Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 32 The Willful Little Apprentice

Chapter 32 The Willful Little Apprentice

"Why did you think of playing such a role?" The man was still very strange, he couldn't stand it after watching it for a few minutes, Ji Shu's acting skills were really good, he really looked like a heartless perverted lunatic .

"Don't you think this character is very interesting? An emotionless killing machine, a cold-hearted lunatic, it's very exciting to watch, okay?"

The man was silent for a moment, "I was wrong, I always thought you were a heartless little fool, but I didn't expect you to have the idea of ​​being a pervert in your heart."

"I lost."

"Master, what you said..." She stopped talking, not because she didn't dare, but because she still remembered to respect the old and love the young.

"What did I say?"

"It's pretty good." Ji Shu had no choice but to nod, "Look, you know how serious I am. Come on, master, I said that I am very serious about being an actor. In the future, I will definitely play better roles , I might win the prize at some point!"

"Didn't you win enough awards since you were young? Go dance with me, don't you receive many trophies every year? It's much easier than this. You see, if you don't go to filming, now your senior brother and others may not be as good as you." you."

It is still a pity in the man's heart.

Ji Shu is the best seed he has found for so long, and he still wants to pass on all his life's painstaking efforts to her. He believes that as long as Ji Shu is serious, one day he will replace him in the international dance world. Location.

It's just that Ji Shu is not interested in these things. She has almost learned it. She has won many awards at home and abroad.

Obviously she has excellent talent, but she just doesn't want to learn from you. After learning one, she starts to be interested in others.

He doesn't know how many hobbies a person can have in his life. He only knows that he has been learning dance since he was a child, and it has been 30 years.

Because of his natural talent, coupled with his willingness to work hard, he is a top existence in the international dance industry.

His hip-hop video from ten years ago is still being enjoyed by people.

He also took in a few apprentices, and everyone worked hard, except Ji Shu.

This little girl Pianzi has been learning dance since she was a child, and she has a very good memory. She can remember many movements quickly. Others are still learning, and she can almost remember them.

When others started practicing, she was already eating potato chips beside her.

You are unhappy, let her do the action just now, she can really do it for you exactly, and it is full of beauty.

What can I do?

Some people are fed by the gods, and she still has to be picky and say that I don't like this dish.

After accepting Ji Shu, he never accepted another apprentice.

It may be that Ji Shu is so good that he wants to teach her all he has learned in his life. After he had this idea, he was very serious.

But there is no way, this little girl has only been interested in her for two years, and then she has other things, so Ji Shu doesn't learn much from him.

But in his heart, Ji Shu is still his most beloved little apprentice.

There's no way, what can I do if I dote on her, it's not about relying on her.

"Master, don't people live to do what they are interested in? I am very interested in acting now, so please don't let me quit, Master." She blinked her eyes, trying to be cute.

(End of this chapter)

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