Chapter 48 Salted Fish
"By the way, the one who came in with you, is that Xiao Zike?" Wei Ling suddenly asked her in a low voice, looking at Xiao Zike who was in another place.

He had already taken off his mask, was wearing a white shirt and simple trousers, and a pair of simple casual shoes on his feet.

The skin is cold and fair, and all the facial features are exquisite.

"Well, I want to cooperate with him, because there is a dance scene, so he came to learn." Ji Shu summed it up very simply.

Ji Shu listened to Wei Ling's words and turned his head to look at Xiao Zike, meeting Xiao Zike's eyes, Xiao Zike showed her a shallow smile.

Ji Shu froze for a moment, then smiled back at him.

"Didn't you say that Xiao Yingdi is quite aloof? I think he treats you very well. Ji Xiaoshu, have you known each other before?" Wei Ling asked in a low voice.

"Before, he mistakenly praised him when he met him. This time, Master and his manager, Mr. Lu, are friends and introduced me to play a role."

"Then are you going to come here more often?" the gentle-looking senior sister said excitedly.

She first worshiped Su Qing as her teacher, and her name was Lin Nuan.

The name is warm and the appearance is gentle, but the temperament is completely different.

Ji Shu nodded, "Yes."

"By the way, why does Master want me to go with you for this public performance?"

Su Qing had already said this before, and all the brothers and sisters knew about it.

Lin Nuan nodded her head, "You bad girl, isn't Master doing it for you?"

Ji Shu tilted his head.

"It seems that some celebrities in the dance world were invited to that performance. Master probably wants to strengthen your reputation."

"But I don't need it." Ji Shu was even more confused, "Do I still need fame?"

"Even if you want to be a salted fish, you have to be a salted fish with dreams." Wei Ling patted her on the shoulder with a helpless expression.

"Aren't senior sister and senior brother going?"

"We also had work during that time, and we didn't need to go to such occasions."

"That's right, Lin Nuan, I, and the other seniors don't need this kind of opportunity anymore. We have established our foothold in the dance world, and you are the only one left to be a carefree little salted fish."

Ji Shu blinked, she thought Xianyu was pretty good, she really wanted to be a salted fish, but she was really not a salted fish, she was so busy all day long.

In fact, Wei Ling and Lin Nuan felt that their master might just want Ji Shu to have something to do. She just entered the entertainment circle and had so many troubles. Everyone didn't want her to stay in that circle all the time.

Since she agreed to Master, she will definitely work hard for this performance, so that she can gradually fade away in the circle.

But, why did Ji Shu say that Master introduced a character to her this time?
Doesn't Master dislike letting her go to film?
Su Qing and Lu Yi only discussed for a while, Xiao Zike stood on the side casually, not feeling bored, and occasionally looked around.

This is the second floor of the office building that Su Qing bought just after accepting his apprentices. There are two large training rooms, each with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, and several smaller training rooms.There is also a lounge for everyone, as well as a kitchenette and gym.

Everyone is used to training here, and they are also very happy to train with the brothers and sisters. Even if they have enough status, they still come here to train as often as before. Su Qing will come to teach them when he has time.

Not far away, Ji Shu's brothers all looked curiously at the actor who came here out of nowhere.

 I don't know why the collection is getting less and less. It's quite sad. I really hope that the stories I write can be liked by more people.

  Then, from today onwards, I won’t write [-] words every day, and I will spend as much time as possible every day. However, my other article is still being serialized, and it will be finished in the past two months. I want to organize my thoughts more. There are still classes and homework every day. I don't know how much I can write every day. In order not to slap my face, let me say it first today. (I'm really sorry that there is a little cutie who is still waiting for the update)

  Not complaining (just wondering, I recommended it for almost a week and the collection is less than [-])
  Here, I also want to say thank you to the little cuties who have been reading this story and like this story. As long as you like it all the time, we will grow up with it (it will never be updated, let me express my emotion)
  In addition, most of them used to be [-] words per update. In the future, I will update [-] words or [-] words. [-] words seems to be more chapters, but it is about the same as [-] words.

  I don’t know what to say, I will write the next update after I finish my homework, it will still be very late today, I can come back tomorrow morning for my little cutie (Bi Xinxin, I love you guys!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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