Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 47 Girl Heart Movie King?

Chapter 47 Girl Heart Movie King?
"Thank you." Xiao Zike sincerely thanked him, but Su Qing just gave up her years of upbringing and didn't return to him.

I'm really so angry, this little hapless bastard was taken a fancy to her, do you know it, Master is really mad to death.

Ji Shu found that Master looked at him in a very complicated way, and even smiled at him cutely.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Su Qing took a deep breath, "It's okay."


Then she continued to eat.The prawns in this shop are very delicious. Ji Shu was very happy to eat them wearing disposable gloves.

Ji Shu is very serious about eating. Although she has a bright goddess face, she is always obsessed with all kinds of snacks and meals.

It is also because she has a good physique, she is also self-disciplined in normal times, and she can run and keep fit. Otherwise, she should be a cute and beautiful little fat man now.

As a foodie, Ji Shu was extremely serious, and went further and further on this road.

She doesn't eat wildly, but is extraordinarily delicate.

Because she was taught table manners since she was a child, she doesn't eat very fast, not to mention chewing slowly, and she doesn't make a sound when eating.

Xiao Zike didn't have much appetite at first, but seeing Ji Shu eating quietly like this, he looked very cute and cute, so he couldn't help but eat more.

He attributed all this to Ji Shu's beauty and delicacy.

Just watch her eat more.

After eating, the four of them were going to Su Qing's training room.

This time, Ji Shu was in Su Qing's car.

Su Qing talked to Ji Shu while driving, looking very worried.

"Xixi, did you and that Xiao Zike know each other before?"

"Well, before he swiped and liked it, we made a phone call."

"Is that so..."

"Then what can we do?" Ji Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Master, just speak up if you have anything to say, I think it should be quite uncomfortable for you to hold back like this."

Master endured it, "That Xiao Zike, is he interested in you?"

"Why did Master say such a thing?" Ji Shu was surprised, "It's the first time I met him, you have a lot of imagination, Master?"

Ji Shu sighed, "I'm not a god, how can everyone like me, master, you just think too much."

Although Ji Shu felt that Xiao Zike was a bit talkative, he didn't think he was very interesting to him. After all, in this circle, almost everyone has a persona. Who knows if the real character behind Xiao Yingdi's persona is helpful and talkative? Woolen cloth!
Hearing what Ji Shu said, Su Qing still felt uneasy.

"Master, I have promised to practice dancing with him."

Seeing what Su Qing wanted to say, Ji Shu immediately thought of what he meant, and she said quickly.

She felt that Master really thought too much.

"OK then."

He still asked Ji Shu about dancing practice, so Su Qing stopped talking.

He suddenly felt that he was sent to the big bad wolf as a little sheep.

But looking at Ji Shu, it seems that this child is not a little sheep, he is really angry, like a little wolf cub, his temper is very grumpy.

Ji Shu didn't know what his master was thinking, he had already arrived at the place, and when Su Qing parked the car, Ji Shu got out of the car.

She didn't know if the two senior sisters were still arguing, she sighed, the two senior sisters were like children, they always had to quarrel when they were so old.

She is still the best.

Ji Xiaozi Lian. Shu praised himself in his heart.

Of course she didn't know that with Master, she was a little wolf cub, or a grumpy little wolf cub.

If she found out, she would definitely be angry.

She is so soft and cute, shouldn't she be a kitten?

When walking together, Xiao Zike silently walked to the back.

While in the car, Lu Yi spoke to him a lot of earnest words, telling him not to covet other girls so much. He is an old man who is almost 30 years old, how can he compare with a girl who is only 21 years old.

Xiao Zike was said to be old, and he was sad for a long time.

He obviously has half a year before his 27th birthday!

His fans clearly said that he looks very young!

He is obviously only five and a half years older than her...

How did he get old?
He was so tall, and he walked aggrievedly behind Ji Shu. When Ji Shu walked halfway, he looked back and was a little frightened.

She waited for Xiao Zike to come forward and walk with him.

Could it be that actor Xiao is a girl at heart, and he would feel wronged if he walked with no one to accompany him?
Looking at Su Qing and Lu Yi who were walking side by side, Ji Shu thought he knew the truth.

"Why did you come here?" Xiao Zike was a little surprised to see Ji Shu beside him suddenly, wasn't he always in front of him just now?
Ji Shu took care of Xiao Yingdi's self-esteem, so he didn't have the nerve to say he would accompany him.

"It's boring to be alone, so I'll go with you, Mr. Xiao, don't you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind." Xiao Zike shook his head repeatedly.

Because both of them were wearing masks, both of them were a bit bored when they talked.

They glanced at each other, they didn't know what they thought of, and they all laughed.

Then, the two walked side by side.

Along the way, the two of them didn't say a few words. Ji Shu had nothing to say, and Xiao Zike felt that the atmosphere was very good. If he suddenly said something and made the two of them embarrassed, it would be bad. .

That way, it's fine.

When we arrived at the training room upstairs, several brothers and sisters hadn't started training yet, so they gathered around and didn't know what to say.

Ji Shu had already left Xiao Zike's place and walked over.

"Bad girl, I saw you drinking coke again." The gentle-looking senior sister came over and whispered to her.

Ji Shu closed his mouth and didn't speak.

"That's right, bad girl, how many times have I told you, but you still drink Coke all the time, and tell you that it's bad, why don't you obey me." Wei Ling also came over and said in a low voice.

Because Su Qing and Lu Yi were talking at the side, Xiao Zike stood where he was, and only the three of them heard these words.

Xiao Zike could clearly see that the backs of the girls seemed a little sad. Looking at the appearance of the two girls, he probably guessed that she might be being taught a lesson.

"Master prepared it for me." Ji Shu objected in a very low voice.

"So Master is also wrong, we will tell Master, you bad girl, you always eat junk food, don't you know it's bad for your health?"

Ji Shu was wronged and sad, "I like to eat...and drink."

"If you like it, you can't drink it so often. I told you it was good or bad. Be good, little bad girl." Wei Ling comforted her.

Ji Shu flattened his mouth, "Oh."

At worst, drink it somewhere other than the training room.

Alas, she will be in the training room often soon, she is so pitiful, she will have no Coke for a long time.

Ji Shu sighed a little in his heart, the two senior sisters reconciled, but she seemed to be in a terrible situation.

Woo~ Coke!


(End of this chapter)

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