Chapter 16 A Few Books

"Mom, it's the child you always praised for being cute and let me learn from him. His name is Song Zixiao."

"Ah, it's her." Ms. Shu was also a little excited. She really didn't expect her friend's daughter to be her daughter's fan.

"I've met her a few times before, the little girl is very shy, and I haven't said anything about it." There was a smile on her face that couldn't be concealed.

Ji Yu looked at the two of them suspiciously, "Does Auntie know this little fan?"

"Yeah, by the way, Xiaoyu, I told you before." Ms. Shu thought of something more fun, and her smile deepened.

Ji Shu realized something and wanted her not to say it, but Ms. Shu stopped her with a smile on her face, "Do you still remember the time when Xixi wanted to learn how to cook and turned herself into a little cat? It was because I told her that Song Zixiao learned how to cook at a young age, so she learned it."

Ms. Shu didn't stop Ji Shu anymore, Ji Shu groaned and leaned into Ms Shu's arms, "Mom, why are you like this, and you talk about his dark history, I don't want to lose face."

She looked like she was acting like a baby, but her tone was very righteous.

"You don't want to lose face, you idiot." Ms. Shu pinched Ji Shu's face mercilessly.

Ji Shu felt that he was very hurt, so he leaned over to seek comfort from Ji Yu.

Ji Yu patted her on the head while laughing, "I haven't lost face, and I haven't lost my heart, so stop moaning."

After talking for a while, the two saw that Ji Shu seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, so they didn't say anything more. It was getting late, and the two asked Ji Shu to rest early and went back.

Ji Shu sent the two of them away, closed the door and went to wash up.

After washing, I leaned on the bed and played with my phone.

Xiao Zike has already posted on Weibo, and the response below is not bad.

It's just that Xiao Zike said that it was because his cousin was Ji Shu's little fan that he would glance at it by chance, and not many people paid attention to the matter of slipping likes, after all, the gap between the two is too big, Xiao Zike has a very good reputation in the circle Well, a few who wanted to start a fight were suppressed by Xiao Zike's fans.

Overall, it's okay.

Ji Shu looked at the comments below, most of the fans in the front row were Xiao Zike's fans, they were all very gentle, at least much gentler than her little black fans.

Ji Shu looked down again, and Uncle Shu's painting style was obviously different from others.

[Sister Ji Shu is really the face of the world! ! ! 】

[Like is just an accident, dear! ! ! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sister Ji Shu, I announce you! ! ! 】


Xiao Ziyang really worked hard, relying on his enthusiasm, he pushed himself to the front row, and was particularly eye-catching among a large group of Xiao Zike's fans.

Looking at such a long list of comments, Ji Shu really couldn't believe that this was the cute and shy boy just now, how could he be so enthusiastic on the Internet!
She looked at the private message again, and clicked on the private message sent by Uncle Shu Shu.

【Sister Ji Shu, that bad guy snatched my phone (crying.jpg)】

【Sister Ji Shu won't give me my phone (Maomao is sad and wipes her tears.jpg)】

【This sister is too bad, woo woo woo... 】

【Sister Ji Shu, I also want to call you...】

[Swipe and thumbs up is the cousin I bumped into, sister Ji Shu, I'm sorry! 】

【Sister Ji Shu, can you call me back~】

【(Waiting obediently.jpg)】


Ji Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he replied.

Xiao Ziyang was about to go to wash up, when he heard the phone ringing, he hurried to check it, and then replied in seconds.

[Okay, Sister Ji Shu, good night, Sister Ji Shu (the cat is cute.jpg)]

Ji Shu didn't reply again, and cut off his other account with his mobile phone.

This account is completely different from Ji Shushu's tired account. Let alone the fans on the account who are about to break through the tens of millions mark, this account is very simple, and the weibo posts are all update reminders.

Compared with the vicious comments under that account, this account is extraordinarily harmonious.

Ji Shu went to read the private message first.

She hasn't logged into this account for a long time, and there are a lot of private messages, so she picked a few and looked at them.

[Will the book be updated: the daily check-in has been completed. 】

Ji Shu swiped up and found that the words were all the same, even the punctuation marks were the same, one every day, no more and no less.

Ji Shu quit and looked at another one.

[If you don't add more, just eat grass: It's another day of Shushu's coldness (sigh.jpg)]

She looked at a few people casually, and everyone was obviously very Buddhist to her fans.

[Break n days: Will Shushu come back? 】

[A few books are my little wife: Another day of sleeping with books in my arms (polite smile.jpg)]

[Shushu's bed: Shushu didn't come home again, alas! ! ! 】

[Su Yu: Su Yu can't wait for Qi Lan, I can't wait for a few books (Crazy.jpg)]

[The fate is you: Da Da didn’t update it today (grit your teeth and smile.jpg)]

【787: I love you so much, please update your daily refills (Xinxinxin)】

【Chisa: Another pigeon flew by...】

There are too many private messages, it's already late, and Ji Shu didn't read all of them, only a few of them.

She started writing when she was just in high school, and she didn't have any ideas, she just wanted to write and share her favorite stories.

At that time, writing was all based on hobby, and I didn't expect that one book would become a god.

She has many hobbies, and writing is just one of them, and she didn't think about how many fans she would have in the future, just because she wanted to write the stories in her mind.

At the beginning, I had to write [-] words for publication every day when I came home from school, and sometimes I could write thousands of words a day after a long time.

Her writing is delicate and vivid, and the protagonist in the first book is very similar to her character, a very flamboyant and delicate girl.

At that time, I didn't think about writing any stories about romance. After all, she was not interested in dating, and she didn't know what it was like to be in love.

Because she is usually favored at home, the protagonists she wrote also grew up in love.

The whole article is only written around friendship and family affection, but she is liked by many people because of her excellent writing style.

At that time, she had many fans.

She didn't think about applying for a Weibo account for the title of several books. She was very busy at that time and didn't have time to interact with readers.

After graduating from high school, many readers in the book reviews said they wanted to contact her and wanted her to create a readership.

After thinking about it, she didn't create a reader group, but applied for a Weibo certification for several books.

After having Weibo, there hasn't been much change. She is still the cold book, silent, and has no feelings.

From time to time, an update prompt is sent to the top, and there is no movement.

But her readers are also used to her ruthless look, anyway, as long as her articles are still being updated.

(End of this chapter)

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