Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 24 Ji Yu's Mind

Chapter 24 Ji Yu's Mind

Hearing Ji Yu's question, Ji Xiaoyuan thought about it and nodded.

She should like it very much. Xixi has always done things she likes and is interested in. She heard Ji Shu say before that an actor can experience a different life by acting in a play. She also said that she found it very interesting. .

In the past, Ji Shu thought it was interesting, and then she learned it, but she never saw Ji Shu learn acting, but she has been away for so long, it is enough for Ji Shu to learn.

"So Xiaoyuan, don't think too much." Ji Yu comforted her softly.

It was only then that Ji Xiaoyuan realized that it turned out that Ji Yu was trying to keep her from thinking too much.

The actual situation is also like this.

Ji Xiaoyuan's mood is unstable, and she will fall into a breakdown if she is not careful. If she keeps this matter in her heart and feels guilty about it, it will not be very good for her condition.

Ji Yu felt that her mood didn't seem that bad today, seeing that she probably guessed it, he just let it be, but he still concealed it a little.

She made Ji Xiaoyuan feel that the reason why Ji Shu has been hacked is because Ji Shu did not rely on his own family, but only relied on his own strength to enter the entertainment industry.

Ji Xiaoyuan's father, Uncle Ji's family, is a bigwig in the entertainment industry. Even if she doesn't pay attention to these things, she still knows that for resources, artists often rob in secret, and doing things that blackmail others is even more powerful. She wants Ji Xiaoyuan to feel that, Maybe Ji Shu just happened to be hacked.

Of course, she didn't completely regard Ji Shu's efforts as her bad luck.

She also let Ji Xiaoyuan know that Ji Shu was partly for her.

Otherwise, Ji Shu has so many false rumors, and Ji Shu has been bullied for so long, if the family has not paid attention to it, Ji Xiaoyuan can probably figure out that it is because Ji Shu refuses to do it if he thinks about it.

Ji Xiaoyuan will have emotions because she was hacked, which is enough for Ji Shu not to care about how she was hacked, and she doesn't care about that.

"So, Xixi wants to become an actress, but she wants to rely on her own efforts. Because she was hacked, she found that I was... better because of this, so she didn't care about the scandal, right?" Ji Xiaoyuan's analysis was correct. , Ji Yu and Ms. Shu looked at each other and nodded.

Ji Xiaoyuan can't express how she feels in her heart, she has gotten better recently, and today is also the time she talks the most.

She thought, Xixi has paid so much for herself, how could she let her down.In fact, Ji Yu could have tricked her in the past, and kept her from knowing this.

However, Ji Xiaoyuan's mood has calmed down a lot, and she is not so sad and lifeless. She told her that it would be good to let her know how much Ji Shu has paid for her.

Ji Yu doesn't like Ji Xiaoyuan very much, she thinks Ji Xiaoyuan is too weak.

There are so many children in the Ji family's generation, but Ji Shu is her favorite, and she has loved her since she was a child.

Ji Shu is almost ten years younger than her. When she was in elementary school, she always had to play with little Ji Shu for a while after finishing her homework before going to practice piano.

Later, when Ji Xiaoyuan came, she didn't feel anything wrong with taking her position in Xixi's place. At that time, she still thought that this younger sister had suffered a lot of grievances outside, so playing with Xixi would make her feel at ease. OK.

What made her unhappy was that Ji Shu learned a lot from her later.

When Ji Shu was in junior high school, she originally wanted to go to the school she had been to before. The teachers in that school were more comprehensive and good at everything.

Because it is a school specially established for families like them, there are not many students enrolled each year, and only the best ones can be selected.

Later, you can go directly to high school in that school.

Except that it was a private school called aristocratic school by outsiders, it was actually similar to the best middle school in the city, and even more suitable for them.

In this circle, those who study in that school will have great opportunities to deal with them in the future, and of course Ji Shu will too.

It's just that Ji Shu, like Ji Xiaoyuan, didn't go to the school they were supposed to go to.

Although she was admitted to the best middle school in the city, that school was different. Even if the students got good grades, some of them were not good.

Some children from rich families, if they can't get into the private middle school they attend, they will take money to go there. Sometimes, they don't look at their grades.

Ji Xiaoyuan is low-key, weak, usually not very eye-catching, and came here very calmly in middle school.

But Ji Shu is different from her. Ji Shu is born with a very flamboyant temperament, no matter where she goes, she is like this. In elementary school, she is a man of the hour, but the school where the teachers and students are educated is very good, and no serious accidents will happen. Radical thing, but it's different there.

Thinking of those things, Ji Yu still gritted his teeth angrily.

Therefore, she also blamed Ji Xiaoyuan for this.

If she hadn't brought Xixi along like this, Xixi would have continued her life in that middle school, where would there be such a period of time.

They were born in such a family, and they should be better than ordinary people.

Although this sentence does not sound good, it is also true.

Some people were born in Rome.

Their families have worked hard to elevate them as descendants, and they deserve it.

Their hard work is worth what they have.

Ji Xiaoyuan was obviously able to work in the company at that time. The children of Ji's family did not start as managers as soon as they entered the company. Even she slowly climbed up from the bottom.

But Ji Xiaoyuan wanted to go to an outside company to gain experience. Couldn't she learn better in her own company?

It was precisely because she had such an idea that she moved to live outside, then went to another city, fell in love outside again, and didn't come back for a long time, so they didn't notice that she was missing.

Later, so many things happened.

Ji Xiaoyuan became what she is now, in fact, partly because of her own.

As for Ji Shu, she was sad and lost for a long time because of her disappearance. Later, after Ji Xiaoyuan was found, she changed into that appearance again, which was a big blow to Ji Shu.

Now, for Ji Shu to do such a stupid thing again, Ji Yu is really unhappy.

She likes Ji Shu the most, and also loves her the most, so I hope she will be well. Ji Shu is a proud daughter of heaven, but she has become the object of abuse on the Internet. This has made her sad for a long time.

Sometimes she even thought that it would be great if Ji Xiaoyuan didn't hold such a large weight in Ji Shu's heart, then Ji Shu wouldn't choose such a way for her.

She told Ji Xiaoyuan that it was Ji Shu's bad luck, but she just didn't want anything to happen to Ji Xiaoyuan, and she was afraid that her overthinking would cause bad results and make Ji Shu sad.

But what she thought in her heart was, if it wasn't for her, how could Ji Shu be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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