Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 17 Good Brother, Goodbye Brother

Chapter 17 Good Brother, Goodbye Brother

Ji Shu is not really emotional. Although she doesn't interact with everyone very much, she still likes these enthusiastic and cute little readers. Every year, she will draw several Weibo lucky draws to give everyone benefits, various lipsticks, snacks, cash signatures The book was delivered without mercy.

Just one thing, no interaction.

Everyone loves and hates her, but they still have to say that she is really sweet and insist on liking her.

Later, when I went to university, I was busy with various things, and the update changed from every two or three days to once a week after that. Even so, her fans did not give up on her.

Sometimes when her conscience finds out, she will stay up late for more chapters, and everyone advises her to take a good rest.

Until that incident happened later, she posted a pause update on Weibo and there was no further movement.

Now seeing the warm and threatening words from familiar readers, she thought for a while and posted a Weibo.

So on this day, many people received reminders.

When everyone saw the Weibo content posted by several books, they couldn't help but comment, like and repost.

[Several books v: The update will start tomorrow. 】

It's still the same style, still feels familiar, and even the little period makes people feel extra friendly.

[Shushu's bed: ahhh, Shushu is back home! ! ! 】

[Front row: ah ah ah ah ah, I have been waiting for you for a long time for my book! ! ! 】

[In my lifetime: I can wait for a few books in my lifetime, it's worth it (wiping tears.jpg)]

[Love someone: Shushu, let's agree whether this time is weekly or monthly, you let me know, I can afford to live a few more years for the annual update]

【Favorite to eat watermelon: Summer is here, watermelon and Shushu are here, happy (heart)】

[Qi Lan: Su Yu didn't wait for me, I waited for Shushu (it's not easy)]


At the same time, Xiao Ziyang, who was about to go to bed in the old house of the Xiao family, saw a few books that he was particularly concerned about and posted on Weibo. He also quickly went up to comment, like and retweet them.

[Uncle Shu Shu: In my lifetime! ! ! 】

[Uncle Shu: You're finally back! ! ! 】

[Uncle Shu Shu: Ahhhhhh, only screaming can express my excitement. 】

Xiao Zike, who was reading netizens' comments, also saw the Weibo content posted by several books, he thought about it, and clicked a like.

Of course, he used the trumpet account this time. After posting the clarification Weibo, he switched to the trumpet account, for fear that he would accidentally like it again.

As a high-cold actor, Xiao Zike also wanted face.

Look at the Weibo post he clarified, there are people who say that they thought he was finally married and wanted to set off firecrackers happily!
Let it go, let it go, let it go, until he is 30 years old, he will not consider marrying... Bah, marrying a wife.

[I thought my brother was married, so I let go of my heart, but you actually said it was slippery, are you kidding me?You are so cold, why are your hands slippery? 】

Hey hey hey, this is unreasonable, how can Gao Leng not be able to slide his hands, you are discriminating, let me tell you.

[When will my brother get married!? ! ! 】

Why do I have to marry out!

【I just went to see it, baby, that girl is very pretty, you know】

I don't understand, I'm still a kid.

[Sister upstairs, add me, that face is really amazing! ! ! 】

[Add me, let's climb the wall together! ! 】

[I, I, I, I climb too! 】


Discuss this in front of me, do you think I really can't see it? (polite smile.jpg)

Climbing the wall in front of the Lord, you are really outstanding.

Xiao Zike continued to scroll down. In fact, the comments were not only well-intentioned, but also a lot of malicious ones. In this circle, even if you do nothing, there will be people waiting to hack you, and he doesn't only have fans.

However, besides filming, he is still filming. He has no scandals, and he does not film intimate scenes. He is far away from the circle of fans, and he doesn’t often have dinner with others. It can be said that he is a clear stream in this circle. Ignore the fans or something, but he will soon be overwhelmed by his super fighting fans.

What everyone was thinking was, how could such an aloof male god talk to fans calmly and down-to-earth? He has been like this since he first entered the circle, so he can't change his temper because of these sunspots. will be more confused.

Where's my boyfriend?

So what about the tall and cold male god?
Wouldn't it be a change of person?

He continued to read, pausing every now and then to read comments from fans.

[Aw, ow, the last weibo was reposted by the crew a few months ago. I didn't expect that three months later, I could still see the male god appearing. What kind of fairy lady Ji Shu is! ! ! 】

[Ji Shu brought my male god, I decided not to blackmail you in the future]

[Brother has time to like but no time to post selfies, I keep a small notebook]


OMG, reading your comments is exhausting.

Xiao Zike looked at the ID, he was still an old fan, he often read fan comments secretly, it seems that this fan started to follow him since he made his first movie.

He wondered why his fans wanted him to marry him. He is a big man, so why can't he marry a wife?
But it’s just talking, he’s not interested in relationships, according to him, it’s better to make a few more movies, so that when he has to go home to inherit the family business, he can often take a look at it.

He continued to look down, and there were actually some Ji Shu's sunspots mixed in here, constantly slandering her.

[Ji Shu is here to catch the heat again, actor Xiao is so pitiful]

[Ji Shu, a vixen, has her everywhere, it's annoying. 】

[Upstairs upstairs, my brother Xiao slipped his hand and liked it. I can't bear Ji Shu's popularity if you say it. What do you mean, can my brother Xiao take the initiative to make people gain popularity?ah? 】

【Sister upstairs, I support you】

[Why are Ji Shu's sunspots so many, they can be found everywhere, it's so annoying]

[I'm still young, and I've learned a word since I was a child - Heizi get rough]

Xiao Zike: "..."

He feels that these netizens are getting better and better, and he can publish a book with just these comments. The name is "Those Funny Moments", and many people will definitely like it.

【Who is Ji Shu】

This is still unclear.

It doesn't matter, a bunch of sisters will give her popular science immediately, and she must be familiar with it immediately.

【Am I the only one who thinks this couple is good? ? ? 】

【Add one, actually, I also...】

[Sister, I just went to see it, Ji Shu really looks good! ! ! 】

[Sisters, don't get excited, Ji Shu has so much dirty stuff]

[Brothers, let Brother Xiao do the filming properly, okay? ? ? 】

This is obviously a career fan, and it seems to be a male fan.

[Okay brother, goodbye brother! 】

 I have to work hard to do my homework, write essays quickly, and then I can update twice a day (Maomao clap hands.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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