"Thank you for what happened just now." Ji Shu thanked him.

"You don't need to say thank you to me, I've already booked a seat, let's go in."


The two walked over. On the way, Xiao Zike kept talking to Ji Shu.

Although Ji Shu was not in a good mood, he answered with a smile as he had a relationship with Xiao Zike.

But later, Xiao Zike seemed to have found out, and without further ado, he took the menu and handed it to Ji Shu.

"The food here is not bad, see what you like to eat."

Ji Shu selected a few dishes and handed them to Xiao Zike.

Xiao Zike chose a few more dishes.

The dishes here are delicious but the portions are small. Xiao Zike invited Ji Shu to eat, so he can't let him be full.

But Ji Shu doesn't have much appetite, it's not like she hasn't been here before, she thinks those few dishes are enough, but Xiao Zike added a few more.

"Is there anyone else?" Ji Shu wondered.

"No, just the two of us." Xiao Zike answered her with a smile.

It's a joke, he finally invited Ji Shu out for a meal, how could he ask others to make light bulbs together?

He is not a fool!
"Then these dishes...will it be too much?" Ji Shu asked hesitantly.

She only chose three dishes, and then Xiao Zike chose at least three more dishes, as well as some desserts.

For the two of them, even if the amount of food is small, they probably can't finish it.

"It's okay, I have a big appetite." Xiao Zike smiled.

"But..." Ji Shu looked at him hesitantly, "It will start up soon, can you do it?"

The two have known each other for a few months, and they will never be particularly strange, and occasionally they will make some jokes.

However, Ji Shu is still not that familiar with Xiao Zike.

Xiao Zike's face stiffened for a moment.

Why did he suddenly forget it?
He wants to play An Jing, but he is very weak in the early stage.

It's hard to lose weight successfully, but it can't fail because of it.

So Xiao Zike deleted the dish he had chosen with a bitter face.

But he saved the dessert.

"I remember you like to eat sweets, so keep this one."

Ji Shu didn't know why, looking at Xiao Zike's appearance, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay." She replied softly.

The three dishes Ji Shu chose were very light.

She doesn't have much appetite now, and Xiao Zike has to lose weight. Although the two of them ate, they didn't have much fun.

At least, from Xiao Zike's point of view, that's the case.

Originally, he thought that he and Ji Shu should have a good meal, not like this...

He can't eat more of the three particularly bland dishes.

He endured it, but he didn't.

"Ji Shu." He called hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Ji Shu looked over, a little puzzled.

This Xiao Yingdi is different from the legend.No matter how you look at it, he is not aloof at all.

Not only is she not cold, but also gentle, and sometimes a little childish.

"Next time, shall we come here for dinner again?" He asked expectantly.

By the way, I want to make an appointment for the next meal.

Ji Shu had already guessed that Xiao Zike liked her, but now hearing what Xiao Zike said, she felt a little headache, and she wanted to refuse.

After all, she felt that she didn't like the actor Xiao very much.

However, this actor Xiao's request was really difficult to refuse.

After all, he never said in person that he liked him, everything was her guess, and she couldn't use it as an excuse.

And they still have to film together, so it doesn't seem too good to refuse.

Ji Shu didn't refuse either.

However, she thought in her heart, how to let Xiao Zike know that she won't like him?

Even though she hasn't been in the group for a long time, Ji Shu has already guessed something, and she worries that the relationship between the two of them will be awkward in the future.

What a headache.

Ji Shu was thinking while eating casually.

"Is the food not to your taste?" Xiao Zike asked seeing her like this.

"Ah, no." Ji Shu quickly denied, and in order to show that she still liked these meals, she ate a few more mouthfuls.

Xiao Zike continued to ask, "Then next time..."


Ji Shu figured it out, isn't it just a meal!
What's the big deal!
Why is she thinking so much?
Isn't it just a meal!
Xiao Zike was very happy when he heard Ji Shu's answer.

Ji Shu didn't eat much, and she didn't plan to eat a lot now. On the one hand, she was in a bad mood, and on the other hand, she was going back to the old house soon, and she would have another meal at that time.

It's not a must, but I just want to eat home food when I go home.

Xiao Zike ate so little, and she couldn't eat so much to satisfy him.

Hmm... pretty bad behavior!

Although there wasn't much food, Ji Shu finished eating the dessert that Xiao Zike specially chose for her.

The desserts are not big, and they are very delicious, Ji Shu even boasted.

At that time, Xiao Zike smiled very happily.

"The desserts here are all freshly made, and they are very clean. In the future, you can eat here often."

Ji Shu looked at him in surprise, and Xiao Zike handed her a card.

"More or less, I am also a small boss here." Xiao Zike blinked, "Here is this for you, a lifetime member."

"The dessert master makes a limited amount of desserts every day. As long as you take this, you can have desserts whenever you come."

"Take it, what if one day you want to eat it and it's sold out here?"

"Not only this, but also a lot of desserts. The master here can make them, and they are very delicious. You can eat them as you like."

Xiao Zike found that this method worked, so he continued to talk...

Ji Shu was really attracted in the end.

She took the card, "Thank you."

She remembered that someone said that the desserts here were delicious, but they were sold out too fast, so they couldn't be bought, and they had to be ordered in advance, so she never came.

Ji Shu is too busy, and she has only heard that Ji's family also has a chef who makes delicious desserts, so she has never been here.

However, Xiao Zike was willing to give her this, so she accepted it with great empathy.

After all, the desserts here taste really good.

However, Ji Shu was a little embarrassed to accept Xiao Zike's kindness.

She thought that she could pay back in some aspects in the future.

After all, being in debt is the worst thing you can do.

Xiao Zike always wants to invite her to dinner.

Not only that, not only treat her to dinner, but sometimes give her some small things or gifts.

Like on her birthday.

Thinking of this, Ji Shu felt that Xiao Zike was really kind to him.

After all, an actor who looks so alienated and indifferent from the outside world, with a very good family background, treats her like this.

If Ji Shu was an ordinary girl, seeing such an excellent Xiao Zike, treating her so well, and looking so good-looking, she might fall in love with her.

It's a pity that Ji Shu has met too many excellent people, and so many people treat her well.

Therefore, although what Xiao Zike did would touch her somewhat, it still couldn't touch her.

At least, it won't make her like her, and she will feel that she owes favors and wants to return it from other places.

Ji Shu doesn't lack anything. She and Xiao Zike also have the same prominent family background, and she is so outstanding...

If you want to make her like it, you have to pay more enthusiasm.

Xiao Zike also knew this.

He knows that Ji Shu is excellent, otherwise he wouldn't like Ji Shu.

Although he fell in love with Ji Shu at first sight at first sight, but after meeting the excellent Ji Shu, he liked him even more.

Just like everyone who meets excellent and good-looking people will always be attracted.

It's just that the person he met was extraordinarily good-looking and outstanding.

Xiao Zike is not as confident as he thought.

If Ji Shu still doesn't like him in the end, he can only watch Ji Shu pursue his own happiness.

But now he thinks, he's just started and can't give up yet.

Not only can't give up, but also pursue it with special efforts.

He has never liked anyone else, Ji Shu is the first one, and he also hopes that Ji Shu will be the first and only one forever.

It's just that they have met by chance for tens of thousands of years, and he wants to promise her the rest of his life.

I don't know if this girl is willing or not, but he really likes her and cannot extricate himself.

Xiao Zike has always been very lucky.

He hoped that he would be equally lucky in the events of his life.

Even luckier.

Let Ji Shu be with him.

(End of this chapter)

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