Chapter 36


After watching Su Qing's car leave, Ji Shu returned home.

"Grandma." As soon as he entered the door, he saw Grandma Ji, and Ji Shu happily walked over.

"Grandma, on my birthday, Miss Xiaoyuan said she would celebrate my birthday with me." Ji Shu smiled, "Miss Xiaoyuan talked a lot today."

"Grandma knows. Your mother told grandma when she came back." Grandma Ji nodded her forehead with a loving voice.

Ji Shu smiled and rubbed against Grandma Ji, who patted her head helplessly.

"Grandma, isn't everyone here?" Ji Shu looked around and asked suspiciously.

"Everyone has something to do." Grandma Ji wanted to laugh when she said that, "If Xixi came back early, there might be no one at home."

"Fortunately, I came back after eating at Master's." Ji Shu rubbed his nose, took an orange and peeled it to eat.

"Grandma, do you have anything else to do?"

"It's over, it's all right, what does Xixi want to do?"

"Let's go out to play, just in time to pick up Xiao Nuo after school."

Grandma Ji looked at the time, it was not yet three o'clock.

"Okay, we'll go out after I tidy up."

Ji Shu nodded happily.

"I'll go up there too." Ji Shu went back to her room and took out some photos and posters, which were left over from her previous filming.

She took two photos and two posters inside and signed her name.

After thinking about it, I wrote two more sentences.

It happened that Ji Nuo's school was not far from the building where Xiao Zike's studio was located, so she could send it directly to the guard over there.

After writing, it was carefully packaged, and a nice little bag was put on the outside.

After Ji Shu came out, Grandma Ji also packed up, and the two went out together.

"Grandma, let's go eat something first, and then grandma, is there anywhere you want to go?"

"Listen to you."

"Then let's go shopping, I want to buy some clothes."

Ji Shu obviously ate a lot at noon, but he wanted to buy something to eat as soon as he came out.

Because I came out with my grandma, I can't let my grandma eat fried chicken hot pot with her. She thought about it, and finally went to eat some small cakes with her grandma.

When I left, I packed a few more by the way, preparing to replenish some energy for classmate Ji Nuo who was studying with his brain for the college entrance examination.

The two went to several stores, and Ji Shu and grandma both bought some clothes. Seeing that it was getting late, they planned to go to the school where Ji Nuo was after school.

When passing by Shengjing Building, Ji Shu stopped the car and prepared to go down with a small bag.

"Xixi, what are you going to do?" Grandma Ji saw that Ji Shu was holding this small bag and didn't ask her, so she couldn't help it now.

"Go and send autographed photos and posters to my two little fans." Ji Shu waved the small bag in his hand to her, "Grandma, I'll be right back."

Ji Shu didn't go in, but stopped directly at the door.

"Hi, I put the things here with you, can someone come and get them?" An old man was guarding the entrance of the building. Ji Shu walked over wearing a mask and asked softly.

With the permission of the old man, Ji Shu put the small bag there, said the name of Song Zixiao who came to pick up the things, and went to the side to call Song Zixiao.

"Hello." Ji Shu was stunned for a moment, and then she looked at the mobile phone number she saved, it was Song Zixiao's must be.

She suddenly remembered that Song Zixiao should be in class at this time, and felt that she was probably stupid.

When talking on the phone with Ji Shu last night, Xiao Zike used his powerful memory to memorize her mobile phone number, so of course it was easy to see.

He was still a little surprised, didn't he mean express delivery, why did he deliver it himself.

"Hello, are you Song Zixiao's parent?"

The man over there responded lightly.

Ji Shu breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that her mind would be confused and she would remember the wrong number.

"Then please tell her that I have put the things for her in the place she said, can I come and get them when I have time?"

"Well, good." Xiao Zike, who was reading the script in the office, went to the window and looked down. He was on the tenth floor. Although he could see the door, he couldn't see the person who called him .

Ji Shu heaved a sigh of relief. She thought it would be her little fan who answered the call, but she didn't choose a good time, and her parents picked it up. It was really embarrassing.

"Thank you, goodbye." After speaking, Ji Shu hung up the phone.

When she was returning to the parking place, she kept thinking in her heart, no matter how close the distance is, don't deliver it to the little fans in person, it's better to express it!

Xiao Zike looked at the hung up phone and wanted to laugh.

Anyway, we also chatted a few words yesterday, did you not hear his voice?
But he heard it.

Xiao Zike went downstairs after hanging up the phone, and went to get the little princess at home what her idol personally sent.

When he got downstairs, he went to the uncle at the door and took the small bag Ji Shu had sent him up.

It was almost 05:30 when Ji Shu arrived at the school gate, and Ji Nuo got out of school at six, and they were not in a hurry, they just chatted and waited in the car.

Xiao Zike went back upstairs and packed some things before going back. The old man had dinner around six o'clock. If he went back late, he would have to reheat the meal.

"Xixi, would you like to tell Xiao Nuo, it would be bad if Xiao Nuo didn't know we came and left."

"I already sent a message to Xiao Nuo when I came here." Ji Shu took out his mobile phone and showed it to Grandma Ji, "What I told Xiao Nuo was that we will pick him up at the school, and he will be there when the time comes." Came directly."

Grandma Ji nodded, "That's good."

Ji Shu handed Grandma Ji a thermos, and took a bottle of Coke to drink herself.

"If you always drink this kind of drink, your teeth will be bad." Grandma Ji persuaded.

Ji Shu bared her small white teeth, "Grandma, look, my teeth are very good, are they healthy? Don't worry, grandma, my teeth are very good."

Ji Shu said so, but still put away the Coke and took out a bottle of mineral water.

Grandma Ji sips water from a thermos, feeling helpless that Ji Shu likes carbonated drinks so much.

Is it because she was not allowed to drink when she was young, but she wants to drink to enjoy herself when she grows up.

There is always Coke in the car, and I can't stop it.

Ji Nuo came out soon, and there were two other boys who came out with him. Ji Shu recognized them as Ji Nuo's good friends.As she was about to come out, she saw a girl running towards the three of them.

From the looks of it, it seemed that he wanted to talk to Jino.

Ji Shu smiled and didn't go out.

Ji Nuo was about to bid farewell to his two friends, but Ji Shu said he would come to pick him up, and he saw Ji Shu's car not far away at a glance.

Suddenly someone came in front of him. He felt that this person was a little close to him, so he couldn't help taking a step back.

 Why doesn't Jino go to study at night... This is probably because of the setting of the novel (狗头)
  I will continue to work on another book first, this one will be updated after eleven o'clock, try to be as early as possible tomorrow (Bi Xinxin)
(End of this chapter)

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