Chapter 23
She blamed herself for only realizing something was wrong now, for not knowing that Xixi, whom she loved since childhood, had paid so much for her, and for making her family worry about her all the time.

Isn't it just that something happened? Since she is still alive, why can't she accept it, and make her family feel sad because of her.

"Xiaoyuan..." Ms. Shu didn't know what to say, as if she couldn't say anything.

She was afraid that Ji Xiaoyuan would be even more unbearable if she knew about it, worried about Ji Shu, and whether Ji Xiaoyuan would do stupid things again.

"Xiaoyuan." Ji Yu spoke, she was straightforward, not as tactful as Ms. Shu.

"What do you think of yourself?"

Ji Xiaoyuan bit her lip and curled her fingers, "It would be great if I knew earlier, Xixi wouldn't be scolded all the time if I knew earlier, why didn't you stop her for doing such a stupid thing?"

She was a little weak, and her voice was a little painful.

"For me, it's not worth it."

"You're not Xixi, how do you know it's not worth it, Xiaoyuan, you know Xixi's feelings for you, and you know her temperament even more. Who do you think can control her?"

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me."

Ji Yu hugged her, "It's not because of you, Xiaoyuan, it's just that Xixi is unlucky, not because of you, Xixi wants to be an actress, and she can do well even if we don't provide her with family help. "

Of course Ji Xiaoyuan is not stupid, of course she can almost guess what she asked. Instead of keeping her from her and let her think wildly, it is better to tell her the truth.

However, this truth is slightly different from the reality.

What she said was that Ji Shu liked being an actor, but she didn't tell her that the reason why Ji Shu wanted to set foot in that circle was only for Ji Xiaoyuan.

Ji Xiaoyuan and Ji Shu didn't stay together for very long, at least not as long as the rest of the family spent with Ji Shu.

Her parents divorced before she was born.Later, when she was seven or eight years old, she was suddenly sent back to Ji's house.

At that time, Ji Shu was only one or two years old, and his brothers and sisters were all in school at that time. Only Ji Xiaoyuan, who had just arrived at Ji's house, didn't understand anything and was afraid to stay here, so she had to study at home first. Since then, she has been taking care of Ji Shu.

She likes this little sister very much. When Ji Shu was a child, Ji Shu was like a doll, beautiful and cute, staring at you with big clear eyes, as if it could make people forget all their troubles.

In this way, Ji Xiaoyuan began to take care of Ji Shu from then until she was in high school, and she became more and more busy.

Her study is not very good, because she was a little poor in this aspect since she was a child, and she has not become very good when she grows up. Therefore, she can only work harder than ordinary people to make herself barely excellent.

The children of Ji's family have been taught since childhood, and they are all excellent.

At that time, she was still sprinting for the college entrance examination, and Ji Yu had already taken the position of manager in the company.

Ji Yu is three years older than her, but her achievements at that time may not be comparable to her when she is 30 years old.

She could have been excellent. The children of Ji's family are all smart and they are very concerned about the education of their offspring. She should have enjoyed all this, but her mother ruined her.

Because she has been studying hard and can't integrate into the circle of high society, she didn't go to a private middle school. With her own efforts, although she didn't get into a key middle school, that school was still good.

It was also during that time that Ji Shu also became busy.

At that time, Ji Shu had just entered junior high school. Apart from the subjects she wanted to learn, she also had many hobbies. She usually took interest classes, so she had very little time left.

Ji Xiaoyuan University was admitted to the top ten key universities in the country. She worked hard to make herself better, so she became busier.

Later, after graduating from university, she wanted to work outside for a period of time before returning to her own company, where she met her lover again.

After that, she disappeared for two years and came back for more than two years. She hasn't done anything in her life, and it seems that almost half of it has passed.

And in her life, the warmth left behind is Ji Shu.

It's just that she and Ji Shu have been away for too long, and she hasn't gotten to know her well for a long time. She doesn't know that Ji Shu just likes acting, but she never thought of being an actor before.

Now, Ji Yu told her this, but she didn't say anything else.

Ji Shu's temperament has always been like this, which is confusing and a bit of a headache. She has been pampering her all the time, because she can't bear to let her be dissatisfied.

Ji Shu learned a lot from her because of the time she spent with her. For example, her junior high school was the best middle school in the city that she got into by herself.

In fact, Ji's children basically go to that kind of very good private school. From kindergarten to middle school, the children who go to school in it are basically from family background, and the teachers are first-class and excellent.

She wasn't used to it, so she didn't go. Ji Shu was also like her, except that Ji Shu was much better than her. In junior high school and high school, Ji Shu had always been the first in his grade, and he was also the best in the city by his own efforts. Good public schools.

Because she was not used to her family background, Ji Xiaoyuan never disclosed her identity, and Ji Shu was of course the same as her.

So far, very few people know their identities.

Therefore, when Ji Yu said that Ji Shu didn't want help from his family, she didn't think too much about it.

Of course, Ji Shu is a little different from her. Her personality is not as gentle as Ji Xiaoyuan's.

She was very powerful, and she was beaten up several times, and she needed to come forward to help her settle down.

It's also fortunate that Ji Shu's beating is some very excessive people, otherwise, even though Ji's family dotes on her, they wouldn't let her hit someone casually and have to settle it for her.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyuan didn't know about those things at that time.

She subtly influenced Ji Shu, and soon left her.

Then slowly, Ji Shu put away his fiery temper, and slowly became well-behaved.

In fact, at that time, there was no other reason, but because Ji Xiaoyuan disappeared.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyuan doesn't know all of this.

She always felt that Ji Shu was still the lovely little sister she used to be. Although she was a bit spoiled, she was still a very good child, and she never knew about Ji Shu's fights.

During that time, she didn't know anything.

"Does Xixi like being an actress very much?" She asked softly.

"You are here, you should have watched the TV series made by Xixi, what do you think?" Ji Yu smiled slightly.

"Xixi is great, and her acting skills are very good." When Ji Xiaoyuan said this, her eyes seemed to light up.

"Then do you think Xixi likes acting very much?"

(End of this chapter)

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