Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 37 Going to see my sister

Chapter 37 Going to see my sister
"Student, what's the matter with you?"

Jino's voice was very alienated, and the two friends around him gave him winks. This girl is quite beautiful, and it would be great if they were really together.

Looking at the two unscrupulous friends, Ji Nuo felt even more difficult.

His eyes looked to the other side from time to time, his sister was still waiting for him, he didn't want to wait here.

Ji Shu finally came here to pick him up once, how could he have the nerve to make her wait so long.

"Classmate..." Seeing that the girl hadn't spoken yet, he couldn't help but speak again.

"Student... Ji Nuo, can I have a few words with you over there?" The seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl was clean and pure, perhaps because she was shy, her face was a little red, and she looked at Ji Nuo. Nuo was a little embarrassed.

"……it is good."

Jino agreed. He originally said that he would let the two friends go back, but unexpectedly, the two of them were winking at him, and they had no intention of going back.

Ji Nuo was even more helpless, he looked at Ji Shu's car parked not far away, and walked aside with the girl.

"Xiao Yang, do you think that girl likes Ji Nuo? This is a confession, this is a confession, my God, this must be a confession."

"I think that girl looks pretty. I don't know if Jino will agree. I remember he said that he doesn't want to have a relationship right now."

This person didn't wait for Xiao Yang to reply, and continued to speak his words, "It would be a pity if this is the case. I finally saw him confessing his love to Ji Nuo with my own eyes. I am really looking forward to it."

Xiao Yang looked at his friend beside him, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"We'll find out in a while."

Now after school, there are a lot of students coming out, and there are family members to pick them up, but most of them go back by themselves, take a taxi, take a bus or ride a bicycle. These well-educated young masters and young ladies are not arrogant because of their backgrounds, nor not capricious.

Watching the people around him leave slowly, the two of them were still waiting for Ji Nuo.

It's not that they don't want to go back to do their homework early, the key is that Jino's gossip is so strange.

At this time, Jino's side.

"Student Ji Nuo, that, I want to ask you, um... Is Ji Shu your sister?" The girl blushed a little more after asking this question.

Jino looked over in surprise, the girl looked up at him, seemed embarrassed, then lowered her head again.

"Well, my name is Zheng Yao, and I'm a fan of Ji Shu." The girl suddenly remembered something, flipped through her schoolbag, took out a very clean and well-kept small bag, and took a look. All photos of Ji Shu.

"I like her very much. I...I heard that you are her younger brother. Can you bring me a signed photo?" When she said this, she never bowed her head shyly. She raised her head, very excited Looking at Jino.

The way Ji Nuo looked at her was too hot. Ji Nuo couldn't imagine it. He thought that his sister might only be a fan. He was always scolded so badly. He didn't expect that there was such a true love. pink.

Ji Nuo could see the expectation in Zheng Yao's eyes.

He thought for a while, "wait for me, I'll make a call first."

This is agreed, Zheng Yao screamed in her heart, then nodded, very well-behaved.

Ji Shu was watching happily, but unexpectedly, Ji Nuo suddenly walked aside, and then her cell phone rang.

"Xiao Nuo..."

"Sister, I met a little fan of yours, and she wants your autographed photo."

Ji Shu was surprised by this turn of events.

"Then you and her come here, I happen to be here and sign for her."

After getting Ji Shu's answer, Ji Nuo hung up the phone.

He walked to Zheng Yao's side, "Student, come with me."

"Where are you going?" the girl asked softly.

"I'll sign it for you."

Zheng Yao was also surprised for a moment, and then figured it out, it was just a question three times.

"Really? My goddess? Where is it?"

Jino asked her to whisper, "Don't tell others, I'll ask my sister to sign it for you secretly."

Zheng Yao also knew that Ji Shu had much more black fans than true love fans, so she obediently kept silent.

The two friends on the side saw the two of them and walked to the side directly. They were a little strange and followed.

"Jino, what are you going to do?" the friend who had been talking just now asked him in a low voice.

"Go see my sister."

"My God, have you met your parents so soon? Ji Nuo, you are so fast, my God, I admire you so much."

"Where did you think, she is my sister's fan, and she is here to ask for an autograph, Jin Ming, you should watch less messy things in the future."

Zheng Yao didn't listen to them very much, and she didn't know what they were talking about now. Her mind was full of thinking that she would see the goddess soon, and she was so lucky to be able to watch the goddess sign her autograph with her own eyes!

Ji Shu had already walked out, not wearing a mask, and was waving at a few children.

Of course, the happiest thing is to see a little fan soon.

Because it is rare, it is even more precious when she is hacked like this.

"Sister Ji Shu."

Zheng Yao ran over first, her little face was flushed, looking at the astonishingly beautiful goddess of hers, she couldn't even speak for a moment.

"Sister." Ji Nuo walked to her side, and then saw Grandma Ji in the car.

Grandma Ji was afraid that she would embarrass the children by coming out, so she didn't come out.

"Sister Ji Shu." Xiao Yang and Jin Ming also greeted Ji Shu.

Since the two of them grew up with Ji Nuo, they also knew Ji Shu, so they were not as shocked as Zheng Yao.

It was the first time Zheng Yao saw the idol with her own eyes, and this face shocked her.

You know, she liked Ji Shu's acting skills at first.

"Hi, kid, I'm Ji Shu."

"I know, I know."

Zheng Yao seemed to have just realized it, she quickly took out the photo, and took out a very beautiful pen.

"Sister Ji Shu, can you sign for me?"

"Of course." She then asked, "Little friend, what's your name?"

"Zheng Yao, my name is Zheng Yao, Guan Er Zheng, Tao Zhiyaoyao." She seemed to realize something, and she looked even more excited.

Ji Shu wrote on the back of the photo: I wish Zheng Yao a happy child forever.

In the back, Ji Shu also drew a small heart and a smiling face.

Zheng Yao took it, "Thank you, Sister Ji Shu."

"You're welcome." Ji Shu smiled happily.

"By the way, sister Ji Shu, I'm your acting fan."

"Sister Ji Shu, I like your role very much. Sister Ji Shu will work hard in the future!"

Ji Shu didn't expect this to be her acting fan, so she happily asked Zheng Yao, "Then which character do you like the most?"

"Zuo Leng, I like Zuo Leng the most."

(End of this chapter)

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