Chapter 33

"You are interested in too many things." This is really not a man mocking her, Ji Shu has indeed done a lot of things.

Dancing, singing, taekwondo, piano, designing, violin, writing novels, flute...

There are countless things she is interested in and has done.

Even though she is still a few days away from turning 21, she has won quite a few awards now.

She always does one thing almost, and then she has a new love.

He couldn't experience Ji Shu's feeling. He felt that the best thing was to be talented and to be the top in an industry.

Ji Shu doesn't lack anything, and doesn't have any big ambitions. Seeing that one loves the other, and this one has almost learned, he throws himself into the arms of another thing happily.

"You really like it?"

Ji Shu thought for a while, "I really like it now."

This means that in the future, if you are not sure, you will not like it, and then you will focus on other things.

Half-hearted, quite like a scumbag.

"Are you still for that Ji Xiaoyuan?"

"No, no, I'm interested in it for myself."

Ji Shu blinked at him, trying to convince him that he was serious.

"I don't know you yet. If you really like it, you entered this circle when you were studying acting before. Why would you wait until you are invited by someone else?"

Ji Shu shut up.

"If you want me to support you in acting, then I have one condition."

"Master, tell me."

"I had a public dance performance a few years ago, and you came with me."

"I haven't studied with Master for a long time, is it really okay to let me go, and then I will embarrass Master."

"Let the senior sister go, isn't the senior sister already recovered? It happens to be the first performance of the senior sister's comeback. I think that will be pretty good."

"Senior Sister will definitely agree."

"Don't think I don't know, you're just lazy." The man snorted coldly. He was obviously a man with cold brows and eyes and a detached temperament. He will make expressions that don't match his face.

"Your senior sister has other plans."

"Is that so..."

"Don't worry, you won't show your face when the time comes."

Ji Shu smiled at him, "Of course I know Master."

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go eat."


"You take time to go to the training room. I have other things to do in a few days. Your senior brothers and sisters are all there. You should learn from them first. I believe in your talent, so you have to work hard for me, you know?"

"I will work hard." Ji Shu added after finishing speaking, "I will definitely not hold back Master."

Her master, Su Qing, is the uncrowned king in the dance world. Since elementary school dance, every performance is perfect.It has been a long time since I performed publicly.

This public performance must be very important.

Ji Shu has always been serious about what she does, but this time Master's public performance, she has to put more thought into making herself more perfect.

The master is so powerful, if she makes a mistake and embarrasses the master, it will be bad.

"Master, why did you choose me? I have been slack for so long, shouldn't senior sister be better than me?"

"Master, what if I hold you back then?"

"Master, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I made a mistake then?"

"Master, are you sure?"

"Master, I really think you can think about it carefully."

"Master, there is still half a year left, don't be so anxious and let me out, if I..."

Although Ji Shu had already made up his mind, he couldn't help but keep asking, if Master got bored, he would replace her.

Although she is narcissistic, she is not that conceited. It must be very important for her master, who has not appeared in public for a long time, to suddenly hold a public performance, and she really may not be able to take on this important task.

"Why, not confident?" Su Qing stopped and looked down at her.

Ji Shu couldn't help sighing about his height again.

She can be 1.6 meters seven with shoes on, but everyone is so tall, so she has no choice but to look up.

Ji Shu seriously suspected that his neck hurt for a while because he raised his head too much.

She took a step back habitually to open the distance, and now she didn't have to raise her head like that.

"Yeah, Master, I'm really worried about performing with Master."

"Then practice hard." After Su Qing finished speaking, he continued to move forward.

Ji Shu thought that even if Master didn't praise her to give her some confidence, he could still say a few more words.

Alas, I didn't expect there were only five words, which is really a bit small.

Then what else can she do? It's not Ji Shu's style to hang her head down, so she follows suit, acting as she wants, and she's afraid of it.

The big deal is to stay up late and practice a lot, and she will always succeed.

The chef in Master Su Qing's family is very skilled. Ji Shu thought many times to pry the chef away from Master's house, but finally gave up.

She later found out that Master's stomach is not very good, and the taste is very picky. The chef at home rarely cooks some home-cooked dishes that taste like Master's.

As a good apprentice, Ji Shu, how could she do such a thing.

Xiao Zike played with his mobile phone in the room for a while, and waited for the update of several books at noon.

He looked up happily again.

This is not much, a few pages will be finished soon.

He made another comment by the way, then turned off his phone and walked out.

By the time it was lunch time, he was already a little hungry.

When we got to the kitchen, the old man came over just after the food was served.

"You're down, I'm going up to call you."

The cook finished the meal and went out. At this time, there were only grandpa and grandson in the room.

Xiao Zike looked at the food on the table, he was a little dazed, and a little bit broken.

"Grandpa, what do you mean?"

His voice didn't know whether it was helplessness or what, but it was a little hoarse.

"Eat, what else can I do." The old man beckoned him to sit down.

"Come on, eat quickly, I'm going to take a nap in a while."

Xiao Zike looked at the food on the table, steamed sea bass, scrambled eggs with leeks, yam and lotus seed porridge, oysters, and kidneys. Forgive Xiao Zike, he really can't think too much.

"Grandpa, this is..."

"Let's replenish our bodies."

"I do not need."

Xiao Zike was really wronged. He is a big man, and his grandfather doubted him like this. He would be ashamed.

"Can't you eat with grandpa? Just have a meal, and it's not about killing you. Why are you so resistant?"

"I do not have."

 In fact, when I wrote this chapter, I went to check it out (shy.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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