Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 25 Senior Brother

Chapter 25 Senior Brother
Ji Yu wouldn't say it out loud, but it didn't prevent her from thinking so.

Since Ji Xiaoyuan came to Ji's house, she has not been close to her family for so many years.The person closest to her is Ji Shu.

This is also because Ji Shu was almost watched by her growing up, she gave Ji Shu all her tenderness, and there was always a quiet and incomprehensible alienation from other family members.

Mingming has always been very kind to her, even because she had a hard time before, and after she came back, everyone treated her carefully and wanted her to be familiar with this family, but after so many years, Ji Xiaoyuan still seems to be living in her own world.

When Ji Yu was a child, he also felt very sorry for this younger sister who had finally returned home, and treated her very well, but was hurt by her indifference, and later on, he didn't get close to her very much.

Ji Xiaoyuan always seems to be separating herself from Ji's family, and in many cases, it will make everyone feel sad.

She has low self-esteem and is weak. Many times, she will not let her family know when she is bullied, and she will not bully her back. She seems to believe that she is going to be bullied like this and she can't fight back.There was another time when Ji Yan took Xiao Jishu to pick Ji Xiaoyuan home from school, because he went early, and happened to witness Ji Xiaoyuan being bullied, and it was only then that Ji Xiaoyuan was bullied before letting his family know.

She used to find a teacher at home to take classes. Later, everyone felt that she had adapted a lot, so they decided to send her to school. After all, that is where she really learns and she can make more friends.

Ji Xiaoyuan went to school at the age of 11, in the fifth grade, and did not go to the school that Ji Yan attended at that time.

The family asked the driver to pick her up, and they couldn't park next to the school.

In this way, she was bullied and never let anyone find out.

When Ji Yu heard about this, he only felt that he hated iron, and felt that she was too weak and different from them.

Even so, at that time Ji Yu was still itching to bully those who bullied her back.After all, she is her own sister, even if she doesn't like it, it's not up to others to bully her.

Ji Yu looked at Ji Xiaoyuan who was in limbo in front of him, and he didn't know whether it was more helplessness, or more hatred.

"Xiaoyuan, what do you think?"

"Sister, I won't let everyone worry about me in the future."

She has recovered a lot, and today's conversation made her think a lot.Even for Xixi's sake, she has to cheer up.

"I'm glad you can think so."

At this time, Ji Shu didn't know that her most worried sister in the room had figured it out. She was still on the phone, her eyes drooping and looking a little unhappy.

"Ji Xiaoshu, did you understand what I said, get out of the circle, don't be willful anymore."

"I don't want it." Ji Shu objected, "I want to be an actor."

"That's what you told me half a year ago." The voice on the other end of the phone laughed angrily, "Look, is this how you want to be an actor?"

"Ji Xiaoshu, you can't just lie to me because I don't pay attention to these things abroad, can you?"

"I don't. I want to be an actor. If you have time, you can watch the TV series I act in. My acting skills are very good." In the end, Ji Shu was still a little narcissistic.

"Then tell me, why are there so many sunspots?" The man opposite stood by the window, looking at the scenery outside, still frowning.

"They're all talking about my face. Haven't you looked at it carefully? They're just jealous of my good looks. I'm already very low-key."

Hearing Ji Shu's aggrieved voice, the man was really so angry that he wanted to laugh, and he really laughed twice, with a chilly tone, "Yeah, you look good-looking, and you're so good-looking that it's been black for half a year Without stopping."

Ji Shu coughed twice, "Brother, don't say that."

"Then you think about it. I've been busy for so long, and I want to watch something to pass the time, but I saw you being scolded like this. Do you think I feel comfortable?"

Ji Shu wrapped his fingers around his hair and stopped talking.

"What do you say you want to be an actor? If you can do a thankless job, I didn't say no, did I?"

Ji Shu remembered that when the other party was about to go abroad, she had already agreed to play the role of the angel in the TV series directed by that teacher. At that time, she said she wanted to, but the other party didn't say to stop her, but just persuaded her twice. At that time, he also said that he had plans and wanted to do well.

Because Ji Shu has always been reassuring in her own affairs, and now she is not as playful as before, and the senior brother is also very reassuring to her.

Where can I think of...

"I really wish I could go back and teach you a good lesson now. Others are reluctant, but I won't."

"Senior brother, I'm a little liar, okay? Don't be angry. No one will teach you a lesson when you are angry."

"You have the nerve to say it."

Ji Shu herself feels that she has nothing wrong with being an actress. At least the two villains she played in were released in TV dramas, and no one scolded her for her acting skills. They all said that she acted like It's over.

As for the role of angel, that teacher's TV series has just been finished not long ago, and it will take some time before it will be released.

"Brother, I am really serious about acting."

"That's right, I'm being scolded seriously." The other party said sarcastically.

Ji Shu stopped talking, the other party's rank was higher than hers, the key was that she was too embarrassed to refute to the other party now.

If she suddenly saw her senior brother being scolded so badly, how could she be so calm and rational and make a phone call to scold him first?

But her senior brother is very good everywhere, he has always been a gentle and dignified noble son, except for his venomous tongue towards her, he is perfect.

Certainly not.

"At your sister's place, I will find a way to help you find a good doctor. Don't be stupid again, hear?"


"Forget that Ji Yan and I are good friends, you idiot."

"I asked him first when I saw it."

"You idiot, are you stupid? You can do such a stupid thing. To say that you are my junior sister makes me feel insulted to the high IQ of our division."

"Li Ge, you..."

"How about it?"

Ji Shu's face drooped, "It's nothing."

Now that Li Ge is angry, she doesn't care about him.

"Don't be stupid again, quit the circle, come to me if you really have nothing to do, and be my partner."

"I'm not retiring." Ji Shu didn't know why she said this again, but her tone was still firm, "I like being an actor very much, and I want to continue."


"It was serious from the start."

"What did the master say?"

Hearing this, Ji Shu was even more disappointed.

"I sent a message to Master yesterday, but Master hasn't replied to me yet."

(End of this chapter)

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