Chapter 26 Update
When Li Ge heard this, he started talking about her again, "Look, look, Master must be angry, you should ask what Master said first. Look at the stupid thing you did, and let Master teach you when the time comes."

Ji Shu didn't tell him that the master would call her every time he saw her being scolded.

It's just that Master suddenly ignored her, which made Ji Shu a little flustered.

She said today that she was going to Master's place, but Master has not returned to her, does it mean that she doesn't want her to go there?
"I won't tell you anymore. I'll hang up." Ji Shu hung up the phone after speaking. She was being scolded for such a long call.

Ji Shu felt that she was really a poor little girl. Fortunately, her birthday was coming soon, and then her sister would go home to make dumplings with her. Thinking of this, she felt motivated.

Isn't it just being taught a lesson? It's okay, she can bear it.

She, Ji Shu, will not regret what she has done.

That is, if my sister can get better because of this, she will be very happy.But if my sister still can't get better, what can she do?

Ji Shu went back to the ward while thinking.

Xiao Zike watched a movie with Grandpa Xiao expressionlessly, and felt that he really couldn't stay in the same room with the old man.

The old man looked at him from time to time, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Grandpa, I'm done watching the movie. I'll go back to my room first. I'll have dinner with you at noon."

Just as the old man was about to say something, Xiao Zike quickly fled the room.

Uncomfortable, suffocating uncomfortable.

Even if the old man thought he was asexual, he wouldn't make him feel so uncomfortable...

Although he thinks he is probably asexual.

Up to now, he still has no idea of ​​dating, and still likes to be a bachelor.

Alas, who knows, he doesn't know what he thinks, so he doesn't bother with it.

He opened a novel website, and he was going to see if a few books had been updated. He said yesterday that there would be an update today, but he didn't know when it would be updated.

This is a new book written a few books ago, and the serialization is less than [-] words, but the plot content is very good, which makes people fascinated by reading it.

He also waited for a long time, just waiting for a few books to come back and finish writing this book.

It's really sad when a favorite novel doesn't have an ending.

When I opened it to read, several books were updated at 99 o'clock in the morning. Sure enough, the newly published chapters are already full of [-]+ comments.

Xiao Zike thought to himself, as expected of a few books.

After reading it quickly, Xiao Zike looked satisfied.

At that time, he was stuck at this critical juncture, which made him restless. He didn't expect to see the follow-up after a few years.

Xiao Zike secretly sighed, it was really not easy.

It's really not easy to like a book.

Next time, he will not want to serialize several books.

Can't afford to hurt, really can't afford to hurt.

Once was enough to make him miserable.

A few books also said at the end that there are three updates today, one in the morning, one at noon, and one in the evening, and they will draw fans to give some small gifts in the comments.

Xiao Zike thought for a while, and made a comment by the way.

[Chasing books is too difficult: I finally waited for you back! ! ! 】

Although he felt that he might not be so lucky to be drawn, he still had a dream.

He hadn't been drawn before, maybe he could do it this time.

Who can't have a dream!

Then, he started reading the comments.

The fan reviews of several books are also very interesting, so I might as well look through them when I am free.

(End of this chapter)

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