Chapter 18 Apologize
[Bye bye, brother! 】

[Brother take care! 】

[Brother, go slowly! 】

[Brother shut up! 】

[Brother, I can't take it anymore, I want to engage in CP]

【I also……】

【add me……】

Xiao Zike watched these people go to engage in CP. He was still a little confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

How did it become like this?
Is he out of date?
Why do my fans always want to find me a partner?

This is the most puzzling question from actor Xiao who is not yet 27 years old.

[Sister, calm down, let Brother Xiao do a good job in his career, isn't it delicious?]

【Sister, you are right, but I can't help it】


Many fans are surprised, but Xiao Zike is even stranger than them.

Xiao Zike rummaged again, but most of the fans were very sensible - career fans.

They warned below that it's okay to fall in love, but don't forget about work.

A small number of girlfriend fans and wife fans are a little excited when they say something, and they are suppressed by career fans.

All in all, it was a lot of fun.

Xiao Zike looked at it for a while, then put down his phone to rest.

During this period of time, he was in a hurry to finish the work, and he had to work continuously during the day and night, and he had very little time to rest. Now he really couldn't hold on anymore.

After Ji Shu posted that Weibo post, she found that the number of retweets quickly exceeded [-], and the comments were all crazy and crying. She thought about it and posted another one.

[Several books v: Constantly]

Sure enough, there was another piece of ah ah ah, Ji Shu didn't look at it anymore, she quit Weibo and switched to the chat page with someone.

This chat ended three days ago, she thought about it, and still sent a message.

【Xixi: Master, I'll go find you tomorrow, okay? 】

This is her private wechat, and all the people who are close to her are added. The previous nickname was Ji Shu, the most handsome man in the world. Later, Ms. Shu ordered her to change it, so she directly changed it to her nickname.

Papa Ji and Ms. Shu love each other so much that even her first name is composed of their surnames. No matter how they are called, it is not very good, so they gave her a nickname.

Among so many children in Ji's generation, Ji Shu is the only one who has his own nickname.

She waited patiently for the other party's reply, but she didn't get it after waiting for a long time.

Ji Shu sighed.

When she was studying with her master, the master always hoped that she would enter this circle with him, but the other party waited until it was over, but did not expect Ji Shu to have such an idea. At that time, the other party was so angry that he almost broke up with her. relationship.

After more than half a year, the other party still didn't seem to calm down. Every time he saw her being hacked, he would scold her on WeChat, but today, why didn't he respond at all?
It was very late, and Ji Shu fell asleep without knowing it while pinching his phone.

In City N, a man is wearing a bathrobe and sitting on the sofa.

His brows were cold and his demeanor was alienated and indifferent.Holding a black mobile phone in his hand, there is a chat page on the screen, and the note is a very close name - unlucky.

It has been two hours since the unlucky guy sent a message, but he still hasn't responded.

He just took a shower, and his hair was still dripping, so he didn't care, he just kept looking at the chat page displayed on his phone.

Under the warm light, his cold face seemed to soften.

"How can there be such an annoying little hapless bastard!" He sighed lightly, his voice was hoarse and magnetic, revealing a wave of pampering, but not ambiguous.

There was no reply, so he found someone in the address book and called someone.

"The plane at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, I'm going back to City A."

The person over there seemed to have said something, and he showed a slight look of impatience.

"Do not care."

He relaxed his expression only after the people over there responded.

Hanging up the phone, I looked at the chat page with the unlucky egg, but in the end I still didn't reply to her.

He was angry, wouldn't it be shameless to reply her.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Ji Shu was asked about the result of her consideration.

Ji Shu cleared his throat, and seeing everyone's worried expressions, he felt a great sense of guilt.

If she didn't want to do this willfully, everyone wouldn't have to worry about her.

She had been thinking that way before, her mind was full of her sister, but she never thought about so many of her family members.

Nobody wanted her to do that, and she...

Ji Shu sat next to Jino, and Jino could feel that his sister was sad.

He thought that Ji Shu still insisted on yesterday's idea, so he gritted his teeth and prepared to help her.

Although he was very unhappy, he didn't want to see his sister unhappy.

Unexpectedly, Ji Shu apologized as soon as he opened his mouth, and what happened later was even more unexpected.

"I'm sorry, because of my waywardness, everyone has been worried for so long."

When Ji Shu said this, everyone was stunned. Only Grandma Ji seemed to understand everything. She smiled and looked at the child.

She knew that her Xixi would grow up, but she just couldn't get around this bend for a while, and she would understand when she figured it out.

Ji Shu looked at everyone's expressions, she exhaled, and continued, "In the future, I will work hard, work hard, and try my best to clean up, so I won't let everyone down."

Ji Yan stood behind her, heard the words and rubbed her head, successfully turning the soft long hair into a chicken nest.

Ji Shu didn't notice, and looked up at him.

Embarrassed, Ji Yan smoothed her hair. Fortunately, her hair is of good quality, and she easily regained its smooth appearance.

"Brother?" Ji Shu looked at Ji Yan puzzled, tilted his head slightly, his bright and beautiful facial features were actually a little cute because of her cute movements.

Ji Yan smiled, "Xixi's hair is messed up, my brother tidied it up for you."

Ji Shu tilted his head, "Brother, why didn't you say that you messed up my hair?"

She pouted and moved to the other side.

Ji Yan is the son of her second uncle's family, Ji Yu is the eldest daughter, and he is the eldest son. He is 28 years old now, and sometimes he is very childish.

In the past, he would always mess up Ji Shu's hair, and then tell her that he was helping her tidy it up.

Ji Shu couldn't be fooled when he got older, but he still enjoyed it, childish and funny.

"Xixi already knows, but she still wants to ask me. Of course I want to say that. Are you right?"

Ji Shu rolled her eyes gracefully and leaned on Ms. Shu's shoulder.

"I will do well in the future. I will be a good actor and I will not disappoint everyone. I won't stop you from helping me with the black material in the future." Ji Shu hung his head on Ms. Shu's shoulder, "I Knowing that I was wrong before, it is very irresponsible, I am sorry for my family, I am sorry for my fans, I was wrong."

She didn't know what she was going to do, she felt guilty even looking at anyone, leaning on Ms. Shu's shoulder, being gently comforted, her heart also calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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